SC22-B47 letter
British Library
[9 February 1910] From W. F. Robinson to Madam [Ellen Terry]. He writes regarding various receipts and payment of £26 into current account from conversation of Brazillian Bonds; reference to Mr Studley, 3 Wilton...
British Library
[9 February 1910] From W. F. Robinson to Madam [Ellen Terry]. He writes regarding various receipts and payment of £26 into current account from conversation of Brazillian Bonds; reference to Mr Studley, 3 Wilton...
British Library
[24 December 1902] From A. J. L. Mackarness to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Encloses plan on the conveyance of Smallhythe property. He asks her to mark minimum land required and sell the rest. Stephen Coleridge agrees. He desc...
British Library
[6 October 1912] From Ellen Carew [Ellen Terry] to W. Mace. She asks for advice on enclosed draft letter to Mrs Smith of Hastings regarding pump and gate; asks how to charge for the water and wharf woodshed [fe...
British Library
[11 February 1918] From Jim Le Brasseur to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. The committee instructs that the four acres of land must be ploughed as it would produce 8000 loaves of bread; he reports that Rosy [Craig] has rheuma...
British Library
[1 March] From The Missus [Ellen Terry] to Clara [Clara Cole]. She sends condolences on death of Clara's sister; Cole must keep the receipts for purchases; bill for coal; smoking chimney; send Nick to Headcorn or...
British Library
[2 January] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Clara [Clara Cole]. She asks for a silver tea caddy (with sketch); elastic knee caps; horn spoons; Emily and Miss Edy [Edith Craig] have lost things; mentions Lally and d...
British Library
[12 October] From Nellen Carew [Ellen Terry] to Bo and Kitty [Elizabeth Powell]. She is ill, going to stay with friends in Essex, then to the Farm with Kate; lectured at Repton School last week; mentions Madame Sarah [Bernhardt] an...
British Library
[18 July] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Kitten [Kitten Powell]. Nelly; sending parcel to Boo [Mrs Rumball]; May Ward; garden party at Windsor; lectures at Harrogate; Teddy [Edward Craig], [Edward Gordon Craig], Joe...
British Library
[2 March 1911] From George N. Morgan to Miss Ellen Terry. He sends a proposal of work for her, touring USA and Canada for George Tyler of Liebler and Co. New York, to perform in Olivia and Nance Oldfield or a...
British Library
[19 July 1905] From Lewis & Lewis to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He advises her not to disrupt her holiday, to write the 'stray thoughts' when she can, agreeing that she should not have had any dealings with the man...