SC9-G107 cutting
British Library
[Undated] The Eve of Peace by G. F. Watts sent to Dunedin Art Gallery in New Zealand having been in Lord Faringdon's collection. Owner of Choosing now revealed...
British Library
[Undated] The Eve of Peace by G. F. Watts sent to Dunedin Art Gallery in New Zealand having been in Lord Faringdon's collection. Owner of Choosing now revealed...
British Library
[28 May 1907] From A. P. Watt to Miss Palgrave [Margaret Palgrave]. He acknowledges the instructions to communicate with Miss Marshall [Christopher St John] while [Ellen] Tery is away; he mentions that the book is curr...
British Library
[20 November 1906] From A. P. Watt to Miss Marshall [Christopher St John]. He hopes to meet her and Miss [Edith] Craig; he has asked Mr Methuen to return the copy of the first seven chapters of Recollections.
British Library
[19 June 1903] Ellen Terry as Beatrice. Under management of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[2 September 1918] Ellen Terry in scenes from Shakespeare with others.
British Library
[2 September 1918] Harold V. Neilson presents Ellen Terry in scenes from Shakespeare as Portia and Mistress Page.
Smallhythe Place
[21 October 1931] From Christopher St John [ ] to Jo [Miss J. M. Harvey]. Arrangements for meeting with Irene Cooper Willis and Lady Maud [Warrender]; not at 31 Bedford St which is still in 'dust sheets [...] as the family a...
British Library
[21 April] YMCA. Scenes from Shakespeare plays and songs, and recitals with artists Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, Lady Maud Warrender, Jean Sterling Mackinlay; short...
British Library
[Undated] From Ethel B. B. [Ethel Barrymore] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She sends detailed news and her plans, mentioning [Richard] Mansfield as Cyrano, Aime Russell in Catharine at Garrick Theatre, Mrs Dexter, Satty, Daly...
British Library
[4 November 1919] From Herbert Trench to Miss Edith Craig. He discusses the possible revival of Napoleon in which Edith Craig played Nan; he explains his delay in answering due to a serious accident from which...