NT/SMA/PH/3020 Photograph
Smallhythe Place
[31 August 1915] Ellen Terry and cast in aid of the Franciscan Church building fund
Smallhythe Place
[31 August 1915] Ellen Terry and cast in aid of the Franciscan Church building fund
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Nell Higson to Edy [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry, commenting on articles about Ellen Terry by men who never saw her act and did not mention her performanc...
British Library
[19 November 1908] From George P. Bancroft to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He thanks her on behalf of his father for her offer of donation of books to library; he has already given his copy of The Story of My Life to the libr...
British Library
[23 December] From Beatrice [Beatrice Harraden] to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She thanks her for gift of book, [possibly The Story of My Life], for the book sale which raised £176; offers to send a luxury edition of Ships; her n...
British Library
[30 September 1895] From Miss F. Ethel Maye, c/o Clarkson Jones to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. She thanks her for seats for a matinee of [The Merchant of Venice] and mentions Sir Henry [Irving's] performance as Jew; Daisy's reaction to Ellen Ter...
British Library
[22 September 1905] From Kate Reece to Madam [Ellen Terry]. She has ordered powder puffs; has not heard from Lynn [Fontanne] about blouse length, offering to send it to 215 [King's Road]. She has been away at C...
British Library
[30 December] From Graham [Graham Robertson] to My dear [Ellen Terry]. He and Ben send best wishes for the new year; he hopes she did not mind him giving her address to Gordon Bottomley. He refers to newspaper report of E...
British Library
[26 July 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to Gandy [Ellen Terry]. She writes about arrangements for visit; Olive renting cottage for August; Edy [Edith Craig] waiting for false teeth; has written new introduction to...
British Library
[23 December] From Laura W. Taylor to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. She sends New Year greetings and has sent pack of Shakespearean Twelfth Night characters for Edy [Edith Craig] and Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to play w...
British Library
[3 October 1883] From J. L. Toole to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He wishes her well for her voyage to America; would like to be her cabin boy; he is sorry that she has been unwell and offers a box for her children a...