ET-Z1,728/8 letter
British Library
[25 June 1906] From L. Nathan to S. J. Soloman, Esq, RA. Received sketch for Watteau tableaus [Ellen Terry Jubilee] and will find dresses from stock to suit.
British Library
[25 June 1906] From L. Nathan to S. J. Soloman, Esq, RA. Received sketch for Watteau tableaus [Ellen Terry Jubilee] and will find dresses from stock to suit.
British Library
[Undated] Ellen Terry as Olivia, Edith Craig as Sophia, Beatrice Terry as Dick and Ada Mellon as Phoebe; all marked with X in cast list; Frank Cooper as Squire...
British Library
[1938] Lady Flower to receive items for Henry Irving Centenary Exhibition in Stratford -on-Avon Memorial Library; items lent by Edith Craig, Mrs H. B. Irving...
British Library
[8 January 1938] Tokio Imperial University. Ellen Terry and Henry Irving mentioned in address given by Professor Sakurai, Imperial University of Tokio [Tokyo]; Gladstone, Lord Beaconsfield, Tenn...
British Library
[17 July 1932] Illustration of Dennis Neilson-Terry, nephew of Ellen Terry and son of Fred Terry, who died suddenly of double-pneumonia in Bulawayo; mentions his sis...
British Library
[25 March] Purcell Operatic Society. Notice of forthcoming production of Purcell operas; mentions Ellen Terry as Nance Oldfield.
British Library
[October 1928] Memories of Ellen Terry in Shakespeare birthday revel in 1916; mentions Genevieve Ward, Queen Mary, Henry Irving, Mrs Matheson Lang, Lord Frederick Ha...
British Library
[23 January 1925] From W. D'Arcy Hart to Mr Webster [Ben Webster]. Enclosed copy of list of Ellen Terry's securities. Notes National War Bonds paid in 1923.
British Library
[2 June 1925] From Manager to Madam [Hilda Barnes]. Details of separate bank account being opened for Ellen Terry as Dame E. A. Carew; 'C' account on which Hilda Barnes will be the signatory.
British Library
[16 April 1928] From Mawers Ltd to Madam [Edith Craig]. Asks for written order from Ellen Terry to confirm removal of furniture from Burleigh Mansions to Smallhythe Cottage, Tenterden, Kent on 27 [April].