ET-Z1,583a letter
British Library
[16 February 1915] From John E. Weeks M. D. to Miss Ellen Terry. He recommends Mr Holmes Spicer to treat her eyesight; mentions marconigram gift from clergyman.
British Library
[16 February 1915] From John E. Weeks M. D. to Miss Ellen Terry. He recommends Mr Holmes Spicer to treat her eyesight; mentions marconigram gift from clergyman.
British Library
[8 September 1899] From [Unknown] [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown]. She encloses some woodcut prints made by her son [Edward Gordon Craig], encouraging addressee to mention them to friends to solicit orders; forthcomin...
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] [Elena Meo] to Carina [Ellen Terry]. Very hot; only just received letter sent from Manchester on December 10th.
British Library
[May 1912] From Ted, Nell, Teddy, Nellie [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. News of family and of possible work; advises her to rest; refers to her having a nurse.
British Library
[7 September] From [Unknown] [Elena Meo] to Carissima Madre [Ellen Terry]. She asks for her to write to Italian ambassador about sending basket; without servants; mentions Broom, Annie asking for money and servants generally.
British Library
[October 1917] From T. N. E. [Elena Meo] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. News from Paris, full of people and food more than peace time; marked 'recd 29 Oct 17'.
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Elena Meo] to Madre [Ellen Terry]. She is in need of conversation; dull country folk; Nelly [Craig] outgrowing pink Selfridges' dress.
British Library
[Undated] From Old Mama Nell [Elena Meo] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She asks for woollens; cookery book; whether basket was sent as there has been a postal strike; mentions Rosie's baby and Marge.
British Library
[Undated] From Teddyboy [Edward Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. He refers to her correction regarding capitalising the word God, presumably in his previous letter; sends flowers from garden.
British Library
[Undated] From Nenny [Nelly Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She asks about Gwenn Richardson, Marjory, Tom Heslewood; Betty Shore; measles; English dog like David; scorpion; promises to send lace.