Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare, 15 November 1910, Image 1 of 5
Pierce 1911 Arrow. The Pierce-Arrow, a car of mechanical luxury, free from troublesome and annoying conditions - the perfect car. More than ever exemplified in the 1911 models for which we are booking orders now. The Miner Garage Co. Cor. Allen and High. Chrysanthemums, Roses, Violets, Coombs, Leading Florist, Flowers delivered to any part of the world. 688 Main St. Phone Charter 3200. "I thought I should fly" "When I found my best gown all mussed and soiled it seemed really ruined but a friend advised me to send it too Lewandos and it was returned good as new with no trace of spot or soil and carefully pressed and returned in a box packed as carefully as possible. I shall fly directly to Lewandos the next time I am in similar trouble. Lewandos 1829, 1911. Americas Greatest. Cleansers, Dyers, Launderers, Hartford Shop, 50 Asylum St Phone 526. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Albany, Rochester, Providence, Newport, New Haven, Bridgeport, Springfield, Worcester, Cambridge, Lynn, Salem, Watertown. "A Hotel of refinement and comfort." [?] Hartford [?]. Robert J. Allen, Prop. John J. Dahill, Manager. Cafe and Restaurant perfectly appointed with unexcelled facilities for service after the Theatre. Try the Hartford Turkish Bath, Acoustics of the very best satisfaction assured in every department. Popular charges. Night accommodations. Peter Gaston, Manager. 167-9 Asylum St. Opp. Allen House. Hartford Conservatory of Music. Studios, 314 Farmington Ave, Beginners, teachers', and artists' courses, Certificates awarded. New York instructors. Write for Year Book. 'Phone Elizabeth 1329. The College Club announces The American Dramatic Guild. Frank Lea Short, Director. Presenting The Morality Play, "Mankind" "The Second Shepherd's Play". December 5 8.15 P.M. Parson's Theatre. Ticket sale notice later. The Choral Club Ralph I. Baldwin Conductor. 1910 - Fourth Season - 1911. Two concerts at Parson's Theatre. Tuesday Evening Dec 6. Friday Evening Apr 28. Reserved seats and details, John M. Gallup & Co, [?] Asylum. Musical Club announce Alice Neilson of Metropolitan and Boston Opera House in Song Recital. Parson's Theatre, Dec. 8. Next concert Hartford Philharmonic Orchestra, Parson's Theatre. Tuesday December 13th. Public Rehearsal at 2.30 John Spencer Camp, Conductor Soloist Marie K. Zimmerman Soprano.