Twentieth Century Club; two further perfomances on November 14th 1910 and January 18th 1911.
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Brooklyn Academy of Music Season of 1910-1911
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Mistress of the Modes is the woman who shops at Loeser's. All that is worn or used, from infancy to old age, in the home, on the street, or at the formal reception or the Opera; proper materials and proper making; every need supplied, every fancy developed. All with the Rightness that is pre-eminent in the Loeser Store. Frederick Loeser & Co. In every detail the Leading Retail Establishment of Brooklyn. Everything for the Horse Show. Abraham and Straus.
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Mr. Franz Kneisel. The Kneisel String Quartette. Mr. Franz Kneisel, 1st Violin; Mr. Julius Roentgen, 2nd Violin; Mr. Lous Svecenski, Viola, and Mr. Willem Willeke, ‘Cello, and Assisting Artists, will give Five Chamber Music Concerts on Thursday evenings, as follows: Dates. Assisting Artists. Oct. 27 – Mrs. Thomas Tapper, Piano, Dec. 1 – Mr. Franz Kneisel, Violin, Jan. 5 – Mr. Arthur Foote, Piano, Feb. 9 – Mr. Willem Willeke ‘Cello, Mar. 16 – Miss Edith Thomson, Piano. Revillon Freres founded 1723 Furs New Scarfs and Muffs. These show many beautiful combinations. Foxes of contrasting colors are made up together, and flat furs are edged and banded with long haired skins. While large sets are still chosen for afternoon and evening wear, there is a decided tendency to return to moderate sizes and practical shapes for use with walking costumes. We have just received a large consignment of White, Blue and Silver Fox Skins which can be made up to order as desired. As this collection contains some very unusual specimen skins an early selection is advised. 19 West 34th Street, New York. Tel. 3761 Murray Hill. Paris, Montreal, London. New York, London, Paris. F. F.
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A winter day Leon De Bellee, Paris. C. E. Heney, J. O. McDermott. Telephone 5537 Bedford. Arlington Art Galleries. 1247 ½ and 1249 Fulton Street, Bet. Bedford and Nostrand Aves. High Class Modern Paintings and Water Colors of the Foreign and American Schools. In order to accommodate our growing business and properly display the new and extensive stock purchased for the Coming Season, we have added the spacious Gallery, No. 1247 ½ Fulton St., and cordially invite the inspection of the art loving public to this carefully selected collection. Open every evening. Fall and Winter styles in bedroom furniture. The first room to be considered in planning necessary changes or improvements in the winter home is usually the Bedroom – one's own haven of retreat which, of all other rooms, must be made to express one's self. So wide is the diversity of designs included in our Early Showing of Fall and Winter Styles that selections may readily be made not only in accord with individual tastes and requirements, but to fit the size or limitations of both room and purse. Flint facilities make possible flint low prices and flint high quality. Geo. C. Flint Co. 43-47 West 23rd St. 24-28 West 24th St.
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Hotel Bossert, Montague and Hicks Streets. Magnificent Restaurant and Palm Room. Open until 1 A.M. After the Theatre suppers a speciality. Montague Street Cars operate until 1 A.M. New and Elegant Dining Room for Private Dinners, Banquets and Weddings just completed. Walter M. Briggs, Manager. Telephone, 4980 Main. Calendar. Nov. 3 – Piano Recital by Mr. Josef Hofmann. 5 – R. G. Knowles, Lecture. 6 – N. Y. Philharmonic Concert, 8 – Ellen Terry, 9 – Recital – Morgan, 10 – Granberry Piano Concert, 11 – Boston Symphony Concert, 12 – N. Y. Symphony Society, 12 – R. G. Knowles, Lecture, 14 – Ellen Terry, 15 – Dwight Elmendorf, Illustrated Lecture, 17 – Recital by Signor Bonci (Met. Opera Co.), 17 – Fisk Quartette, 19 – Metropolitan Opera Co, 20 – N. Y. Philharmonic Society, 21 – New Theatre Company, Nov. 22 – Dwight Elmendorf, Illustrated Lecture, 24 – Opera (Mascagni), 26 – Metropolitan Opera Co, 29 – Dwight Elmendorf, Illustrated Lecture, 30 – Russian Orchestra, Dec. 1 – Kneisel Concert, 3 – Metropolitan Opera Co., 5 – Mascagni Opera, 6 – Dwight Elemdorf, 7 – Deutscher Piano Recital, 9 – Boston Symphony, 10 – New York Symphony, 13 – Dwight Elmendorf, 14 – Chaminade Society, 17 – Metropolitan Opera Co., 18 – New York Philharmonic, 22 – Brooklyn Oratorio Society, 26 – Cornell Masque, 31 – Yale Dramatic Society. Intending purchasers of a Strictly First-Class Piano, or Piano and Self-Player combined, should not fail to examine the merits of the world-renowned Sohmer Pianos and the "Sohmer-Cecilian" Inside Player, which surpass all others. Catalogue mailed on application. Sohmer & Co., New York. Warerooms: Cor. 5th Ave. and 32d St. Do you intend moving? We will take entire charge – clean your car, pets and move your effects to your new home. We have electric as well has horse-drawn vans. Our employees are quiet, attentive to their business and instructed to serve our customers fate fully and courteously. Long Island Storage Warehouse. Nostrand and Gates Aves., Brooklyn N. Y. Absolutely Fireproof. Columbia Records. A Grafonola Recital. "It will discourse most eloquent music" "To hold as t'were the mirror up to nature" – Hamlet. Your receptions and home gatherings are successful in the measure that they are interesting, enjoyable and entertaining. The Columbia Grafonola and the New Columbia Grand Opera recordings are a decided acquisition to the entertaining resources of the most exacting hostess. The Columbia Grafonola is the one perfect and complete musical instrument – the unique, versatile vocal and instrumental entertainer. The Grafonola provides an inexhaustible range of musical talent – Constantino, Bispham, Bronskaja, Boninsegna, Campanari, Freeman (to mention only a few Columbia artists) sing for you in your home, (only as they can sing) just what selection you please at any time. The vocalism is the voice itself – true in tone, tempo and timbre, every most delicate phrase retaining the singer's own individuality. Instrumental selections and orchestral effects and accompaniments are especially fine, and many of them can not be surpassed. Hear the Grafonola "Regent" $200 constructed of select Mahogany. Columbia Phonograph Co. 124 Flatbush Avenue, one block east of the Academy of Music. 1372 Broadway, Brooklyn.
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Automobiles fireproof dead storage, $5.00 per month. The Brooklyn Warehouse storage, 335 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn. M. Leo Slezak. Follow Roosevelt – Travel! For steamer reservations on 42 prominent steamship lines see J. Lehrenkrauss & Sons in their new fire-proof bank building. 359 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Opposite Borough Hall, Head Office Rates. No Extras, Passports, Letters of Credit, Foreign Money, Etc. We advise making early application for next year. Bookings already heavy. 1865, 1910, 1865 Trade Mark Reg. U.S. PAT.OFF. C. C. Shayne & Co. Importers and Manufacturers of Strictly Reliable Furs. Invite Inspection of their late novelties for the season of 1910-1911 in Coats, Wraps, Neckwear and Muffs. 126 W. 42d Street, New York. Thirty-Five Greenhouses, Palms, Vines and Fresh Flowers supplied and artistically arranged for Weddings, at Reasonable Rates. Floral decorations for all occasions plants and flowers delivered anywhere. J. Condon, Horticulturist, 734 5th Ave. Branches: Fort Hamilton Parkway, Gravesend Ave., and 291-313 24th St. Telephones: 27 South – 727 South.
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Absolutely Fireproof. The Eagle Warehouse and Storage Co. 28 to 44 Fulton Street, phone 4169 Main. Careful, prompt and courteous attention in all our departments. The Regular Grand Opera Season of the Metropolitan Opera Co. at The Brooklyn Academy of Music will consist of fourteen evening performances upon the following dates: Saturday, November 19, Saturday, November 26, Saturday, December 3, Saturday, December 17, Tuesday, January 3, Tuesday, January 17, Tuesday, January 24, Tuesday, January 31, Tuesday, February 7, Tuesday, February 21, Tuesday, February 28, Tuesday, March 7, Tuesday, March 14, Tuesday, March 21. The operas will be the same as given at the Metropolitan Opera House, and the casts and the general standard of productions will be of uniform excellence at both houses. Brooklyn Trust Company. Brooklyn Offices: 177-179 Montague Street, Bedford Avenue and Fulton Street. Manhattan Office: Cor. Wall Street and Broadway. Capital and Undivided profits over $3,000,000. The value of wiring a house for electric service. Did you ever stop and think how much more valuable your house would be if it were wired for electricity? Did it ever occur to you that every up-to-date house that is now being built is being wired and that your unwired property is suffering by comparison? Most houses can be wired for $150.00 – yet three times this figure doesn't cover the increase in value which the wiring brings. We'll finance the proposition for you if desired and permit you to pay in monthly instalments. Are you interested? Edison. Electric Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn. 360 Peal St. 5114 Fifth Ave. 884 Broadway.
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Directory of Automobile Dealers. Accessories Martin-Evans Company, 1186 Bedford Ave. Telephone 4516 Bedford, Catalogue gratis. Acme Mears Auto Company, repairing – 25 Ocean Parkway, Telephone 1454 Flatbush. American Roadster, Traveler, Tourist, Broadway 47th St. and 7th Ave., Manhattan, or 912 Bedford Avenue ‘Phone 5113 Wmsbg. Auburn Enterprise Garage Co. 664-666 Halsey Street, 40 – H. P. $1,650. Brush The Kenny Motor Car Co. 1474-6 Bedford Avenue, Cor. Sterling Pl. Telephone 453 Prospect. Cadillac Cars, 136 Livingston Street, Telephone 5426 Main, Cartercar Wintley & Allen, 202 Monroe Street, Telephone 5188 Bedford, Chalmers Bruns Auto Company, Cor. Fulton & Bedford Ave. Telephone 3700 Bedford, Crawford, Prospect Park South Garage, Coney Island and Church Avenues. Telephone 4200 Flatbush. E.M.F $1,000 Flanders Carpenter Motor Vehicle Co. 1239 Fulton St. $700. Halladay Grant Square Auto Co. 1378-82 Bedford Avenue. Telephone 2431 Prospect. Directory of Automobile Dealers. Haynes Jos D. Rourk, Brooklyn and Long Island Agent, 1001 Bedford Ave. Telephone 3730 Bedford, Hudson, Bruns Auto Company, Cor. Fulton & Bedford Ave., Knox 6 Cylinder and 4 Cylinder A. R. Townsend, 1148 Bedford Avenue – Brooklyn, Telephone 2422 Bedford. Locomobile The I. S. Remson MFG. Co. 754-760 Bedford Avenue, Telephone 2826 WMSBG. Oldsmobile A. W. Blanchard, Jr. 342 Flatbush Ave, 10 Clinton St, Brooklyn. Waverley Electric. Overland 775, Bommer Auto Co. Brooklyn Agents, 1295 Bedford Avenue, Telephone 6644 Bedford, Roadster, Tourist & Truck. Peerless, Peerless Motor Car Co of New York, Brooklyn Branch: 1384-1386 Bedford Ave. Regal 20 H.P., 30 H. P., 40 H. P., - $900 to $1,750 Barnum Auto Co. 1289-93 Bedford Ave. Phone Bedford 5323. Reo, Jos. D. Rourk, Brooklyn Agent, 1001-3 Bedford Ave. Telephone 3730 Bedford. Stevens-Duryea I. M. Allen Co. 116 So. Portland Ave. Telephone 4026 Prospect, Thomas-White Gas. S. & V. Motor Car Co. High Grade Supplies 312 Livingston Street, Telephone 1085 Main.
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Signor Bonci. Song recital by Signor Bonci in the Opera House of the Academy of Music on Thursday evening, November 17th. This will be Signor Bonci's First Recital in America and his only Recital in Brooklyn in 1910-11. Fireproof storage, household removals (Town or Country) Packing and Shipping, Carpet and Rug Cleaning. Phone 6900 Main Bklyn, Boro, N. Y. Pioneer Fireproof Storage Warehouses, 37 to 51 Flatbush Av. Vaults for valuables. Ask the people for whom we work. Phone 6900 Main, experts for thirty years. "As the People for Whom We Work" Nevins Street Subway Station at our door. Fire and Burglar Proof vaults. Located on ground floor, avoiding dangerous stairways and unhealthy basements. Private safes $3.00 per year. 2 ½ inches long, 4 ¾ inches wide, 2 ¾ inches deep. Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
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English Motoring and Outdoor Attire. Quite the largest collection ever brought to America is now bring shown in the New Motor Section of the Wanamaker Store. The country gentlemen who needs many coats for trap and sports – and the man and women who motor are cordially invited to inspect this assemblage of smart motoring and outdoor attire. Twenty miles from anywhere – and hungry. This woeful condition many motorists have experienced. So the man who has just bought a car may be glad for this world of advice. Motor luncheons baskets, supplied with complete service for two, four or six persons – from a world famous London maker, are here in pleasing selection. Everything else that motorists need, from horns to rugs – here, too. This new section is at the Motor Entrance, Ninth Street. Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co. John Wanamaker, Broadway, Fourth Ave., Eight to Tenth Sts.
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Civic Forum Lecture Bureau presents Ellen Terry in Shakespearean Discourses with illustrative acting season of 1910-1911. First appearance in Brooklyn, Auspices of the twentieth century club. On Tuesday Evening, November 8, 1910 at eight-fifteen "Shakespeare's Heroines Triumphant". Second discourse in Brooklyn on Monday Afternoon, November 14, 1910 at three "Shakespeare's Heroines Pathetic." Third and final discourse in Brooklyn, on Wednesday Evening, January 18, 1911, at eight-fifteen, "The Letters in Shakespeare's Plays." Tickets for the Second and Third Discourses now on sale at the Box Office. The Hardman is the official Piano of the Academy. Miss Ellen Terry.
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The Opera, "Il Trovatore," with Rappold, Homer, Slezak and Amato heading the cast, will be given on Saturday, November 19th, 1910. Story of the Opera "Il Trovatore". The opera opens with a midnight scene at the palace of Aliaferia, where the old servitor, Ferrando, relates to his associates the story of the fate of Garzia, brother of the Court di Luna, in whose service they are employed. While in their cradles, Garzia was bewitched by the old gypsy and day by day pined away. The gypsy was burned at the stake for sorcery; and in revenge Azucena, her daughter, stole the sickly child. At the opening of the opera his fate has not been discovered. As the servitor closes his narrative and he and his comrades depart, the Count di Luna enters and lingers by the apartment of the Duchess Leonora, with whom he is in love. Hearing his voice, Leonoroa comes into the garden, supposing it is Manrico, the troubadour, whom she had crowned victor at a recent tournament, and of whom she has become violently enamoured. As she greets the Count, Manrico appears upon the scene and charges her with infidelity. Recognizing her error, she flies to Manrico for protection. The Count challenges him to combat, and as they prepare to fight she falls to the ground insensible. In the second act we are introduced to a gypsy camp, where Azucena relates to Manrico, who has been wounded in the duel with the Count, the same story which Ferrando had told his friends, with the addition that when she saw her mother burning she caught up with the Count's child, intending to throw it into the flames, but by a mistake sacrificed her own infant. As the story concludes, a messenger arrives summoning Manrico to the defence of the castle of Castellar, and at the same time informing him that Leonora, supposing him dead, has gone to a convent. He arrives at the convent in time to rescue her before she takes her vows, and bears her to Castellar, which is at once besieged by the Count's forces. The third act opens in the camp of the Count, where Azucena, arrested as a spy, is dragged in. She calls upon Manrico for help. The mention of his rival's name only adds fuel to the Count's wrath, and he orders the gypsy to be burned in sight of the castle. Ferranda (continued on page 22). Lawyers Title Insurance & Trust Company capital and surplus $9,500,000. $5,000,000 added to surplus in last 18 years. 160 Broadway, New York, 188 Montague Street., Brooklyn. Receives deposits subject to check or on certificate allowing interest thereon. Depository for moneys paid into Court and for money of bankrupt estates. Lends on approved stocks and corporation bonds as collateral. Acts as trustee, Guardian, Executor, Administrator, Assignee, or Receiver, Transfer Agent or Registrar of Stocks of Corporations. Takes charge of Personal Securities. Officers: Edwin W. Coggeshall, President and General Manager, Louis V. Bright, Thorwald Stallknecht – Vice Pres., Archibald Forbes, Treasury, Walter N. Vail, Secretary, Herbert E. Jackson, Comptroller, Lewis H. Losee, Asst. Gen Manager, U. Condit Varick, Robert L. Smith – Ass. Treasurers, George A. Fleury, Frederick D. Reed – Ass. Secs. Executive Committee Edwin W. Coggeshall, Chairman, George F. Butterworth, William P. Dixon, Julian D. Fairchild, Henry Goldman, Philip Lehman, John T. Lockman, Henry Morgenthau, James N. Wallace, Albert H. Wiggin. C. G. Gunther's Sons Established 1820 Furs. An extensive assortment of all the desirable furs. Catalog sent on request. 391 Fifth Avenue – New York. Telephone 7260 Madison.
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Story of Opera "Il Trovatore" (Continued) has already recognised her as the supposed murder of the Count's brother, and her filial call to Manrico also reveals to him that she is his mother. He makes a desperate effort to rescue her, but is defeated, taken prisoner, and thrown into a dungeon with Azucena. Leonora vainly appeals to the Count to spare Manrico, and at last offers him her hand if he will save his life. He consents, and Leonora hastens to the prison to convey the tidings, having previously taken poison preferring to due rather than fulfil her hateful compact. Manrico refuses his liberty, and as Leonora falls in a dying condition the Count enters and orders Manrico to be put to death at once. He is dragged away to execution, but as the Count triumphantly forces Azucena to a window and shows her the tragic scene, she reveals her secret, and informing the horror-stricken Count that he has murdered his own brother, falls lifeless to the ground. J.N.T. For the well-dressed man. Formal and Informal wear. Dress Shirts, Waistcoats, Gloves, Etc. English Coats for Rain or Shine, Automobile Wearables, Foreign and Domestic. Jos Nichthauser. Shirt Maker. Corner Court and Montague Streets. The Burns Auto Company Brooklyn Distributors of Chalmers and Hudson Motor Cars are now located at 1188-1190 Fulton Street (Corner of Bedford Avenue) where a full line of 1911 Chalmers and Hudson Cars is displayed. Huyler's Bon Bons Chocolates, Ice Cream Soda, 458 Fulton Street, 492-494 Nostrand Avenue, 335-337 Fulton Street, Union Street and 7th Avenue. Brooklyn. Wholesale Grower of Cut Flowers, Floral Decorations for all Occasions. 3 and 5 Greene Avenue, Telephone 2840 Prospect, 345-349 Greene Avenue, Telephone 2055-L, Prospect, Brooklyn, Greenhouses: Short Hills, N. J. Telephone 28-1 Short Hills.
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A. A. Webster & Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 440 Fulton Street. Miss Geraldine Farrar, Copyright, Dupont. T. M. Coyne 504 Fulton Street, Near Loeser's, Millinery of Distinctive Refinement and Conservative Elegance. Moderate Prices Toques and Bonnets in Large Variety. Brooklyn's Leading Financial Institutions Established 1888. Franklin Trust Company. Main office, 166 Montague Street, Brooklyn, Fulton Street Office, 569 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, Manhattan Office, 140 Broadway, New York. A depository for the funds of individuals, firms, estates, and corporations. Authorized by law to act as Executor, Trustee, and in every other fiduciary capacity. Accounts and trust business invited. Trustees, Hugh D. Auchincloss, Union N. Bethell, Joseph E. Brown, William Allen Butler, Charles B. Denny, Crowell Hadden, Henry Hentz, Henry C. Hulbert, William B. Lane, M.D., William G. Low, Henry R. Mallory, Edwin S. Marston, Albro J. Newton, George M. Olcott, Edwin Packard, Lowell M. Palmer, Stephen S. Palmer, Charles A. Peabody, Charles J. Peabody, Ralph Peters, Henry E. Pierrepont, James H. Post, George H. Prentiss, Moses Taylor Pyne, William H. Wallace, Robert B. Woodward, Arthur King Wood, President. Kings County Trust Company, 342, 344 and 346 Fulton Street, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit over $2,500,000. Officers Julian D. Fairchild, President. William Harkness, Vice-Pres., D. W. McWilliams, Vice-Pres, Julian P. Fairchild, Vice-Pres, Thomas Blake, Secretary, Wm. J. Wason, Jr., Assit. Sec, J. Norman Carpenter, Trust Officer. Trustees. John Arbuckle, Geo. B. Brower, Julian P. Fairchild, Joseph Huber, Joseph Leibmann, John McNamee, Charles A. O'Donohue, H. B. Scharmann, A. Abraham, Roswell Eldridge, Joseph P. Grace, H. K. Knapp, D. W. McWilliams, Cord Meyer, Charles E. Perkins, W. M. Van Anden, Walter E. Bedell, Julian D. Fairchild, William Harkness, Whitman W. Kenyon, James McGovern, Henry A. Meyer, Dick S. Ramsay, John J. Williams. Accounts invited, interest paid on daily balances.
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Jaeger Sanitary Goods, Jaeger Sanitary Underwear combines the maximum of porosity with the maximum of protection. It is also curative as well as preventative. Leading Physicians strongly recommend it, appreciating its value as a means to good health. Please write for descriptive Catalogue and Samples. Brooklyn Branch 504 Fulton Street, Elsenbach & Co., 716 Broadway. Academy Notes. On Grand Opera Nights the Banquet Hall will be open as a Foyer, and can be reached either by the stairways to the first balcony or by the Elevators in Main Entrance Lobby. Cloak and Ladies' Rooms on Orchestra and Second Balcony Floors. Smoking room, mezzanine floor, left stairway. Telephone booths at East and West Ends of Main Lobby. Any one finding lost articles will please leave them at The Academy office, entrance on St. Felix Street, which is open daily from 9.00 a.m. until 10.00 p.m. All inquiries relating to lost articles should, there be made. Water of the Great Bear Company used in the Academy. Patrons are earnestly requested to assist the management in their efforts to place their carriages at the door promptly, and with this in view you are respectfully requested to remain inside the lobby until your carriage number appears on the number carrying machine in the lobby. For Elegance of Design, Durability and Sweet Quality of Tone buy the Bradbury Piano. F. G. Smith Manufactuer, 774, 776, 778 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Warerooms: New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Newark, St. Louis, Washington, Baltimore, Jersey City. Factories: Leominster, Mass; Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Tyler-Miller importer of fine hair goods No. 80 Fleet Street, New Method, Shampooing, Manicuring, Hair Dressing, Scalp and Facial Massage. Largest Line of hair goods in the city. Lowest prices. Telephone 1310 Main. Opposite Loeser's and New Dime Savings Bank. Louisa Tetrazzini in her apartments in New York at the Hardman Autotone. Carpets – Stair Cushions The Acme of Excellence in stair dressing, which takes the place of carpets. For Private of Flat House, Hotels, Churches, Yachts, etc. Made of Carpets, Rubber or Linoleum. Are reversible. Outwear six ordinary coverings. Call, write or phone Main-5718. We will gladly send samples. Royal Stair Cushion Co. 280 Livingston Street, (Corner Bond), Brooklyn, N. Y.
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Christian 317 Livingston Street, Telephone 4939-L Main. Wigmaker. All kinds of hair work made to order. Old hair pieces, puffs or switches dyed or made over in all shapes or forms, at the lowest prices. Wm. Pitt Rivers. Chateau Du Parc. Park Place and Vanderbilt Avenue. Home of social function, dancing, vocal and instrumental instruction. We give the "Earth" with every plant you buy. 272 Fulton St. & 7 Clinton St. Phone 319 Main. Exit 4, Exit 5, Exit 6, Exit, 7, Aisle, Ladies Retiring Room. Opera House 2nd Balcony Exit, Exit 1, Exit 2, Exit 3, Up to Smoking Room, Coats, Hat [?]. Exit 9, Exit 10, Exit 11, Exit 12, Exit 13, Exit 14. Opera House Second Floor. Aisle. Down to Street. Opera House Third Floor. Exit 15, Exit 16, Exit 16, Exit 18. Aisle. Exit 19, Exit 20. Elevators. Retiring and Coat Rooms.
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"The Assemlby" Ladies' Dining Room, 153-155 Pierrepont St. Gentlemen's Café and Grill Room 308 Fulton St. Carte De Jour, A La Carte, Table D'Hote Dinner $1.00 with wine. Music by Siafer's Famous Brighton Beach Orchestra. 1910 Books Now Open 1911. Entirely Renovated and Refunished Ball Rooms, Banquet Halls, Lodge Rooms, suitable for Weddings, Receptions, Whists. Charles Herzog, Manager. Exit 39, Exit 40, Down to Street, Aisle, Ball Room, Concert Hall Balcony, Down to Street Aisle, Exit 41, Exit 42, Elevators. M. Louise Mundell Teacher of the Voice. Studio, 276 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, Telephone, 804 Bedford. Madame Berthe, Mlle. Marguerite, Choicest Grades of Hair at Reasonable Prices. Maison Femina, 21 Arlington Place, Opposite Macon Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Phone, 1635 Bedford. Hair Dressing, Scalp Massage, Manicuring, Facial, Massage, Hair Goods. St. Felix Street. Exit, 31, Exit 34, Exit 35, Coat Room, Smoking Room Over, Aisle, Exit 36, Exit 37, Exit 38, Up to Smoking Room, Concert Hall First Floor, Aisle, Ladies Retiring Room, Exit 32, Exit 33, Fire Exit Court.
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E.M.F. Thirty. E.M.F Thirty ‘Guaranteed for One Year'. E.M.F Cars are the first real standards in automobile manufacture. The great E.M.F plants and production, the most efficient automobile manufacturing and sales organization in the World are the reasons why the E.MF Company can sell a better machine for less money than others. Ask an E.M.F. owner. We have a new model E.M.F. Touring Car and Flanders Suburban for immediate delivery. We also have two demonstrating cars which we will sell at attractive prices. Carpenter Motor Vehicle Co. Brooklyn Agents. 1239 – 41 – 43 Fulton Street. Telephone: 1000-1001 Bedford. Headquarters for E.M.F. and Studebaker Parts, Repairs, Refinishing, etc. Excellent Garage Facilities. Eagle Press, Brooklyn-New York.
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This piano, a replica of the Hardman made for Enrico Caruso, may be seen at our New York warerooms. Harman Piano. The Piano Paramount. The Hardman Piano is selected by the greatest operatic singers of the world for their use as the piano best adapted to accompany their voices. If no other proof were needed, this in itself is definite assurance of the paramount tonal qualities and the sympathetic touch of the Hardman Piano. But it has also behind it, the accumulated force of three-quarters of a century of acknowledged reputation. Hardman Grands from $700 Upward, Uprights from $425 Upward. Terms of purchase arranged to meet customers' convenience. Highest possible value allowed for old pianos taken in exchange. Send for Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue. Hardman Peck & Co. Founded 1842. New York Store, 138 Fifth Avenue, 524 Fulton Street, Brooklyn.
Did you know?
Edith Craig and Pamela Colman Smith designed scenes for a play by W. B. Yeats.