SC9-O2 card
British Library
[Undated] Scene from play with Ellen Terry as Volumnia and Henry Irving as Coriolanus. Drawn by Balliol Salmon.
British Library
[Undated] Scene from play with Ellen Terry as Volumnia and Henry Irving as Coriolanus. Drawn by Balliol Salmon.
British Library
[Undated] "The Vikings at Helgeland". By [Henrik Ibsen]. Mrs Marshall's Typewriting Office. Inscribed 'Ellen Terry'; annotated throughout with notes.
British Library
[Undated] "The Vikings". By [Henrik Ibsen]. Mrs Marshall's Typewriting Office. Signed Miss Ellen Terry, Imperial Theatre; annotated throughout.
British Library
[Undated] "Mistress of the Robes". Annotated 'The Property of Miss Ellen Terry=215- King's Road Chelsea London' on cover and throughout
Smallhythe Place
[September 1908] Article by Ellen Terry, From Lewis Carroll to Bernard Shaw, pp. 565 - 576. Illustrated.
British Library
[4 December 1924] From [Unknown] [H. A. Gwynne] to Sirs. Forthcoming payment to [Ellen] Terry from Miss Watson's legacy.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Ellen Terry as Olivia, standing and Henry Irving as the Vicar, seated reading a book, in costume.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Ellen Terry and [Edward] Gordon Craig in costume in Nance Oldfield, standing reading.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Ellen Terry as Ellaline, head and shoulders, in costume, wearing a heart shaped necklace.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Ellen Terry as Margaret, in costume, standing reading near a chair, seen from behind.