ET-Z4,014 postcard
British Library
[4 August 1905] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He is going to an Italian lake to rest; illustration of seventeenth-century costume in Dresden museum.
British Library
[4 August 1905] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He is going to an Italian lake to rest; illustration of seventeenth-century costume in Dresden museum.
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. He reports on a wonderful Egyptian museum, superior to the British Museum, and promises to send her drawings or photographs; illustration of Leiden Ac...
British Library
[22 June 1905] From [Unknown] [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. He reports on having dined at old school with professors of whom he has a low opinion; illustration of Heidelberg.
British Library
[Undated] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. He describes the history of the commedia del'arte, listing where all the masks come from with annotations on map of Italy.
British Library
[22 December 1910] From Ted [[Edward Gordon]] [Craig]] to Ellen Terry. He quotes Walt Whitman on architecture deriving from perspective of viewer; The Mask is forthcoming; illustration of temple at Segesto.
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] [Edward Gordon Craig] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. Notes and opinions, including comment on the danger of socialism; illustration of Via San Leonardo, Florence; annotation of location of his former hou...
British Library
[10 October 19] From Nenny [Nelly Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She sends love and reports that Edward Gordon Craig is much better; illustration of Rapallo from the sea.
British Library
[Undated] Illustration of Ellen Terry and Henry Irving at Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool; on reverse, two reviews of the Lyceum Company and Edward Gordon Craig at...
British Library
[July 1935] Detailed account of Ellen Terry's career and character, mentioning Henry Irving, Graham Robertson, her attitude to gossip; some text marked and a sect...
British Library
[May 1911] Memories of Ellen Terry, mentioning William Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley; with poem; annotated 'Tributes'; illustrations of Mary Roberts Rinehart and Mr...