ET-Z2,100 letter, incomplete British Library [1906] From [Unknown] [Ellen Terry] to Sweet Paulette [Pauline Chase]. She encloses her yearly contribution to the Guild and mentions Miss Jardine and Miss Alston who will explain what is required: making a couple of chil...
ET-Z2,102 letter British Library [29] From Gandy [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Pauline Chase]. Invitation to see Captain Brassbound's Conversion and describes a luncheon with Mr Coleridge, Edy [Edith Craig] and Miss Marshall [Christopher St John...
ET-Z2,137 letter British Library [May] From Nellen Fitzdoodle [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Pauline Chase]. She asks if she can stay for a few days at Farnham Common at the end of the month; going to the country with Edie Gwynne; painful right arm.
ET-Z2,150a letter British Library [23 May 1885] From Ellen Terry to Mr Georgie Coleman. She declines dinner invitation but asks to whom she should send her £20 donation for the Charles Reade Memorial Fund; Mr Molloy and Peg Woffington.
ET-Z2,154 letter British Library [Undated] From Mum [Ellen Terry] to Darling. She sends a rose and wishes [correspondent] well in Hastings; dined with Ben; Edy [Edith Craig] looked nice last night; Edy [Edith Craig] will underst...
ET-Z2,221 letter British Library [February 1896] From Ellen Terry to William Padgett. She discusses the decorating and lighting of an unnamed house; she mentions USA, the southern cities and the tendency to use bright lighting; sketch o...
ET-Z2,229e letter British Library [3 April 1887] From Ellen Terry to Mr Compton Reade. She thanks him for two books, [probably Charles Reade's memoirs]; she is about to leave for Heidelberg to see daughter [Edith Craig] for two days.
ET-Z2,231 letter, copy British Library [20 September 1908] From A. Hutchinson to Miss Marshall [Christopher St John]. Advises that there should be a firm agreement in time for the Christmas issue of Ellen Terry's Lectures and advises she see Mr McClure before he sails...
ET-Z2,270 letter British Library [Undated] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to May [May Whitty]. She confirms that Sir John Williams will see May Whitty on returning from the Duchess of York, Sandringham; mentions the lift.
ET-Z2,282 letter British Library [11 April] From E.T. [Ellen Terry] to May [May Webster]. She hopes to be at Drury Lane on 2 May and authorises the use of her name in advertising the occasion, providing she is not expected to speak; refers...