ET-5,149/2 letter British Library [19 October 1901] From Randall to Mrs Rumball [Elizabeth Rumball]. Arrangements for a lavatory carriage to be put on the train from Hunstanton to Liverpool Street. Thanks her for photograph and says Ellen Terry is hav...
ET-6,007 letter British Library [Undated] From Edy [Edith Craig] to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She thanks her for the gifts, especially the photograph of mother [Ellen Terry] and herself; suggests that she gets Robin [Robinetta Craig] to read to...
ET-6,008/1 letter British Library [Undated] From Edy [Edith Craig] to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She encloses rosemary from mother's [Ellen Terry] garden; mentions selling lavender at a jumble sale; Robin's [Robinetta] weight, and compared with Mi...
ET-6,201 letter British Library [17 March 1929] From Nelly [Nelly Craig] to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She thanks her for sending snowdrops, mentions Kitten, Granny [Ellen Terry]; Papa [Edward Gordon Craig] in England working hard.
ET-7,102 letter British Library [15 June 1910] From Jim [James Carew] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. He saw Nellie [Ellen Terry] on Sunday for two hours; describes the Farm [Smallhythe]; garden with pergola and mentions the bath and a building of an e...
ET-8,364 letter British Library [28 February 1928] From Mother [Elizabeth Powell] to Nellie [Nellie Powell]. She listened with K. [Kitty Powell] to the broadcast; Edy [Edith Craig] so like Nell [Ellen Terry]; mentions Kitten, the Burtons, Emily and Joe, enclo...
ET-D119 programme ("Ravenswood") British Library [22 September 1890] Edward Gordon Craig as Henry Ashton, Henry Irving as Edgar and Ellen Terry as Lucy Ashton. Music composed by Dr A. C. Mackenzie.
ET-D120 programme ("Ravenswood") British Library [13 October 1890] Music composed by Dr A. C. Mackenzie. Henry Irving as Edgar, Ellen Terry as Lucy Ashton and Edward Gordon Craig as Henry Ashton.
ET-D130 programme (various works) British Library [13 July 1891] Henry Irving as the brothers; Kate Phillips as Coralie; Edward Gordon Craig as M. Beauchamp; Ellen Terry as Anne Oldfield.
ET-D157 programme ("Faust") British Library [28 May 1894] Ellen Terry as Margaret, Henry Irving as Mephistopheles and William Terriss as Faust. Music composed by Hamilton Clarke and Meredith Ball; annotated w...