SCB17-G3 cutting, incomplete
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Illustrations of Charles Reade, Anna Pavlova, Theodore Watts-Dunton, Dr and Mrs Boyd Carpenter, Elsie Craven, George Bernard Shaw, and William Poel's...
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Illustrations of Charles Reade, Anna Pavlova, Theodore Watts-Dunton, Dr and Mrs Boyd Carpenter, Elsie Craven, George Bernard Shaw, and William Poel's...
British Library
[2 April 1913] From Hughes Massie & Co to Edith Craig. In response to a query from an American publisher, he asks for Sidgwick & Jackson's terms for sheet publication.
British Library
[14 January 1913] From Edy [Edith Craig] to C. St John [Christopher St John]. Confirms as satisfactory the terms for delivering the article, also approved by Cicely [Hamilton].
British Library
[24 February 1908] From A. P. Watt to Hutchinson & Co.. He acknowledges arrangements for publication of the book, and asks for expected date of receipt of proofs; attached to ET-D2266 and ET-D2267.
British Library
[2 February 1914] A.P.Watt & Son. Stock report of 37 copies of book held by Doubleday Page & Co., The Country Life Press, Garden City, N[ew] Y[ork] [USA].
British Library
[31 May 1913] Sunshine Convalescent Home; Fitzroy Club for Working Boys. Queen Yvonne Fitzroy, Eileen Knox, Lady Winifred Gore and Miss Fitzgerald.
British Library
[15 October 1931] Yesterday 26th anniversary of death of Henry Irving; slab in poets' corner, Westminster Abbey covered in rosemary and bay; one bunch from Edith Craig:...
British Library
[April 1903] Ted's [Edward Gordon Craig] play went splendidly; bad weather; Mr Cooper, Chris [Christopher St John], Esther, Edy [Edith Craig], Pixie [Pamela Colman...
British Library
[Undated] "[Olivia]". By [Charles Reade]. Annotated typescript accompanies manuscript by Charles Reade of Act II of a five-act play, mentioning Parson, J. A., Philip, Eaglestone, Hogarth's Idl...
British Library
[8 June 1938] Brief review of Henry Irving Centenary Matinee and positive response from acting profession and admired performance of Farquharson as Louis II; recall...