SC6-G1 cutting
British Library
[Undated] Article with illustration of Henry Irving, mentioning Charles Reade, Mamillius, Beatrice, Hero, Opehalia, Iolanthe, Lady Macbeth; [addressed to an Ame...
British Library
[Undated] Article with illustration of Henry Irving, mentioning Charles Reade, Mamillius, Beatrice, Hero, Opehalia, Iolanthe, Lady Macbeth; [addressed to an Ame...
British Library
[25 June 1912] The Keats-Shelley Memorial Association. Souvenir programme of special matinees for the Keats-Shelley memorial house in Rome. Recitation by Ellen Terry. List of patrons and committee members....
British Library
[12 February 1935] Coventry Repertory Company. Letter to paper, managing director of Coventry Repertory Company
British Library
[1 June 1906] From [Unknown] to [Unknown]. Standard letter asking for attendance at rehearsal on Tuesday at the Aldwych Theatre to work on the songs for Mr Payne, Mr Bradfield and others [Ellen...
British Library
[15 December 1883] Review of last night in New York and first night in Philadelphia. Text of Irving's speech on the last night [American tour].
British Library
[29 December 1883] Reviews of American tour; Philadelphia; annotated 'Mrs Danielson' and her address [American tour].
British Library
[Undated] Description of William Nicholson's picture Rosemary and other portraits; mentions Whistler's ideas about portraiture; annotated possibly by Ellen Terr...
Smallhythe Place
[March 1908] Illustrations of Edwin Booth and Sarah Bernhardt. Eleanora Duse, Lily Langtry and Mrs Stirling. Annotated '545'.
British Library
[Undated] Cartoon by Bernard Partridge, showing Veelasquez and [John Singer] Sargent carrying paintings and walking towards the National Collection.
British Library
[13 January 1913] Programme of Sunday Afternoon Men's Meeting Annual Concert and Social, given by Ellen Terry and 'the Parrots'.