ET-Ps/1 poster/handbill (various works)
British Library
[18 September 1867] Kate Terry's Farewell to the stage. Under the management of Kate Terry. Kate Terry as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Ellen Terry as Gertrude in The Li...
British Library
[18 September 1867] Kate Terry's Farewell to the stage. Under the management of Kate Terry. Kate Terry as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Ellen Terry as Gertrude in The Li...
British Library
[26 April] From Charles Wyndham to Mr Bond [Acton Bond]. He explains various difficulties with regard to the chosen date for [Ellen Terry Jubilee] and ensuring that it is convenient for the King to attend. T...
British Library
[27 April 1906] From S. B. [Sir Squire Bancroft] to Acton Bond. His movements are uncertain, visiting Lady Bancroft at her seaside house when he can. [Ellen Terry Jubilee].
British Library
[17 May 1906] From Pinnie [A. W. Pinero] to Arthur [Arthur Collins]. He suggests Angelo Asher to lead the band for the Terry matinee [Ellen Terry Jubilee], mentions his experience with minstrels.
British Library
[3 May 1906] From L. Nathan to Acton Bond. He thanks Mr Bond for letter regarding Drury Lane [Ellen Terry Jubilee] and asks what he is likely to require.
British Library
[1 January 1898] Henry Irving as Peter and Ellen Terry as Catherine. Music composed by Meredith Ball. Acting manager Bram Stoker.
British Library
[15 January 1938] Announcement of Henry Irving Centenary Matinee; mentions Edward Knoblock, Laurence Irving, Lady Brunner, Ellen Terry and various productions in which...
British Library
[Undated] Review of production, mentioning Edward Gordon Craig as Caleb Deecie, Mr Havilan, Mr Martin-Harvey, Ellen Terry, Mr J. Archer, Mr Sidney Lacy, Amy Col...
British Library
[18 February 1939] Death duties from deaths of Melville Brothers have forced the sale of the Lyceum Theatre; mentions Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, John Martin-Harvey, Edmu...
British Library
[28 September 1928] Ellen Terry's estate was £22,231 and Henry Irving's estate was worth £20,527 after the Liberator losses; discusses the worth of other actors' estates,...