Shakespeare's Heroines, 31 December 1910, Image 1 of 14
Massey Music Hall Programme ideal Orchid Talcum perfumed with fresh orchid flowers, purest made, 25c. at leading drug stores. Founded as a gift 1894 by Hart A. Massey, 1894. For a "Taxi" Phone Main 6921.
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Morning Coat or Cut-Away Frock. A Stylish Coat approved for morning wear made by us to measure in black vicunas, fancy worsteds or tweeds expertly cut and carefully man tailored. From $30.00 Upwards. Murray-Kay Limited (W. A. Murray & Co. Ltd) 17 to 31 King St. East. Massey Music Hall, Ellen Terry on her return to America. How shall we welcome back her image bright, who from our hearts has never been away? They never lived who never loved a play, nor ever loved who loved not in delight; therefore to her who, in Dull-Care's despite, long since has taught the world's sad soul to pray to saints of jop, we bring an homage gay of hearts made lighter by her own pure light. Juliet of love, Miranda of the mind, Katherine of quips, and beauty's Rosalind, Truth's Portia, Beatrice the madcapmerry, all heroines wrought of the master's heart – to these we bow, and these bow down to Art, and Art to Time, and Time – to Ellen Terry. – New York Times, Nov. 4, 1910. Our New Apparel Store for women. Parisian Millinery, Tailor-made Suits Afternoon and Evening Gowns Bridesmaid's Dresses at sensible prices. G. L. MacKay, 495 Yonge St. North 4324.
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Massey Music Hall. The Sellers-Gough Fur Co. Limited. "The Largest Exclusive Fur House in the British Empire". Toronto & Montreal. The Queen of Fashion is that women who chooses her wardrobe with discrimination. From a complete delineation of all the correct modes in fur as shown in our store, your every taste may be gratified, no matter what the limitation of your purse may be. We would appreciate the opportunity to consult with you on what fur and on what particular style would suit you best. You have at your service in this store a corps of the best fashion designers without any extra price, and you will see here every new mode that will be shown in the most fashionable centres of New York, Paris and London. Besides the assurance of absolutely correct styles, we guarauntee the quality of every fur shown in our showrooms, and we can assure you that you will save money on every purchase made here. Buying from the "Largest Exclusive Fur House in the British Empire" gives you all the price advantages obtainable, because the enormous volume of our business makes possible the greatest economy in production. The Sellers-Gough Fur Co. Limited. "The Largest Exclusive Fur House in the British Empire" 244 to 250 Yonge St. Cor Louisa, Toronto. 280 St. Catherine St. opp. St James Church, Montreal. Massey Music Hall. Dairy at Queen St. E. Toronto, Farms at Erindale Ontario. Erindale Farm HighGrade Milk. Delievered a few hours after milked. Bottled on the farm. S. Price & Sons, Limited. Producers of High Grade Milk. The very best Rogers Coal. Head Office, 28 King St. West, Toronto. Reg. Trade Mark.
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Massey Music Hall. The tone of a piano is an infallible index to its value. Even more so than its construction. For the construction is but a means to produce tone, which in itself reveals the success or failure of the makers. The Haines Bros. Piano possess a tone of remarkable sweetness and power that attests with finality the infallibility of that tone-judgement-represented by three-score years of experience and study – which has directed the construction of each individual instrument. Established 1851. The Foster Armstrong Co. Limited. 4 Queen Street East. Toronto. Also Sales Agents for the Chickering Piano. Massey Music Hall. Mme. Marcella Sembrich, Sembrich has made a place all her own in the hearts of the Canadian people. Few artists of modern times have ever reached such perfection in the Art of Vocalism: the velvety smoothness and luscious qualities of her voice and her absolute mastery of technical difficulties have seldom been surpassed in this generation. Such an artists must have a Piano that is in perfect sympathy with her glorious voice. The "New Scale Williams" with its rich, round, full singing tone, meets all the requirements of this artist notice how beautifully it blends with her voice to-night and then you will realize why most of the great artists visiting Canada use the "New Scale Williams" 143 Yonge St., Toronto. Programme – Continued. Ellen Terry Saturday, Dec. 31st 1910. Continued on page 9. "Salada" Tea. The Finest Flavored Tea.
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Massey Music Hall. The Charm of Correct Hair Goods and Hair Supplies is shown in the many Artistes Hair Creations Manufactured and Designed by Dorenwend's Correct Hair Goods softens the expression, bring into prominence the best features and conceal all defects. Call at our store and have your particular wants attended to. Quality Goods at Moderate Prices. Our Beauty Parlors and Hair Dressing Rooms are the most complete and luxurious in America. Phone M. 1551 for appointments. Don't try to dress your hair yourself. Have one of our experts show you what skilful designers can do towards improving your appearance. The Dorenwend Co. of Toronto, Ltd. 103 & 105 Yonge Street, Toronto. Massey Music Hall, Crusty People are not liked, but a crusty loaf of bread is very popular. Webb's French Sticks have abundance of crisp, wholesome crust. When you get them in the best hotels, restaurants, dining cars, etc., you say: "What delicious bread is this?" Why not have it at home? Price 5c. each. A telephone call will bring a wagon to your door. The Harry Webb Co., Ltd., Bakery, Buchanan Street. Webb's French Bread. Programme – continued Ellen Terry in Shakespeare's Heroines Triumphant. Shakespeare's Heroines Pathetic. Letters in Shakespeare's Plays, continued on page 10. After the Concert Visit The New Savoy, luncheons, afternoon teas, suppers. Open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Theatre Parties a speciality. 114 ½ Yonge St. Two doors south of Adelaide. Phone M. 6085.
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Massey Music Hall. Uncommon jewelry, Xmas the season of gift interchange is almost upon us. You will find us prepared with much larger assortments than ever before, at still more attractive prices. Ellis Bros. 108 Yonge St. Just below Adelaide. Diamond Importers. Send for Xmas Booklet. Programme Continued – portia continued on page 13. [?] Valet Fountain the Cleaner. Have you ever tried us for cleaning and dyeing? If not you'll likely be interested to know we are constantly performing this service for many of Toronto's smartest dressed women. Besides repairing and remodelling their costumes when occasion requires. The particular reason for our success in this line may be attributed to the fact that the handling of these delicate and costly gowns is entrusted only to specialists whose good taste, long experience, and attentive care to every detail gives positive assurance of satisfactory results. Suppose you try us on your next parcel; the others will follow as a matter of course. Phone Main 5900. The sign of satisfaction. "My Valet" Fountain, the Cleaner, 30 Adelaide St. W. Massey Music Hall. His Master's Voice Gramophone Co. Formerly Toronto Gramphone Co. 286 Yonge St. "His Master's Voice" Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Emilio De Gogorza, Baritone. Emilio de Gorgorza is one of the best-known baritones in America. His well-trained voice and artistic interpretations are quite familiar to concert goers, and he sings a remarkable variety of music with admirable skill and unimpeachable good taste. Note – when language is not indicated the numbers are sung in English or Italian. Ten-inch, with orchestra, $1.25 each. 64037 Clang of the Forge The Rodney, 64038 For all Eternity (Mascheroni), 64041 La Sevillana [in Spanish], 64042 Linda Mia – Spanish Folk Song, 64045 La Tempestad – Monologo [In Spanish] Chapi, 64101 Lina – Chason Napolotaine [In French] Symiane, 64110 Tavira O'La Romeria – Tortzico – (The Feast at the Hermitage) [In Spanish] de Evcilla, 64043 Teresita Mia – Spanish Folk Song. Twelve-inch with orchestra, $1.75 each. 74047 Dormi pure! – Serenade [Sleep on!] Scuderi, 74077 Drink to Me only with Thine Eyes [Old English], 74042 E! Canto del Presidiario [In Spanish] Alvarez, 74149 Mi Nina [In Spanish] Guetary, 74105 O sole mio – Neapolitan Folk Song - Capua, 74086 Semele – Where'er You Walk - Handel, 74041 The Holy City – Adams, 74118 1. Mother o'Mine [Piano Acc.], 2. The Lark Now Leaves its Wat'ry Nest [Pano Acc.] – Parker, Twelve-inch, with orchestra, $3.00 each, 88181 – Barbiere [?] [Room for the [?]] – Rossini, 88173 Caro mio ben [[?] Thou Believe] – Giordani, 88178 Carmen – Chan-on du Toreador. Toreador Song [In French] With New York Opera Chorus – Bizet, 88174 – Faust – Dio Possenie [Even the Bravest Heart] – Gounod, 88177 God, My Father [From "Seven Last Words of Christ" – Dubois, 88180 – Hamlet – Brindisi – Drinking Son [In French] – Thomas, 88153 Herodiade – Vision Fugitive Fleeting Vision [In French], 88175 Il Trovatore – Il balen [The Tempest of the Heart] – Verdi, 88176 Pagliacci Prologo [Prologue] Leoncavello, 88179 Rigoletto – Mondologo, "Parti siamo" [We are Equal] – Verdi, 88172 Roi de Lahore – Promesse de mon avenir Oh Promise of a Joy Divine (In French) Massenet, 88154 Tannhauser – O du mein holder Abendstern Evening Star (In German) – Wagner, Note – Mr. de Gogorza sings exclusively for the Victor Company. His Master's Voice Gramaphone Co. 286 Yonge St. (Opp. Wilson Ave.) Victor Distributors, Toronto.
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Massey Music Hall, Hyslop Bros. Limited, Toronto, Opposite Massey Hall. Massey Music Hall, "Cadillac" Limousines. The ideal car for the theatre, stormy weather, shopping or calling. The best value ever offered Limousine including Cadillac reliability, efficiency and economy. Designed and built throughout to embody richness, refinement, elegance and luxury, at a fair price just about half what was formerly considered fair. Ask for demonstration and fuller particulars. "Cadillac" Touring Car. Represents all that anyone can want in a first-class automobile at reasonable cost. Thoroughly standardized and fully guaranteed, with a reputation second to none for reliability and efficiency. The Cadillac "Thirty" is a conspicuous example of modern engineering skill, and is beyond all question the greatest and most permanent value of any moderate-priced car on the market.
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Massey Music Hall. Defective Hearing? For comfort , ease and pleasure ask for an Accousticon Seat in Massey Hall. Inconspicuous and effective instruments for public and individual use. Durability guaranteed; results beneficial and permanent. Mass acorn for Catarrh Deafness. Accousticon for defective hearing. Write for information and folders to G. H. White, 468 Yonge St. Toronto. Costumes for Ladies. Attractive and well-fashioned Models, the Latest New York and Paris Styles. Up-to-date Dressmaking Parlors and exclusive designed Gowns and Evening Dresses. Man-Tailored Costume a speciality. Madam N. Brown. College & Major Streets, Phone Coll. 4969. Massey Music Hall. There's nothing better for the preservation as well as the purification of the skin. If there were anything we could add to make our delightful face treatments more soothing, healing scientific and beneficial we would surely do it. Ladies who know say our face treatments cannot be equaled anywhere. Spots, pimples, freckles, blotches, etc. disappear as if by magic wrinkles are smoothed out; that tired look removed and several years taken off one's appearance. Phone M. 831 for appointment. Descriptive brochure mailed on request. Superfluous Hair, Moles, Etc. always permanently removed by our reliable method of antiseptic electrolysis. Satisfaction assured. Hiscott, Dermatological Institute. 61 College St Estab. 1892. Toronto. Programme - Continued. Beatrice continued on page 17. Phone College 3845, classes in China Paint e.g. China Fired Daily, Hand Pleated China. The Williams Art Importing Co. Mrs. K. Mce. Williams 464 College Street, Toronto. (4 doors West of Bathurst). Special Agent for Excelsior China Kiln.
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Massey Music Hall. At the City Dairy Model Far, "Dentonia Park," is produced a grade of milk of so high quality as to earn from the Milk Commission of the Academy of Medicine the title "Certified Milk." This is as near perfection as raw (unpasturized) milk can go - it costs more than ordinary milk for us to produce - and for you to buy - but it's pure, natively pure! Try it. Denlonia "Certified" Milk, specially packed for protection against the elements. 4 City Dairy tickets per quart. City Dairy. Milk Certified by the Academy of Medicine. Milk Commission [?] Toronto. Retail skirt department Skirts - (from customer's own material only.). "Hobbie" style in modified and extreme form. For tailored and pleated styles, and in fact for every style which calls for "chic" and destination, we specialize. A. T. Reid Co., Limited. Tel. Main 3503 11 Duncan Street. Massey Music Hall, Helping the Housekeeper. One of our biggest departments is the cleaning and dying of Household articles. We clean and dye almost everything - All kinds of curtains, drapes, furniture coverings, piano & table coverings, quilts, blankets, etc. Keep the house bright with no trouble to yourself by sending your home articles to their works. R. Parker & Co. Canada's Greatest Dying and Cleaning Works. Toronto, Can. 201 and 791 Yonge Street, 59 King St. West, 471 & 1324 Queen St. W., 277 Queen St. East. Programme - continued. Rosalind. Continued on Page 19. The Best People Eat Barker's Club Rolls. Barker's Spadina and St Patrick Streets. Ask for French bread, home made toasting and brown bread. Telephone College 2660.
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Massey Music Hall, Christmas Cards and Calendars. Our stock is now complete. To obtain the best selections now is the time to order. Your inspection is solicited. Peterson's Art Rooms. 382 Yonge Street. Hickey's High Grade Clothes and Haberdashery for Men. All the highest grade apparel for men now on exhibition. Overcoats $14 to $35, Suits $15 to $35. 97 Yonge Hickey's Street. Massey Music Hall. Canada's Greatest Music House. Music. Sheet Music, Music Books, Musical Instruments, Musical Merchandise. Engravers, Printers and Publishers of Music in Every Form. The "Imperial" Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos are used by all the successful teachers, schools and colleges. The "Imperial" Strings for Violin, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo Arte the best made. We carry everything in Music and Musical Instruments. Whaley, Royce & Co. Limited, Western Branch, 356 Main St. Winnipeg, Mas. 237 Yonge Street, Toronto. Programme Continued, Viola. The Bell Piano "An instrument of which the makers may well feel proud." 146 Yonge Street. Dr. A. S. Vogt.
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Massey Music Hall, Christmas Cards and Calendars. Our stock is now complete. To obtain the best selections now is the time to order. Your inspection is solicited. Peterson's Art Rooms. 382 Yonge Street. Hickey's High Grade Clothes and Haberdashery for Men. All the highest grade apparel for men now on exhibition. Overcoats $14 to $35, Suits $15 to $35. 97 Yonge Hickey's Street. Massey Music Hall. Canada's Greatest Music House. Music. Sheet Music, Music Books, Musical Instruments, Musical Merchandise. Engravers, Printers and Publishers of Music in Every Form. The "Imperial" Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos are used by all the successful teachers, schools and colleges. The "Imperial" Strings for Violin, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo Arte the best made. We carry everything in Music and Musical Instruments. Whaley, Royce & Co. Limited, Western Branch, 356 Main St. Winnipeg, Mas. 237 Yonge Street, Toronto. Programme Continued, Viola. The Bell Piano "An instrument of which the makers may well feel proud." 146 Yonge Street. Dr. A. S. Vogt.
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Massey Music Hall. The name of a composer is synonymous with a certain standard of achievement which has given him his reputation. In the same way the name of a piano is synonymous with the standard of achievement of the manufacturer. The name "Nordheimer" has stood for the highest and best in music in Canada for seventy years and the Nordheimer Piano is the highest achievement of this grand old house. No Canadian instrument has ever equaled the Nordheimer Piano for durability and tone quality. It is called The Quality Tone Piano made in six styles, in mahogany, walnut, Circassian walnut, and oak cases. The Nordheimer Player Pianos are made in two styles in mahogany or walnut. Style book, price, and terms on application. Nordheimer Piano & Music Co. Limited. Canadian Representatives of Steinway & Sons, New York. 15 King Street East, Toronto. Massey Music Hall. Shopper's Guide Specially Compiled for Massey Hall Patrons. Artists supplies The Art Metropole, Limited, Phones Main 2123-4. Cutlery, Nicholson's Cutlery Store, 80 1/2 Yonge St. China and glass repairing W. O Littleford & Son, Cut Glass our Speciality, 4 Gerrard St. East. Candies chocolate and bon bons Huylers 130-132 Yonge St. Fancy goods and stationery, L. Rae, 1472 Queen St. W. Fancy China, direct importers of Cut Glass. Fruits, Wellwood, 1761, Yonge St. Groceries. and Fruits, Frank Giles 822, 4 Yonge St. Phone North 238. Kosher Delicatessen. S. Harris, 178 Queen Street. W. Phone Main 2464. Men's Tailors, Coleman's Limited, 102, King Street, W., Phone Main 6626, Musical Instruments Weatherbone & Gliddon 12 King St. Arcade phone main 5275, fine strings for all instruments. Thomas Claxton, 303 Yonge St. Phone main 6712. New Fiction McKenna's Book Store, 169 Yonge St. Phone Main 1717. Popular Music, Musgrave, Dominion Music Co, 8 Yonge St. Arcade, phone main 2474. Telephone M 539 Ashdown's Music Store Headquarters for Sheet Music and Music Books. Sacred and secular songs for all voices. Choir and Chorus Music, Organ Music, Violin Music, Piano Music. All the well-known editions kept in stock, Teacher's Supplies, including Music required for the Conservatory, College and University Examinations. 144 Victoria St. Between Queen St. And Massey Hall, Ashdown's Music Store. Coming Events Jan. 12th, Toronto Symphony assisted by France's McMillan. 18, 19, National Chorus, Feb. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Mendelssohn, 11th, Toronto Railway Employees, 14th, Upper Canada Bible, 18th, 20th, 21st, Schubert Choir assisted by Mme, Nordica.
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Massey Music Hall C/C a la Grace. The Individual Corset. To the woman who can appreciate the style and beauty of a natural figure, the "a la Grace" corset should especially appeal, since it contains the very latest decree of fashion with the ease and individuality of perfect fit. Each new model is thoroughly tried and tested, fitted and refitted in our salons until it represents the acme of fashion and comfort. Only a special quality of warranted rust-proof steel boning is used giving flexibility and allowing the body plenty of freedom. A la Grace Corsets are finished in such a variety of styles that no matter how dainty and discriminating a woman may be, there is a corset that will suit both her exacting taste and the requirements of fashion. C/C a' la Grace Corsets are sold under a full guarantee. This means that the lines of the corset will be graceful and stylish; that a' la Grace Corsets are warranted rust-proof and will always retain their shape. For sale by your dealer. The house of quality. Fairweathers Furs. The test of time in furs is the test of the furrers experience. It is reasonable for us to claim future satisfaction in our goods because they represent the perfection of forty years experience in making fine furs. Persian Lamb Coats $175.00 to $600.00. Sealskin Coats $250.00 to $900.00, Ermine Sets, $85.00 to $350.00, Mink Sets $50.00 to $250.00. Write for Fur Catalogue "N" Fairweathers Limited 84 & 86 Yonge St. Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal.
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Shakespeare's Heroines, 31 December 1910, Image 14 of 14
Canada's Greatest Piano. One of the most attractive of the Art Series Upright Pianos of the Heintzman & Co. Pianos. Made by ye olde firme of Heintzman & Co. Limited, is the Mission design shown in the present illustrations. In its tonal qualities and inner mechanisms the highest standards of piano construction have been followed. An ideally furnished library or sitting-room is one furnished with Misson furniture with a Heintzman & Co. Upright Piano in Mission style, as in the illustration, holding a conspicuous place. Piano Salon: 115-117 King St. West, Toronto.
Did you know?
Joseph Conrad wrote to thank the Leeds theatre for Edith Craig's direction of The Secret Agent.