EC-Z3,142 letter British Library [23 July 1934] From Chasie [Pauline Chase] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Praises the performance of the previous day and adds that it was just what Ellen Terry would have loved [handwriting suggests correspondent may not be...
EC-Z3,174 letter British Library [6 April 1910] From C. H. Croker-King to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He is happy to hear from Miss [Ellen] Terry of Edith Craig's praise of his performance as 'Slender'.
EC-Z3,210 letter British Library [November] From Mabel Egerton to Gilbert Samuel and Co.. She explains the circumstances of Dr Attwater’s attendance on Ellen Terry, that she recommended him, and that his account does not include payment for...
EC-Z3,360 letter British Library [13 December 1946] From Vincent Howson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He regrets he could not come on 13th [to discuss Ellen Terry's Centenary]; hopes to come on 19th or 20th.
EC-Z3,469 letter British Library [Undated] From Maud Milton to Edie [Edith Craig]. She urges Edith Craig to play The Princess, a role which will suit her though the costumes are old and worn; mentions [Ellen Terry]; asks whether she...
EC-Z3,511 letter British Library [18 September 1933] From Daphnie Phillips to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He offers to sell a souvenir programme, dated 1881, of The Cup; mentions Henry Irving and [Ellen Terry].
EC-Z3,526 letter British Library [26 November] From Cora Urquhart Potter to Edy [Edith Craig]. She invites Edith Craig to call tomorrow morning or evening; she is going to Germany; mentions the kindness show to her by [Ellen Terry].
EC-Z3,561 letter British Library [12 September 1929] From M. Wigham Richardson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Lists titles of books on Henry Irving and Ellen Terry in his possession; sends regards to Miss [Christopher] St John.
EC-Z3,652 letter British Library [14 February 1932] From Ethel [Ethel Smyth] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She sends a contribution to the Ellen Terry Memorial; after reading the letters to George Bernard Shaw she realises what a remarkable woman she was.
EC-Z3,710 letter British Library [1926] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Tony [Clare Atwood]. She sends thanks for a message from [Ellen] Terry and mentions being disturbed about Edy [Edith Craig], [possibly about her ill health].