ET-Z1,400a letter
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] to [Unknown]. Describes a symposium of the Physical Society in London with Dr Merton of Balliol College, Oxford, and Relativists and an event at which Ellen Terry g...
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] to [Unknown]. Describes a symposium of the Physical Society in London with Dr Merton of Balliol College, Oxford, and Relativists and an event at which Ellen Terry g...
British Library
[28 September 1921] From May Wyndham to Bertie. Invitation to dinner and hopes he will bring the lady again; heavily annotated negative response from Ellen Terry.
British Library
[Undated] Untitled poem referring to Ophelia, Kamma [Camma], Bram [Stoker], Miss [Ellen] Terry; initialled S.S.
British Library
[16 July 1887] Announcement. Henry Irving's benefit and last night of the season; Henry Irving as Shylock and Ellen Terry as Portia. Annotated 'July 16th 1887'.
British Library
[5 May 1883] Notice. Last few nights of this play before their American Tour; Henry Irving as Benedick and Ellen Terry as Beatrice; annotated with date.
British Library
[5 February 1938] Centenary of Henry Irving's birth; his work in reforming the British theatre and partnership with Ellen Terry; text underlined and annotated '2283'.
British Library
[12 February 1938] Refers to an article in The Times about 1897 garden party at Buckingham Palace and the journalist's surprise that Henry Irving and Ellen Terry as acto...
British Library
[24 February 1939] Plans for the closure of the Lyceum Theatre, mentioning Ellen Terry and Henry Irving; list of notable dates in history of the theatre; annotated '2283...
British Library
[Undated] Brief obituary on the death of Edith Craig, mentioning the Kentish pageant at Chilham Castle last July, [Henry] Irving, Ellen Terry, the Barn Theatre.
British Library
[Undated] Definition of a Palla, a Roman garment, copied out from the Dictionary of Greek & Roman Antiquities by Smith; signed by Ellen Terry; annotated No. 6.