ET-Z1,129 letter
British Library
[23 November 1896] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She outlines plots of two plays, one on Mrs Norton and the other on Lady Waldegrave; ill health has prevented her from going to theatre.
British Library
[23 November 1896] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She outlines plots of two plays, one on Mrs Norton and the other on Lady Waldegrave; ill health has prevented her from going to theatre.
British Library
[1897] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. The School for Saints is now to be serialised by syndicate in USA; action now from 1859-71; features Disraeli; would like to see her grandchild.
British Library
[25 November 1925] From George R. I. to Dame Ellen Terry. Thanks for condolences; in red decorative envelope made from paper stamped Giulio Giavanni, Firenze; includes another telegram, ET-Z1,1004.
British Library
[13 January] From Nell, Nelly, Teddy [Elena Meo] to Cara Madre [Ellen Terry]. News of press coverage; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] in Moscow then Wiemar and Paris; Spencer Watsons wanted children as cherubs in a play.
British Library
[13 January 1915] From Nell [Elena Meo] to Mother [Ellen Terry]. Amie Lowther, Majorie Mumford, Frank Palgrave, Mr Devries and Nino's engagement; concerned about Ted's [Edward Gordon Craig's] reputation.
British Library
[4 October 1892] From Mary, Duchess of Teck to [Unknown]. She replies to Ellen Terry's message of condolence on the death of the Duke of Clarence; asks her to befriend Gilberta Wilmot who wants to work on the...
British Library
[Undated] From Mrs Jane Nash, formerly Jane Briston to Madam [Ellen Terry]. A letter from a fan, offering hospitality at her house; mentions having met her at the door of the Court.
British Library
[31 May 1891] From C. L. Reade to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He thanks her on behalf of his cousins for yesterday's treat, complimenting her on her performance, comparing hers with that of Miss Ward.
British Library
[5 November 1896] From Edw Rose [Edward Rose] to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He asks to read his play Queen O'Scots to her and compliments her on her Imogen.
British Library
[15 June 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She encloses memorandum agreement; asks for £40 for work already done; starting on McClure's article; can wait for payment for Children Lecture.