ET-Z1,574 letter and small fragment, mourning paper British Library [Undated] From [Unknown] [G. F. Watts] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He writes confidentially, supportive of her career as an artist striving for greatness, mentioning Mrs Coleridge and Lady Gordon; some text has been o...
ET-Z1,577 letter British Library [Undated] From [Unknown] [G. F. Watts] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He was concerned about her non-appearance and made enquiries; asks about her children and concerned about the effect on her of poor weather. He asks...
ET-Z1,609 letter British Library [29 October 1895] From William Winter to Nell [Ellen Terry]. He reassures her of her success and refers to having been asking for advice; mentions Macbeth, Henry Irving and his own children, Willie having become...
ET-Z1,725/10 letter British Library [27 April 1912] From Nell [Elena Meo] to Mrs Carew [Ellen Terry]. Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] is asking for assistance to pay lawyers, since he needs the best barrister; Tree has a very good man in Gill.
ET-Z1,725/34 letter British Library [8 July] From [Unknown] [Elena Meo] to Madra Carina [Ellen Terry]. She refers to war bond; receipt from chemist; suggests she take another cure in Wales after her tour; Bobby sent Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] a postcard.
ET-Z1,725/79 letter on postcard British Library [December] From Mama, Teddy & Nellie [Elena Meo] to Dearest Madre [Ellen Terry]. Thanks for sending cream; Moscow Theatre closes on 24th until first night of Hamlet; children's first Xmas party.
ET-Z1,725/86 letter British Library [Undated] From Your Old Elena [Elena Meo] to Mia Caraissima Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. She asks for Illustrated London News; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] in bed 25 days delirious; mentions Australia regiment.
ET-Z1,725/89 letter British Library [Undated] From The Older - Mama Nell [Elena Meo] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She sends news of the children and Ted [Edward Gordon Craig], referring to their standard of living and hardships; Edie Lane's jealousy; Ladd still at...
ET-Z1,725/97 letter British Library [Undated] From [Unknown] [Elena Meo] to Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. Food prices in Rapallo forced up by English officers; Max [Beerbohm]; making ravioli with illustration; accepts invitation to visit for two months wit...
ET-Z1,726/118 letter British Library [Undated] From Teddy [Edward Craig] to Granny Pet [Ellen Terry]. He has just returned from visit to Dunmow, weekend with Lady Warwick with whom he went to the pantomime; love from Aunt Mina; hopes she comes home soo...