ET-D2338 letter British Library [13 August 1907] From A. P. Watt to Miss Marshall [Christopher St John]. He acknowledges receipt of chapters 14 to 17 of [Ellen] Terry's Recollections and has asked for proofs to be sent by Pearson to her for correction.
ET-D2381 letter, copy British Library [10 October 1906] From Peter Keary to Watt [A. P. Watt]. He acknowledges receipt of the letter of 5 October 1906 and agrees to the conditions set out for publication of Ellen Terry's Recollections.
MHF2-M68 tour list British Library [1898] Tour 1898; Henry Irving, Ellen Terry and the Lyceum Company; September 5th to December 19th; dates and venues in Britain are listed.
SC9-G295b cutting British Library [Undated] Review. Ellen Terry as Mistress Page; Nigel Playfair as Dr Caius; on reverse of SC9-G297 and next to SC9-G295 and SC9-G295a.
EC-AZ3,048 letter British Library [23 July 1928] From Mary Crawford to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.
EC-AZ3,050 letter British Library [21 July 1928] From Gracie Critchley to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. Very brief note of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.
EC-AZ3,072 letter British Library [21 July 1928] From Lilian Dunham to Edie [Edith Craig]. Letter in response to news of Ellen Terry's illness.
EC-AZ3,086 letter British Library [26 July 1928] From Yvonne Fitzroy to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
EC-AZ3,108 letter British Library [23 July 1928] From Edith Harrop to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.
EC-AZ3,138 letter British Library [21 July 1928] From Freddie Lloyd to Edie Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.