ET-D2203 letter
British Library
[17 January 1913] From F. Sidgwick to Miss Edith Craig. He sets out the terms of the agreement for publication of Ellen Terry's articles on The Russian Ballet with [Pamela] Colman Smith's drawings.
British Library
[17 January 1913] From F. Sidgwick to Miss Edith Craig. He sets out the terms of the agreement for publication of Ellen Terry's articles on The Russian Ballet with [Pamela] Colman Smith's drawings.
British Library
[14 January 1913] From [Unknown] [Edith Craig] to F. Sidgwick. [Ellen] Terry rejects the offer to purchase her copyright in the Russian Ballet articles illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith's drawings but is open to...
British Library
[15 May 1907] From Peter Keary to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He acknowledges her instructions to alter the copy as he likes but expresses dissatisfaction that she did not give him a brief explanation; marked 'pr...
British Library
[9 June 1891] From J. W. Arrowsmith to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He refers to arrangements for the printing of her book of memories, mentioning the terms for [Jerome K.] Jerome's Three Men in a Boat.
British Library
[28 January 1908] From A. P. Watt to Mr Hutchinson. He sets out the terms of the postponement of publication of Ellen Terry's book, that £1700 advance royalty payment be made; McClure will publish the A...
British Library
[9 August 1927] From George Blake to Miss Edith Craig. He will contact Watt & Son about the reissuing of chapters from Dame Ellen [Terry's] autobiography.
British Library
[10 October 1906] From Peter Keary to Watt [A. P. Watt]. He agrees to the conditions set out in the letter of 5 October 1906 for publication of Ellen Terry's Recollections.
British Library
[8 November 1910] Civic Forum Lecture Bureau. American tour. Twentieth Century Club. Two further performances 14th November 1910 and 18th January 1911.
British Library
[Undated] From Dr and Mrs Barnes to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Franklin Dyall to Edith Craig. Very brief letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.