1910 - 1911Ellen Terry lecture tour of North America
15 November 1910

Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare

Location Parson's Theatre, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Programme, three copies, incomplete

Date 15 November 1910
Production Date(s) Tuesday November 15 1910
Venue Parsons' Theatre
Venue address Hartford, Connecticut [USA]
Document ID ET-D760 Original record
Held by The British Library
5 scanned images
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Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare, 15 November 1910, Image 1 of 5

Pierce 1911 Arrow. The Pierce-Arrow, a car of mechanical luxury, free from troublesome and annoying conditions - the perfect car. More than ever exemplified in the 1911 models for which we are booking orders now. The Miner Garage Co. Cor. Allen and High. Chrysanthemums, Roses, Violets, Coombs, Leading Florist, Flowers delivered to any part of the world. 688 Main St. Phone Charter 3200. "I thought I should fly" "When I found my best gown all mussed and soiled it seemed really ruined but a friend advised me to send it too Lewandos and it was returned good as new with no trace of spot or soil and carefully pressed and returned in a box packed as carefully as possible. I shall fly directly to Lewandos the next time I am in similar trouble. Lewandos 1829, 1911. Americas Greatest. Cleansers, Dyers, Launderers, Hartford Shop, 50 Asylum St Phone 526. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Albany, Rochester, Providence, Newport, New Haven, Bridgeport, Springfield, Worcester, Cambridge, Lynn, Salem, Watertown. "A Hotel of refinement and comfort." [?] Hartford [?]. Robert J. Allen, Prop. John J. Dahill, Manager. Cafe and Restaurant perfectly appointed with unexcelled facilities for service after the Theatre. Try the Hartford Turkish Bath, Acoustics of the very best satisfaction assured in every department. Popular charges. Night accommodations. Peter Gaston, Manager. 167-9 Asylum St. Opp. Allen House. Hartford Conservatory of Music. Studios, 314 Farmington Ave, Beginners, teachers', and artists' courses, Certificates awarded. New York instructors. Write for Year Book. 'Phone Elizabeth 1329. The College Club announces The American Dramatic Guild. Frank Lea Short, Director. Presenting The Morality Play, "Mankind" "The Second Shepherd's Play". December 5 8.15 P.M. Parson's Theatre. Ticket sale notice later. The Choral Club Ralph I. Baldwin Conductor. 1910 - Fourth Season - 1911. Two concerts at Parson's Theatre. Tuesday Evening Dec 6. Friday Evening Apr 28. Reserved seats and details, John M. Gallup & Co, [?] Asylum. Musical Club announce Alice Neilson of Metropolitan and Boston Opera House in Song Recital. Parson's Theatre, Dec. 8. Next concert Hartford Philharmonic Orchestra, Parson's Theatre. Tuesday December 13th. Public Rehearsal at 2.30 John Spencer Camp, Conductor Soloist Marie K. Zimmerman Soprano.
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Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare, 15 November 1910, Image 2 of 5

Young Men's New and Shapely Shoes. Altogether good-looking shoes, with an air of assured style, particularly pleasing to dressy young fellows. Comfortable snappy shapes in all leathers. The W. G. Simmons Co. 901 Main St. Cor. Pratt. Henry Kohn & Sons Sterling Suggestions for Wedding Gifts. Tea sets, coffee sets, sandwich trays, bread trays, card trays, fruit baskets, berry sets, almond sets, meat dishes, fish platters, mayonnaise sets, candlesticks, etc, etc, etc. 890 Main St. St Hartford Factory Newark N. J. Northrop's Eye-Opener! That combination accident and health policy covers every accident and illness. Richard W [?] "The Policy Placer". Traveler's Building Talk with Northrop. 2nd Floor, It's his business. Pratt of Pratt St. New Gloves and Waists worth your while to see. R. Strauss "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks after the old fashioned Roguish Manner, - In Rondo Form" Op. 28. Wagner Aria from "Tannhauser" "Dich, they're Halle, [?] inch [?]", Sibelius "Finlandia." Syraphonic Poem for Orchestra, Op. 26 No. 7. Soloist, Madame Berta Morena there will be an intermission of ten minutes after the symphony, continued on fifth page following. Lathrop Co. If you desire the best quality of canned goods, we can satisfy you 314-318 Asylum St. Like a Circus Without a Band - that's what a dinner or social function would be without Martin's quality Ice Cream. It doesn't make any difference whether the object of the occasion is three or seventy three; they all like Ice Cream; and what's more, you can't please the guests any more surely than by having Martin's Ice Cream. Telephone 2169. Factory: 612 Capitol Ave. "The Sight Shop". K. J. Brown, Optician. High character of workmanship embodied to every pair of our spectacles and eye glasses. 50 Asylum 6 stores from Main. Thanksgiving Week Attraction. November 21-26. Matinees Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Jobs. M. Gates. "The Three Twins" with Clifton Crawford and Marie Fanchonelti the daner. You know the bother of the bulging bosom. Embarrassing isn't it, to have your shirt bosom swell out like a balloon as you take your seat at the table, or in the Theatre, where you do want to look particularly well? The New Donchester Cluett Shirts cannot bulge. The bosom is attached to the body of the shirt in such a way that no matter what position the body of the wearer may assume, the bosom stays flat. Made in plain, tucked or pique bosoms for formal as in formal evening wear. $2.00 and $3.00. Superb Furs the assemblage at Stillman & Co's includes exquisite examples of every skin that correct usage sanctions - modelled into luxurious garments of surpassing richness and beauty. For garments made to order. Stillman & Co. 59 Pratt St. Hartford.
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Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare, 15 November 1910, Image 3 of 5

The Apindar Corp 730 Main St. Hartford. Illustrators half-tone, wood cuts, zinc etching, electro typing. Julia Sanderson in "The Arcadians" November 16-17. Why? - has everyone a good word for our superior methods? David Seide. Popular Barber Shop, 726 Main St. Times Bldg. Allyn House Barber Shop, 158 Asylum St. See our window. Finest Display of Portable Table Lamps (Wesbach and Electric) in the city. House Wiring. Gas and Electric Fixtures. Bell Repairing. Phone Charter 788. Rice and Green Electric Co. State St. Finally Bros. Printers. Saturday, November 19. Matinee and Night. Mary Vokes in Jos M. Gate's newest play. "Katie Did" based on that clever farce "My friend from India." Music and Lyrics by W. C. Duncan and Frank Smithsonian composers of "Three Twins" "Bright Eyes" "The Girl of My Dreams" "Madam Sherry."
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Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare, 15 November 1910, Image 4 of 5

The beauty shop. Hair Goods and Cosmetics, the best only. Ladies will find our attractive and equally popular shop renders most excellent service in all departments. Phone Charter 2394 for appointments. L. P. Williams 204 Trumbull Street. Mme. Tetrazzini writes [?][?] Evans' Antiseptic Throat Pastilles clear the air passages from colds, coughs, hoarseness, producing perfect voice. Druggists [?] or Evans, 92 William St., New York. Monday and Tuesday, November 28 and 29. Wage has & Kemper Co. Present Seven Days Greatest Comedy Hit in 20 years. "The cyclonic fun maker".- Globe. "The Laughing Wonder" - N. Y. Times. "An unqualified hit" - Post. "It is good to see" - Transcript. Quality Corner the spot with the passion for the new. The Stackpole Moore, [?] Co. Quality Corner. We buy them back. We make a special effort to please collar buyers. If for any reason collars brought here should prove unsatisfactory in any way we buy them back, providing they bear no laundry marks. $1.50 a doz. The Luke Horsfall Company. 93-99 Asylum St. It pays to buy our kind. 140 Trumbull St. Cafe and Restaurant connected with this Theatre. Quick Service between the Acts. Bell rings two minutes before rise of curtain. A good spot to chat with your friends. Ten private dining rooms for after-theatre parties. Gammerdinger & Foley, Props. A. Tobacco makes good clothes Phoenix Bank Blog. Tuesday Evening, November 15, 1910. Civic Forum Lecture Bureau present Miss Ellen Terry in Shakespearean discourses with illustrated acting. American Season 1910-1911. Shakespeare's Heroine's Triumphant. The characters illustrated in this discourse are Beatrice, Rosalind, Portia and Katherine. Program continued on page following. H. B. Hawkins diamonds and jewelry 30-40% lower than store prices. 26 State room 28, Phone Charter 2490. Ryan Specialty Shop the foremost designers of America and Europe are the sources of supply from which this establishment chooses its garments. We carefully avoid all inferior manufacturers whose attempts to copy effect but poor imitations of the real. Notwithstanding this, our prices are as low as those asked for the most commonplace types. Furs designed by artists and fashioned by experienced furriers. Our furs are distinctly of the highest grade and quality. Our constant effort is to offer fine grade furs which combine swagger designs and best workmanship. In addition to a large stock of ready-to-wear furs for women and children, we have unusual facilities for making furs to order. A. Plasikowski. Manufacturing Furrier. 47 Pratt St. Tel. Charter 345-6. Satisfaction to one and all is the watchword here. Charter Oak Barber Shop Manicuring. 124 Asylum St. (Under Charter Oak Bank) J. F. Shulthiess, Proprietor. Mrs L. M. Reed. Surgeon-Chiropodist hours 9-5, Room 54, 847 Main Street, Telephone Charter 2499. Shakespeare says "there is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune". Are you prepared for that opportunity? Let me assist you. Queen Alice. The Fortune Teller. 903 Main St. Rooms 14 and 15. Phone Charter 1378 for appointments, 8 to 9.30. Dine where surroundings add charm, [?] Heidelberg is a convenient spot to define and not too high-priced. The luxury is all in the surroundings. Place your property with Barker and Pease if you want it sold. Conn. Mutual Building, Hartford.
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Triumphant Heroines of Shakespeare, 15 November 1910, Image 5 of 5

Automobile supplies. Tires - All popular brands, all sizes in stock at lowest prices. We attend to and get liberal adjustments on tires for our customers. Oils and Greases - We have all popular brands Charter [?] Oil at 35 cents a gallon, guaranteed carbonless. No better oil at any price. Clothing, we carry all kinds of motoring coats for cold rain or dust. Get our prices on fur coats. Very complete line of gloves and caps, latest styles. Goggles - We have just imported a full line of the latest French Novelties in goggles for winter use. Tools - everything conceivable in the way of tools for repairing. Wind Shields - All popular makes. Prices for all pocket books. Do not buy a shield until you see us. Presto-O-Lite Tanks - We are local agents and have complete stock for exchange. Vulcanizing - Our workmen are skilled. Only best materials used. Work guaranteed. Prices as low as the lowest. Everything for the motorist and the car. The Post and Lester Co. Stores in principal New England Cities. Hartford Store, 175 Asylum Street. Fresh Sea Food fresh from the water. Cape Cod Oysters, in all styles, opened fresh from the shell as ordered. Lobsters and Clams in every style. Try them today. we are open "Till Midnight, for men Only". The Admiral Cafe, 60 Asylum Street. Furs The Superior and Dependable kind. We are experienced furriers and can fill your demands in a new fur garment. Look over our showing now Alfred C. J. Williams 38 Allyn Street. Do you want your home tastefully decorated see Paul E. Saying, 36 Allyn St. The "Green Kettle" Pratt Street's copy spot for Ladies and Gentlemen to dine 11 to 5. Atmosphere and cuisine of the best. Call Charter 1638 Mitchell Taxicabs, we render good service Capitol City Auto Co. S. Vogel we carry Fred Usinger's Milwaukee, Frankforts and Bolognes - the best 361 Main Street. Miss Ellen Terry whose personality and genius have placed her amongst the foremost on the English Stage and whose humanitarian impulses, as powerful as [?], have out her talents at the service of the Hartford Hospital appears before us tonight. She shared with Henry Irving the distinction of being at the head of the English profession. In her present semi-retirement her opinion is golden especially concerning the heroines of Shakespeare, whom for so long she presented in flesh and blood to enthusiastic audiences. Miss Terry creates the realization of what the poet imagined. She incorporates the fancies, and in her comments she shows why and wherefore these women are loveable, and why they have come down the centuries and enrapture us now, as they did the audiences in Queen Elizabeth's days. Thus art in a great and talented woman, makes alive, figures that would be gone forever, and by the magic of her personality and her comments gives them reality. In the help which Miss Terry tonight gives the Hartford Hospital she exhibits that humanity which has always graced great artists. She is a women who gives aid wherever she can. To the great artist and the true woman the city of Hartford owes thanks. To the re-creator of poetic characters praise. To Ellen Terry always love and admiration for what she did in her public and private character. Her Beatrice, her Rosalind, her Portia will live and remain a memory of the Theatre and the public. Her comments on our explanations of these characters are the most valuable heritages she can give to art, for it needs a true woman and a finished, ripe artist to understand them. At Miss Terry's first appearance in America, at the Hudson Theatre, New York. November 3rd, a committee of persons prominent in Literature. Art and Science greeted Miss Terry with the following welcome written by Kate Douglas Wiggin, author of "Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm." And was read by the Rev. Percy Strickney Grant. The names in this book are interlined throughout with radiant memories and happy anticipations, tho' they will be visible to no one but yourself as they are in sympathetic ink of a per cultivar confidential tint. This little volume is a book of welcome from certain loyal admirers to that incarnation of poetic harmony we call Ellen Terry; the [?], the unapproachable, the imperishable beloved of the English speaking stage. Since that star danced under which you were born, up to this present moment, dear Ellen Terry, each of us would have said, as Portia to Bassanio - "One half of me is yours, the other half yours..... And so all yours!" Kate Douglas Wiggin. Programme continued on next page. Vacuum cleaners for rent by the day Phone Charter 2001 or Call at Chapin's, 25 Asylum. Mr. Auto Owner! The one important factor in your tire troubles is to get good repairing. Our experienced men and good work place us first in the vulcanizing line, and what more, we assure positive satisfaction. Holcomb Tire Repair Co. 186 Allyn Street, Telephone, Charter 2344.

Did you know?

Ellen Terry is mentioned in Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula (1897).

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