ET-Z1,453 letter
British Library
[Undated] From John Sinclair to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He mentions the Professor, Mr Gladstone, Edward [Gordon Craig] and Miss Bateman, referring to the responsibility of marriage.
British Library
[Undated] From John Sinclair to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He mentions the Professor, Mr Gladstone, Edward [Gordon Craig] and Miss Bateman, referring to the responsibility of marriage.
British Library
[30 May] From Tom Taylor to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. A detailed letter about work, mentioning Laura, Mrs B, Bancroft, his views on various actors' performances. Letter continues in the margins
British Library
[23 September] From Herbert Beerbohm Tree to Ellen Terry. He sends thanks and wishes her well; mentions Viola's good performance in The Tempest.
British Library
[6 July] From H. B. T. [Herbert Beerbohm Tree] to Ellen Terry. He invites her to another rehearsal tomorrow before he leaves London.
British Library
[Undated] From Herbt Beerbohm Tree [Herbert Beerbohm Tree] to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He writes agreeing to do with pleasure what she wishes.
British Library
[7 July 1887] From Theodore Watts to Mrs Wardell [Ellen Terry]. He writes describing a letter received with £100 for Mrs Campbell; offers to call on her and expresses admiration.
British Library
[19 May 1890] From W. G. Wills to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He has written the first draft [of unnamed text] but the transcribed copy is with the typewriter.
British Library
[3 November 1894] From William Winter to Nell [Ellen Terry]. He writes with love and admiration for her. They sail on the Britannic from Liverpool on Wednesday 14 November at 4pm.
British Library
[6 December 1919] From Craig [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. 'Much better progressing well'; annotated 'received from Ted in London 3rd July 1919'.
British Library
[Undated] From Mama [Elena Meo] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She asks for permission for Broom to go to 215 [King's Road] to get basket, coffee pot and cutlery to send.