ET-Z1,133 letter British Library [25 April 1897] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She mentions new play; glad that [Madame] Sans-Gene is a success; sister Marion at Criterion in feeble play influenced by Ibsen; Pinero; changing view...
ET-Z1,275/63 letter British Library [February 1919] From Elena [Elena Meo] to Cara Madre [Ellen Terry]. Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] is sending George Natham's The Popular Theatre; Mrs Mullings; Louie the maid and asthma; Ted's play The Three Men of Gotham;...
ET-Z1,275/74 letter fragment British Library [6 February] From [Unknown] [Elena Meo] to Sweet Mama [Ellen Terry]. Concern about money but is writing without Ted [Edward Gordon Craig]'s knowledge; wants to repay generosity of E.G. [possibly Edie Gwynne]; Lord Howar...
ET-Z1,286 letter British Library [26 April] From Henry Lucy to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He encloses copy of his weekly article London Letter which has a large circulation here and in Australasia; asks about tribute; good wishes from Mrs L...
ET-Z1,340 letter British Library [19 August] From Gwen to Dame Ellen [Ellen Terry]. She plans to travel to Corsica, to be married in Agaccio; Major Blake returned from America; she plans to get lectures in autumn about diamonds in Bri...
ET-Z1,394 letter British Library [23 October 1905] From Thomas Reynolds to Madam [Ellen Terry]. He provides details on the closure of the fund following Henry Irving's death, £150 to be used for a memorial and asking if she wants to contribute he...
ET-Z1,437 letter fragment British Library [Undated] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. Criticism of statesman and his legacy; mentions Gladstone; asks for plans to send to America; Edy [Edith Craig] is working long hours at 13 [Henrietta...
ET-Z1,438 letter fragment British Library [Undated] From [Unknown] [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She mentions work done to garden and help from Eden; opportunity to put one-act play on at Playhouse; success with story, The Image of the Dead in the...
ET-Z1,560 letter, mourning envelope British Library [8 October 1883] From [Unknown] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He regrets the idea of anything which would be harmful to her. He invites her to write freely to him in the knowledge that he will not misconstrue it,...
ET-Z1,564 letter British Library [30 June 1885] From [Unknown] [G. F. Watts] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He is concerned that she is ill and asks for news of her health. He explains that he refused the honour because he favours a simple life rather than t...