EC-G1478 cutting
British Library
[22 January 1927] Notice of forthcoming production of Nativity Play; mentions Ellen Terry and former production at Guildhall, York; mentions Ernest Milton, Grace Allard...
British Library
[22 January 1927] Notice of forthcoming production of Nativity Play; mentions Ellen Terry and former production at Guildhall, York; mentions Ernest Milton, Grace Allard...
British Library
[10 December 1938] Illustration of Edith Craig and a report of her 70th birthday celebrations; mentions Ellen Terry, Sybil Thorndike, John Gielgud, Dame May Whitty; anno...
British Library
[4 September 1938] Sam Bennett of Ilmington, Warwickshire tours Britain, dressed in white smock, demonstrates Morris dancing and plays violin; praised by Ellen Terry, Ce...
British Library
[28 August 1938] Sam Bennett of Ilmington, Warwickshire tours Britain, dressed in white smock, demonstrates Morris dancing and plays violin; praised by Ellen Terry, Ce...
British Library
[4 March 1938] Article about Louisa Alcott, 50 years after her death; mentions Ellen Terry's praise of her when both guests of honour at a lunch
British Library
[18 January 1935] Servers of the Blind League. Saturday 23 March Daffodil Day to raise money; Edith Craig president of the league; mentions Ellen Terry National Homes for Blind Mentally Defective C...
British Library
[23 April 1935] Gordon Harker, prompter to Fred Terry's company and walked on with Ellen Terry in Much Ado About Nothing; his first big Cockney part in The Ringer; me...
British Library
[12 February 1935] Letter from D. L. Wray in support of annual dramatic festival to be inaugurated in Coventry and mentions Ellen Terry Birthday Festival and compares wi...
British Library
[6 September 1938] Edith Craig paid £3 12s 6d at Glendinnings auction for relics and letters from Ellen Terry to friend Cindy, late Mrs Ellen Rosina Brice of Warminster,...
British Library
[11 July 1935] Notice of forthcoming Ellen Terry Anniversary Performance at Smallhythe, Tenterden, Kent; John Gielgud to perform scene from Hamlet and Sybil Thorndik...