ET-5,200 letter British Library [13 June] From Ellen Terry to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She sends condolences on the death of Bo's [Catherine Elizabeth Powell] mother, encloses some money; mentions she is on tour reading Macbeth with Henr...
ET-5,205 letter British Library [7 March 1921] From Ellen Terry to Bo & Co. [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She thanks them for their birthday message and explains that she has had to dictate the letter as she has neuritis in her arm; she is selling her Chel...
ET-5,214 letter British Library [10 March 1912] From Lena [Lena Ashwell] to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She agrees to second Miss N[elly] Powell's proposal for election and expects her to be elected within three weeks; last paragraph is scored through.
ET-8,118 letter British Library [25 September 1884] From T. Bocking [Thomas Bocking] to Sister Elizabeth [Elizabeth Rumball]. He is anxious for the receipt for the London Street property since without it the conveyance is not completed in case of death to her, Ellen Terry or...
ET-Z1,118 letter; second part is given at ET-Z1,119 British Library [25 November 1895] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Nell [Ellen Terry]. Play by L. I. [Laurence Irving] is brilliant but unplayable; invitation to recite at Steinway-Meyer reception; Thomas Hardy and Sarah Bernhardt.
ET-Z1,223 letter British Library [24 March 1904] From Paul Hildesheim to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He expresses doubts about Edward Gordon Craig's acting school and wishes he would cease to incur expense; visited Pamela Colman Smith; mentions Miss [...
ET-Z1,344a letter British Library [23 November 1916] From A. C. Peach to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He offers to write to Mr Downe Maxwell solicitor about pictures from Australian tour if necessary; refers to collection of rent for Wilton Street and...
ET-Z1,410 letter British Library [19 December 1899] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She reports in detail on Edy's [Edith Craig] costume design for the pantomime which was very well received; Alix Egerton helped; refers to the death o...
ET-Z1,428 letter British Library [1 July 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She asks for terms of work for writing the second lecture to be agreed, suggesting someone else take on the others; she had proposed the same terms of...
ET-Z1,436 letter British Library [Undated] From Chris [Christopher St John] to Gandy [Ellen Terry]. She reports on plans for printing by Farncombe or Allen, and work on Shakespeare Heroines and Children lecture; visit to cottage planned after Edy's [...