ET-Z1,588 letter
British Library
[Undated] From Oscar [Oscar Wilde] to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. He thanks her for box and writes in admiration; looks forward to watching her performance and refers to her grace and artistry.
British Library
[Undated] From Oscar [Oscar Wilde] to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. He thanks her for box and writes in admiration; looks forward to watching her performance and refers to her grace and artistry.
British Library
[27 August 1890] From W. G. Wills to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He thanks her for her letter and mentions that he has not been to the sea or country that year.
British Library
[28 January 1906] From William Winter to Nell [Ellen Terry]. He sends tribute to Henry Irving's memory and mentions that other deaths in 1905 included his John and Jefferson.
British Library
[25 April 1907] From William Winter to Nell [Ellen Terry]. A farewell letter, expressing doubts that he will visit England again at age 71 and unlikely to live long. He refers to the death of Henry [Irving].
British Library
[Undated] From Ysette to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Correspondent reassures her regarding unspecified stupid people and that he/she will maintain health regarding rehearsals; mentions comedy.
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] to [Unknown]. Correspondent confides in Ellen Terry about feelings for another unnamed woman, possibly an actress, whom s/he has seen in the Room frequented also by...
British Library
[Undated] From Elena [Elena Meo] to Carina Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. Worries about money and debts and reference to a charge of irritability from unnamed party which she refutes strongly.
British Library
[23 May 1912] From Nell [Elena Meo] to Ellen Terry. A two-page letter marked Sunday 3 June included in same envelope; mentions cottage accommodation and letters which have not arrived.
British Library
[2 December] From Elena [Elena Meo] to Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. Nine pairs of shoes to be mended, walking nine miles to town since few trains; Ted is away.
British Library
[11 October 1918] From [Unknown] [Elena Meo] to Carissima Madre [Ellen Terry]. Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] wants Henry Irving's and Bernard Shaw's letters; news of children.