SC22-B122 letter
British Library
[30 June 1913] From W. T. Smith & Son to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Explains that their inventory for Tower Cottage is not useful and asks for name of new tenant. Heavily annotated with draft note.
British Library
[30 June 1913] From W. T. Smith & Son to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Explains that their inventory for Tower Cottage is not useful and asks for name of new tenant. Heavily annotated with draft note.
British Library
[16 December 1905] From Walter Cave to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He explains that the work being carried out by Nunn will not be completed by Christmas, advises her to delay her visit and reports that the mortar is...
British Library
[25 June 1915] From Geering & Colyer to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Encloses letter from Mr Royce's solicitors regarding changes to tenancy agreement at the Farm, Smallhythe [SC22-B149]; inventory will be completed tod...
British Library
[Undated] From Paul Cooper to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He will send the estimate and contract for signature, advising on work to be done to the roof; he mentions floods and bad weather and sympathises abou...
British Library
[18 January 1922] From [Unknown] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She mentions Teddy [Edward Craig] and Papa [Edward Gordon Craig] in Amsterdam; Teddy Boy has influenza; illustration of arch at Volterra; annotation m...
British Library
[15 April] Admission to the pit reduced from 2/6d to 2s; why Ellen Terry went into managing; boy pages instead of girls; Edward Gordon Craig as stage manager and...
British Library
[26 November 1931] George Bernard Shaw letters. Renewed interest in Ellen Terry Memorial Fund; plans to purchase Smallhythe; £2,700 raised so far; Lady Maud Warrender, S...
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Illustrations of Mrs Charles Kean as Hermione, Mr William Poel, and the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sir Squire and Lady Bancroft; Ellen Terry as Camma, G...
British Library
[October 1912] From Ellen Carew [Ellen Terry] to Mr Cruttenden. She confirms that he is to start work on the cottage next week; annotated with a note from EC [Edith Craig].
British Library
[6 November 1894] From Paul Cooper to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He encloses a drawing of the roof with detailed suggestions of building work to [the Farm at Smallhythe], including plaster panels around fireplace.