ET-Z2,015 letter
British Library
[14 January] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She thanks her for the invitation but the children have a birthday; trip to the Indians at Battersea Park; Dorothy; Lyceum Theatre.
British Library
[14 January] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She thanks her for the invitation but the children have a birthday; trip to the Indians at Battersea Park; Dorothy; Lyceum Theatre.
British Library
[3 August] From Nellen [Ellen Terry] to Chick [Miss N. Cassella]. She tells her to stay on at the Farm as long as she likes; Ellen is going to Westminster to stay with Alix Egerton.
British Library
[Undated] From Gandy [Ellen Terry] to Sweetest Polixanina [Pauline Chase]. She thanks her for looking after Bertha and sends a cheque for the money she lent; mentions Jim [James Carew].
British Library
[Undated] From Gandy [Ellen Terry] to Darling [Pauline Chase]. She thanks her for the worked bag; asks about how she liked doing Peter.
British Library
[1906] From M. E. Bancroft [Lady Bancroft] to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. She wishes her success for next Saturday (Jubilee); her son George is in Monte Carlo.
British Library
[11 June] From J. M. Barrie to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. He describes play he has written for her with charwoman role, possibly to put on at the Coliseum after smaller venue.
British Library
[23 November 1909] From Charles Cruikshank to Miss Ellen Terry. Invitation as member of committee for Irving Memorial fund to view a model of statue at Thomas Brock's studio.
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She is off to Heidelberg to visit Edith [Craig]; she promises to get the boy a seat and see him on his train; mentions Margaret and Auntie.
British Library
[20 June] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Bertha Bramley]. She is on tour with Edy [Edith Craig], playing in Edinburgh, Harrow School and the provinces reading Macbeth; asks after Basil.
British Library
[Undated] From Ellen Terry to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She is ill and has not worked for four nights and could not hear Henry Irving speak at Oxford where he was honoured and dined with the Vice Chancellor...