SC2-G23 cutting
British Library
[25 July 1928] picture of funeral procession outside Smallhythe.
British Library
[25 July 1928] picture of funeral procession outside Smallhythe.
British Library
[Undated] Memorial unveiled in St Paul's Church, Covent Garden by Edith Craig.
British Library
[March 1906] Stephen Coleridge to be Treasurer; members of the Executive Committee listed.
British Library
[1906] List of members of the Executive Committee; describes national support for celebration.
British Library
[28 April 1906] Illustration of her fifty years on the stage.
British Library
[May 1875] Review; annotated 'Pictorial Press May 1875'.
British Library
[Undated] Illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith
British Library
[7 November 1896] Part of St Paul's Dramatic Portrait Gallery.
British Library
[Undated] Illustrations of characters and who played them.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Illustrations of William Winter.