ET-Z1,275/68 letter
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Elena Meo] to Mama [Ellen Terry]. She sends thanks for cheque, cake from Birmingham; hopes she feels better; flowers from Madam Strindberg at Savoy Hotel.
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Elena Meo] to Mama [Ellen Terry]. She sends thanks for cheque, cake from Birmingham; hopes she feels better; flowers from Madam Strindberg at Savoy Hotel.
British Library
[29 January] From Nell to Granny [Ellen Terry]. Edie Gwynne, Bland Suttons, Jim [James Carew], Ted [Edward Gordon Craig], Uncle Charley; concern about weather and bank.
British Library
[13 May 1916] From Lillah [Lillah Macarthy] to Ellen Terry. About rehearsal call for Wednesday for Sir James Barrie's The Admirable Crichton charity matinee.
British Library
[27 July] From Malmesbury [Lord Malmesbury] to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. He mentions the Bill passed in the House of Lords but not yet through House of Commons to stop 'these pernicious circulars'.
British Library
[17 October 1905] From Compton Reade to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He sends his condolences on death of Henry Irving, referring to Charles Reade, Tom Taylor and the part of Bob Brierly.
British Library
[25 June 1906] From Foska Szigertz to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He writes thanking her for her autograph and sends his photograph, referring to himself as a Hungarian boy admirer.
British Library
[19 July 1906] From Franklin Thomason to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He sends the jubilee celebration album and hopes she will eventually donate it to the Bristol Museum.
British Library
[7 July 1883] From H. Vezin [Hermann Vezin] to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. He praises her acting in Act II, mentioning her white dress and angelic appearance.
British Library
[19 July 1883] From [Unknown] [G. F. Watts] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He mentions arrangements for the painting to be taken to Longridge Road, acknowledges difficulties with regard to communications between them and hope...
British Library
[7 September 1896] From Stanley White to Lady Ellen [Ellen Terry]. He mentions Mr Bendall and Metropolitan Club, watching race all night.