ET-Z1,275/65 letter
British Library
[Undated] From Elena Mama [Elena Meo] to Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. News of ill health and no money for chemists or doctors; asks for material and boots; difficulties of daily life.
British Library
[Undated] From Elena Mama [Elena Meo] to Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. News of ill health and no money for chemists or doctors; asks for material and boots; difficulties of daily life.
British Library
[23 February 1906] From Malcolm M. McHardy to Niss Ellen Terry. He sends belated birthday greetings; journey to New Orleans by steam ship; mentions [Henry Irving].
British Library
[27 August] From Jean Sterling Mackinlay to Ellen Terry. She gives permission to quote from a letter of her mother's and corrects spelling of Mackinlay.
British Library
[16 August 1914] From Nellie [Dame Melba] to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. Everyone enjoyed her visit; invites her to visit whenever she needs a rest.
British Library
[23 May] From D. W. Probyn to Mrs Carew [Ellen Terry]. He passed her letter of condolence to the Queen and sends thanks for her condolences.
British Library
[25 February 1916] From Bertram Remsbery to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He sends birthday wishes; explains he was the wireless operator on Minnetonka who kept the secret of the happy event in America.
British Library
[2 June 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She mentions business arrangements for writing articles, McClure, Pearson's and asks for an advance on wages.
British Library
[1 May 1891] From C. S. [Clement Scott] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He writes a very complimentary review of her performance that night as the Queen.
British Library
[3 November 1891] From Evelyn Shaw to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She sends thanks for her kind letter, mentions possibly being out of work, and offers to visit.
British Library
[3 August 1890] From [Unknown] [George Bernard Shaw] to Sweet lady [Ellen Terry]. He sends news, mentions the Rialto, Edy [Edith Craig]; sonnet written on reverse.