EC-AZ3,196 letter
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Walton R. Read to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Walton R. Read to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Grace Seppings to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Mordaunt Shairp to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Brief note of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[Undated] From M. Smith to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Sends thanks for invitation to attend memorial service for Ellen Terry in London on Wednesday.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From E. K. Walter to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[1928] From Penelope [Penelope Wheeler] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry, recalling the service at St Paul's.
British Library
[22 December] The Rudolph Steiner. Jean Sterling Mackinlay matinees for children and grown ups; comment by Ellen Terry quoted. Harcourt Williams.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Proof with date left blank; Miss Florence Locke in the Ellen Terry Shakespeare Lectures. Inserted photograph of Florence Locke and reviews of her work...
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Shakespeare Birth week Festival 23-28 April 1906. Ellen Terry as Mistress Page.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Bennett Theatres Ltd. Notes [for a speech]; refers to Coventry and festival [probably speech by Edith Craig for the 1935 Ellen Terry festival]; EC-E5 is inserted.