ET-Z2,347 letter British Library [Undated] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. Her eyes are bad; thanks her and Chris [Christopher St John] for birthday presents, head wrap and bag; invites them to the Coronet on 25th; asks where...
ET-Z2,350 letter British Library [Undated] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. She asks for a delicate chain for The Amber Heart; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] looks thin; Rosy looked like Phyllis; Bob is well and wants to go to Amer...
ET-Z2,352 letter British Library [24 December] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. She is concerned about a young woman, cited as Titania, in love with a man for four years who has now gone to Australia; mentions Teddy [Edward Craig]...
ET-Z2,361 letter, copy British Library [7 July 1910] From [Unknown] [Ellen Terry] to Edy [Edith Craig] or Chris [Christopher St John]. Instructions about printing from Allen of Leicester St; shiny paper is detestable; proportion is wrong; too expensive.
ET-Z2,377 letter fragment British Library [Undated] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. She mentions Little Patti in Leeds; Cissie Loftus; bought table; asks if cottage is unused; send mushrooms to 2 Acombe St, Manchester where she is nex...
ET-Z4,013 postcard British Library [17 July 1905] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Mother [Ellen Terry]. He asks for Lady Colin C's address and any others who might be interested in his new book; mentions possible work next May; illustration of Heidelberg...
ET-Z4,102 letter British Library [1906] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Mummy [Ellen Terry]. He is collecting more prefaces for the Dutch edition of book; mentions his friend Verhade; mentions Bauer, Van Looyy, Voorman whom he admires.
ET-Z4,106 letter British Library [12 August 1908] From Ted [[Edward Gordon] [Craig]] to [Unknown] [[Ellen] [Terry]]. He asks her to write on realism and the actor, criticising Charles Reade, urging her to take a stand either for or against realism; mentions De Quesne...
ET-Z4,112 letter British Library [4 October 1908] From [Unknown] [Edward Gordon Craig] to Mother [Ellen Terry]. He is working with Tree designing sets; Yvette Guilbert is to bring The Mask out in French; criticism of Miss Marshall [Christopher St John]; letter p...
ET-Z4,117 letter British Library [16 November 1908] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Mother [Ellen Terry]. Complains of loneliness in Moscow; training at Moscow Art Theatre is thorough; mentions Isadora [Duncan]; encloses a small sealed empty envelope; sket...