ET-D26 programme ("The Merchant of Venice")
British Library
[7 February 1880] With additional 'Notice' (dated 9 Feb) that Ellen Terry is unable to perform Portia for next two days, owing to a throat condition; replaced by Alma M...
British Library
[7 February 1880] With additional 'Notice' (dated 9 Feb) that Ellen Terry is unable to perform Portia for next two days, owing to a throat condition; replaced by Alma M...
British Library
[May 1916] From Sir Sidney Lee to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. About delay in printing programme for Commemoration Festival of E. London College; draft copy to be sent immediately with directions; mentions Sir Fre...
British Library
[27 November 1999] From D. W. Probyn [Lord Probyn] to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Written on behalf of Princess of Wales; sends thanks for her donation of £100 to war fund and comments on the progress of the Boer War, Mr Kruger, rec...
British Library
[23 September 1902] From Chris [Christopher St John] to Ma [Ellen Terry]. She sends photos of Edy [Edith Craig], her back is better; broken bicycle from Tenterden for [Edward Gordon Craig] children, Rosy, Robin; May; asks wh...
British Library
[27 July 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to Gandy [Ellen Terry]. She asks about arrangements for visit, justifies travel abroad as not extravagant and good for Edy's [Edith Craig] health; letting the cottage; mentio...
British Library
[Undated] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She mentions music for play; will type Mr Lawrence's Griselda; finished M of R; meant Arliss for Golky; Edith Craig suggests Boucicault's wife in it;...
British Library
[Undated] From Tom Taylor to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. He congratulates her on her performance as Portia. He asks about Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] and Edie [Edith Craig], whether they have two books: Caldec...
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Correspondent refers to papers she has sent him calling her to a shareholders' meeting to wind up the unnamed company; he advises her against having g...
British Library
[Undated] From W. G. Wills to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He thanks her for her letter and praises her acting especially in Act II; his address changed from Armadale Club to Garrick Club and gives directions...
British Library
[Undated] From W. G. Wills to dearest old friend [Ellen Terry]. He mentions The Bell Ringer's Daughter which he proposed for Mary Anderson; Hermione; plot rewritten by two young men; chimes of bells in the lady's r...