EC-Z3,080 letter
British Library
[27 January 1934] From J. G. Birkby to Madam [Edith Craig]. Asks if one of the scrolls given to guests at Ellen Terry's Jubilee banquet is for sale, having enquired from Mr Winston Churchill, Mr W. Nicholson, M...
British Library
[27 January 1934] From J. G. Birkby to Madam [Edith Craig]. Asks if one of the scrolls given to guests at Ellen Terry's Jubilee banquet is for sale, having enquired from Mr Winston Churchill, Mr W. Nicholson, M...
British Library
[31 October 1931] From Graham [Graham Robertson] to Edy [Edith Craig]. He apologises for not asking her permission before sending to Edward Gordon Craig short extracts from Ellen Terry’s letters; he regrets what seems to...
British Library
[14 April 1935] From C. Tennyson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He is working on the Tennyson papers; has found two letters from [Ellen Terry] and the copyright performance of The Foresters; he is looking for a cop...
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She encloses a letter from Mr Comyns Carr and asks her to send her fairy tale, hoping that it will be read by Macmillan; she has been unwell in Bright...
British Library
[3 June 1898] From Ellen T [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She mentions Mr Moffat; she wants to return the shawls; invites her to see The Lyons Mail and praises the performance of Henry Irving and asks her to...
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She apologises that Edy [Edith Craig] did not send Amy's umbrella; sends money owed; Edy [Edith Craig] is off on tour with Mr [Henry] Irving and Mario...
British Library
[24 December 1907] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Kitty [Kate Lewis]. She encloses cards for the family and new year wishes; describes exhausting tour in USA with very low temperatures; she plans to move to 215 King's Rd...
British Library
[21 February 1890] From Ellen Terry to Dr Mackenzie [Alexander Mackenzie]. She thanks him for his letter; she has decided to delay [Edith Craig]'s entrance to R. A. M. exam for a year; she will join R. A. M. as a pupil; ment...
British Library
[5 December 1898] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to old Frump [Elizabeth Rumball]. She asks about arrangements for Christmas; whether Boo [Elizabeth Rumball] is coming to Brighton, visiting Henry at Eastbourne, inviting Edie Lane, Ed...
British Library
[12 September 1899] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Elizabeth Rumball]. Robespierre went very well; Audrey accompanies her [to USA] where she hopes to make money; Edie Powell; rehearsals of The Amber Heart; Fred [Terry] pl...