SC22-A4 letter, draft copy
British Library
[4 August 1910] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Sir. She writes for a correction to be printed in this week's News: that her forthcoming lecture tour of America and Canada is not associated with women's...
British Library
[4 August 1910] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Sir. She writes for a correction to be printed in this week's News: that her forthcoming lecture tour of America and Canada is not associated with women's...
British Library
[29 January 1913] From Andrews & Hitch to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Sets out plans for sale by auction at Town Hall of 16 Battersea Rise and terms of commission.
British Library
[27 March 1913] From Stanley J. Barnes to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Reports on potential buyer for 16 Battersea Rise at £300. Heavily annotated, draft response.
British Library
[28 January 1914] From Geering & Colyer to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Asks whether Tower Cottage has been sold for £4500 and offers to sell furniture if necessary.
British Library
[24 March 1914] From [Unknown] to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Following instructions will pay sum of £25 to Mary Grey Limited and others as required. Annotated on reverse.
British Library
[15 June 1914] From Geering & Colyer to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Reports on Mr Royce's offer to rent the Farm, Smallhythe for four guineas a week for three months.
British Library
[18 June 1915] From Geering & Colyer to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Mr Royce wants to rent the Farm, Smallhythe from 26 June; references have been sought.
British Library
[Undated] From Paul Cooper to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He makes suggestions about improvements to the dining room, mentioning panelling, the fireplace; Winchelsea.
British Library
[29 April 1911] From William Dawes & Co. to Mrs James Carew [Ellen Terry]. Collection of tithe, Town Hall Rye.
British Library
[21 April 1910] From William Dawes & Co. to Mrs J. Carew [Ellen Terry]. Collection of tithe, Town Hall Rye.