EC-AZ3,101 letter
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Harley Granville-Barker to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Harley Granville-Barker to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[Undated] From Portia [Portia Knight] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Very brief note of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Lily Maclaren to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Nevil Macready to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[Undated] From William Beaumont Morris to Miss Edith Craig. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry, enclosing some poetry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Olga Nethersole to [Unknown] [Edith and Edward Gordon Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Robert Newton to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[21 July 1928] From F. Kinsey Peile to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[July 1928] From Planky [George Plank] to Tony [Clare Atwood]. Response to having heard about Ellen Terry's illness.
British Library
[21 July 1928] From Nigel [Nigel Playfair] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Very brief letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.