ET-Z2,387 letter British Library [10 October 1913] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. She had to leave performance early so only Mlle B was presented; instructs word to be left about trellis from Selfridges; annotated letter written on...
ET-Z4,010 postcard British Library [Undated] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. His private view exhibition is on Friday 16 June including [Eleanora] Duse's scene and costumes, Venice Preserv'd and Hamlet; illustration of children...
ET-Z4,040 postcard British Library [30 November 1910] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. Quotes Byron on Florence, Dante and Scipio; recommends she read J. A. Symonds' Memoirs of Carlo Gozzi; illustration of Giotto's portrait of Dante.
ET-Z4,046 postcard British Library [August 1926] From Ted and Nell [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. He arrived safely; Edy [Edith Craig] left for Bath; HBT [Herbert Beerbohm Tree] matter going well; mentions exhibition; illustration of Italian Rivier...
ET-Z4,053 postcard British Library [Undated] From EGC [Edward Gordon Craig] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. Fragment of letter; mentions theatrical production, Petruccio and modern play from Russia or Scandinavia would offer suitable part; hopes the building...
ET-Z4,087 letter British Library [19 January 1895] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Mother [Ellen Terry]. Thanks her for the Era and hopes for an engagement; problems with smoke from fire; suggestions for repair of the chair for Winchelsea, painted in crea...
ET-Z4,131 letter British Library [25 April 1912] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Mother [Ellen Terry]. About his legal case with Tree on 7 May in London and asks for a loan of c.£100; plans to stay with Teddy [Edward Craig] in Chelsea.
HIL-B1 card British Library [Undated] From Henry Irving to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. Ten Christmas cards signed by Henry Irving; one with printed greeting. On envelope, 'Madame Sans-Gene from her Lieutenant 27 Feb 1877 [illegible]' is...
SC11-B6 letter ("Lines to the People's Actress [sic]") British Library [Undated] From Arthur Irving Martyn to Madam [Ellen Terry]. He encloses his poem dedicated to her and hopes that her eyesight has improved; annotated 'Answered EGS'.
SC22-B121 letter British Library [30 June 1913] From Geering & Colyer to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Arrangements for Mrs Mitchell's tenancy of Tower Cottage; mentions Mrs Beale and obtaining inventory from Mr Smith. Refers to enclosure. [SC22-B120].