ET-5,083 letter British Library [3 January 1910] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. She describes the New Year's party at the George Lewis's with the Casellas and Carrs; she and Jim [James Carew] have had no work; mentions Stephen, Gi...
ET-5,099 letter British Library [22 September 1910] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She mentions the death of Mrs Kalisch and asks for Connie's address so that she can send condolences; mentions planned visit to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball...
ET-5,103 letter British Library [22 November 1910] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. She encloses cuttings; mentions Fred and his wife; seeing Willie Winter today; her lectures have been a great success but she is tired.
ET-5,128 letter British Library [12 December 1911] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boozie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She has problems reading because of her eyesight; Amy W[ard] is in Bournemouth; Little Doris is gifted and comments on her potential as a performer; m...
ET-5,142 letter British Library [17 March 1913] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She attended Johnston [Forbes] Robertson's public dinner; mentions his farewell performances at Drury Lane; Laurence Irving is more like his father th...
ET-5,211 letter British Library [2 February 1912] From Ellen Terry to Nell [Nelly Powell]. She is glad to hear that Boo [Elizabeth Rumball] is better; invites Nellie [Powell] to stay in London while Jim [James Carew] is away; mentions Mrs Ho...
ET-Z1,022 letter British Library [27 May 1889] From Ethel [Ethel Arnold] to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She is very lonely; praises Lady Macbeth and discusses morality; her sister, a Spanish scholar, recommends Calderon's plays for the Lyceum; Helen.
ET-Z1,117 letter on visiting card British Library [Undated] From J. O. H. [Pearl Mary Craigie] to Nell [Ellen Terry]. Leaving for New York but expect to meet in England later in the year; may go to Rome for spring and London at beginning of June.
ET-Z1,125 letter British Library [Undated] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She sends thanks for tickets for Sir Henry [Irving]'s lecture; Henry M. Field; Moore engagement; Janotha; Harry Irving and Dorothea Baird.
ET-Z1,127 letter, original and typed copy British Library [3 January 1896] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. Working on new play set in 1830-50, to be finished by end of April; critical of Ben Webster's acting; general comments on dramatic dialogue.