1910 - 1911Ellen Terry lecture tour of North America
18 January 1911

Shakespeare's Heroines

Location Carnegie Hall, 7th Avenue, New York, USA


1. Programme, three copies

Date 18 January 1911
Production Date(s) Wednesday January 18 1911
Venue Carnegie Hall
Venue address New York [USA]
Time of performance 8.15pm
Document ID ET-D768 Original record
Held by The British Library
7 scanned images
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Shakespeare's Heroines, 18 January 1911, Image 1 of 7

Carnegie Hall, Higby. Alfred Scott, Publisher 156 5th Ave.
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Burton Holmes Travelogues. Magnificently Illustrated. Color views and motion pictures. 3 courses exactly alike. Course A - 8.30 P.M. Carnegie Hall 4 Sunday Evenings. Course B - 3.00 P.M. Lyceum Theatre, 4 Monday Matinees. Course C - 3.00 P.M. Lyceum Theatre, 4 Tuesday Matinees. Single Ticket. Carnegie Hall $1, [?], Lyceum Theatre [?], Unreserved seats [?][?][?] each Tuesday. Passion Play Oberammergau 1910. Carnegie, Sun Eve. Jan, 22, Lyceum, Mon. Mat, Jan, 23, Lyceum Tues. Mat, Jan 24. The Real Bohemia Carnegie Sun, Eve, Jan, 20, Lyceum, Mon. Mat Jan. 30, Lyceum, Tues, Mat, Jan 31. Motor Journeys in Germany, Carnegie, Mon. Eve, Feb. 5, Lyceum, Mon, Mat, Feb. 6, Lyceum, Tues, Mat. Feb, 7. Two Ways around the world Carnegie, Sun, Eve, Feb, 12, Lyceum, Mon, Mat, Feb. 13, Lyceum, Tues, Mat, Feb. 14. Redfern Whalebone Corsets, The Standard of Corset Fashion. The Foundation of a Perfect-Fitting Gown. Boned with purest selected Arctic Whalebone. Security Rubber Button, Hose Supporters are attached to Redfern Whalebone Corsets. Sold at all High-Class Shops $3.50 to $15.00 per pair. The Warner Brother Company, New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Whiting Papers they fulfill perfectly the cardinal requirements of correspondence stationery as established by social usage and personal preference . When you think of writing think of Whiting. Whiting Paper Company, 148-152 Duane Street. New York. Holidays at Sea. New York to New Orleans on elegantly appointed 10,000 Ton Steamships. $35.00 one way, $60.00 round trip, $63.00 one way email. South Pacific Atlantic Steamship Lines. 366 or 1158 or 1 Broadway, New York. The crowning attribute of lovely women is cleanliness. Naiad. Unseen Naiad protects Dress Shield Supreme. Beauty Quality! Cleanliness! Possesses two important and exclusive features. It does not deteriorate with age and fall to powder in the dress - can be easily and quickly sterilized by immersing in boiling water for a few seconds only. At the stores or sample pair on receipt of 25 cents. Guarantee with every pair. The C. E. Conover Co. Mfrs. 101 Franklin St. N.Y. Never had an equal never will. Huyler's Bonbons - Chocolates. Pure Fresh Delicious. Huyler's bonbons. On the Character of Candy [?] for gift making . Sold by Sales Agents Everywhere. Ziegler Institute of Normal Singing. Incorporated 1425 Broadway (Metropolitan Opera House) Tel. 5468 Bryant Motto - "Know the work, and do it". Director, Mme. Anna E. Ziegler, Pioneer for Correct Singing. An established agent is paid by the institute for placing graduates of the institute in professional work. They "Key" all music dealers 25c. 5 West 38th Street, N.Y. 349 Murray Hill. Studio Tea Room, 130 West [?] Street, Luncheon, Tea and Dinner. Ramsdell Drug Co. 763 Fifth Avenue. Manufacturers of Fine Specialities. Depot for Foreign Preparations prompt delivery of prescriptions, Telephone 1402 Plaza. If your home burns up, your Insurance Policies will burn also. You will have trouble in collecting your insurance. Better put them with your other Valuables in our Vaults. Garfield Safe Deposit Co. Fifth Avenue Building. Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Third Street. Safes, $5 per year and upwards. Vault-one of the largest and best equipped in the city. Special vaults for the storage of valuables of every description. Margaret Murtha Fifth Ave at 45th Street formerly 17 [?] [?] St. Linen and Lingerie Frocks for Southern Trade. Trousseau do a Specialty. Carnegie Hall - Announcements. January 19 - Aft - Piano recital by Joseph Hofmann, 19 - Eve - Russian Symphony Society, Modest Altschuler, Conductor, 20-Aft, Philharmonic Society, 21-Aft - Symphony Concert for Young People, Walter Damroach, Conductor, 22 - Aft - Philharmonic Society, 22 - Eve - Burton Holmes, 24 - Aft - Song Recital by [?] Marcella Sembrich, 28 - Aft - Violin Recital, [?], Elman, 29 - Aft - People's Symphony Concert, F. X. [?] Conductor, 29 Eve - Burton Holmes, 3 - Eve - Philharmonic Society. February 2 - Eve - Russian Symphony Society Modest [?][?], 3 - Aft - Philharmonic Society, 3 - Eve - [?] Lady Cook, 3 Aft - Philharmonic Society, 3 - Eve - Burton Holmes, 7- Aft - Song Recital, Maurice [?], 10 - Aft - Philharmonic Society, 10 - Eve - [?] College - Meeting on behalf of [?] [?]. Speakers [?] Wilsons, Hon. Low and others, 12 Aft - Volpe Symphony Orchestra, Arnold Volpe Conductor, 12 - Eve - Burton Holmes, 14 - Aft - [?] recital, Mme Gadski, 14, Eve - Russian Symphony Society, Modest, [?] Conductor, 17 - Aft - Philharmonic Society, 18 - Aft - Symphony Society of Young People, Walter [?] Conductor. Information Bureau for lost and found articles at superintendent's office. Coat rooms on left of Parquet by Exit 14. Ladies Parlor on every floor except Parquet. J. [?]. Gidding & Co. Women's High-Class outer apparel, Fifth Avenue, 45th and 47th Streets. New York. Carnegie Trust Company, 115 Broadway, New York, Joseph T. Howell, President invites accounts. Chantecler Curis. This [?] has just come into [?] in Paris and London. A crown of curls and ringlets from natural wavy human hair arranged in the daintiest and most artistic way. Actual value $10 Special value $[?]. Wanamaker Beauty Parlor Mme. Occes Irwin Coyle, Prop. 25 W, 34th Street, Opp Waldorf-Astoria, Take elevator, New York, 270 Sixth Avenue, near 17th Street, Parlor Floor. Luchard's su-shar soluble cocoa imported from Switzerland is the best. Merit commands success. The remarkable success of the Sohmer piano is explained in one word - merit. Wherever the Sohmer is used it is instantly recognised as a first class instrument in every respect and its users naturally speak of its merits to their friends; hence the enormous sales. From the Independent, N. Y. Garfield National Bank Fifth Avenue and 23rd Street, New York City. Capital $1,000,000, Surplus $1,000,000. Solicits your business. Special provisions have been made for Lady Depositors.
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Shakespeare's Heroines, 18 January 1911, Image 3 of 7

Steinway an investment in a Steinway Piano closes the avenue to future regret. Prices from $550 up. Time payments if desired. Also Pianos for rent, Steinway & Sons. Steinway Hall - 107 and 109 East 14th Street, New York. Subway Express Station at the Door. "Mary Garden" Perfume. If Mary Garden thinks a perfume good enough to bear her name it must be something special, for she insists on being "just a little different" in her selections. "Parfumerie Mary Garden" is something characteristic which recalls a dozen delightful ol-factory sensations and incarnates the personality of the admirable artiste herself. "Mary Garden" Extract Toilet Water, Powder Soap, Sachet, etc. V. Rigaud Perfumer - Paris. Sold everywhere. [?][?] Drug Stores. [?] The Lindsay Hose Supporters have the adjustable spring loop and the flexible felt button which prevent cutting or tearing the finest Hosiery. Lindsay supporters are made in every style and colour wanted. The material and workmanship guaranteed. Can be had at any first class store. Look on the Loop for trade-mark "Lindsday" and accept no substitute. C. J. Haley & Co. Sole Makers of Lindsay Lines. 373 - 375 Broadway. New York. David Bispham America's foremost Baritone, sings exclusively for the Columbia. You can enjoy at home, at your pleasure, with Columbia Double-Disk Records - the same Bispham vocalist and interpretation sympathetic, true and perfect. Columbia double disk records give you all the music of the world, exactly as played and sung by the world's most accomplished and gifted musicians. "Hearing is believing" - Hear some Bispham records on the Columbia [?]. Columbia Phonograph Company 35-37 West 234 Street, New York. Phone 4150 Gramercy. Why do women wear our front lace corsets? Because the are the most comfortable corsets made. Many [?] will not build gowns until the proper [?] is fitted. The only corset for health, comfort and durability. There are many reasons why our 1911-12 models are a revelation in corsetry. "Djer-Kiss" Sa finesse fail du Djer-Kiss, Le parfumerie de la femme difficile -Kerkoff, Paris. Translation [?][?][?][?] Alfred H Smith Co - 84 Chambers St. N. Y. The discards of life come from bad digestion and poorly nourished bodies. The food to sing on, play on, to work on, is Shredded Wheat the whole wheat steam-cooked, shredded and baked-crisp, delicious, nutritious. Try it for breakfast. Triscuit is the Shredded Wheat wafer or toast, delicious for luncheon with butter, cheese or marmalade. The cleanest, purest cereal food made in the world. Modes, exclusively originality, Maison Bernard, simplicity and smartness categorize the productions of this establishment. French hats and novelties received weekly. 7 West 31st Street, off 5th Ave. New York City. Carnegie Hall, Wednesday Evening January 18, 1911 at 8.15 o'clock. Miss Terry will interpret from her famous roles Beatrice, Rosalind, Portia, Juliet, Ophelia, Desdemona and other characters. Beatrice from "Much Ado About Nothing" Love Scene with Benedict Act 4, Scene 1. Rosalind from "As You Like It" Scene between Rosalind and Celin Act 3, Scene 4. Programme continued on second page following. J. [?]. Gidding & Co. Women's High-Class outer apparel, Fifth Avenue, 45th and 47th Streets. New York. For nearly 40 years the World's Best Musicians have commended the superiority of the Sohmer Pianos over all others. Hear the "Sohmer Cecilian" the Perfect Player Piano. Catalogue mailed on application. Ware rooms Cor. 8th Ave, 374 St. Sohmer & Co., New York. New York College of Music, 128-130 East 58th Street. Directors August [?], Carl Hein, through instruction in all branches of music by a faculty unsurpassed for its excellence. Students received daily, catalogue sent on application. Annual Sale C. G. Gunther's Sons Established 1820. Furs at greatly reduced prices imported models and models of our own design in Long and Medium Coats, Muffs and Neckpieces. All the desirable furs. Men's Fur Coats for Evening and Street wear. Automobile Coats, Caps and Gloves. Robes and Animal Rugs. 391 Fifth Avenue, New York. Lecture by Lady Cook (Nee Tennessee Claflin) at Carnegie Hall Friday Evening, February 3 at 8.30 o'clock on the need of revising morals and laws. Organ recital at 8 o'clock all admission free. Seats and boxes may be had without charge by applying to E. Chaplin, Sex., 10 W, 61st St. Philips' Digestible Cocoa the cocoa with a rich chocolate flavor. This is cocoa.
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Café Martin, Twenty-Sixth St., Broadway, Fifth Ave. The Leading French Restaurant of America. Dinner $1.50 – from 6 to 9 Vocal Concert Music, Private Rooms for Parties from 4 to 400 persons. Café Martin has no branch nor connection whatsoever with any other Restaurant in New York City. Institute of Musical Art of the City of New York. Frank Damrosch – Director. Established, endowed and incorporated in 1905. First season in its own beautiful building, 120 Claremont Avenue, opposite the Grant Monument. The most completely equipped school of Music in America American and European Teachers of Highest Rank prescribed courses in all branches of music. The opportunities of the Institute are intended only for students of natural ability with an earnest purpose to do serious work. No others will be accepted. For Catalogue and Full Information, Address Box 15, 120 Claremont Avenue. The Piano with an Individuality The Weber. Art is the expression of individuality. Just as the music of Beethoven, of Chopin and of Schumann bears the unmistakable characteristics of the composer, so the Weber Piano possesses a distinct individuality of its own. Once heard by the cultivated ear "Weber Tone" is never forgotten. There is about it a richness, a beauty, a depth of coloring that at once distinguishes it from all other pianos. For over fifty years it has been recognized that the tone of the Weber more nearly approached the singing quality of the human voice than that of any other piano. The Weber Piano Company, Aeolian Hall, 362 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Carnegie Hall Saturday Afternoon, February 4 at 2.30 o'clock sharp, just arranged. Next recital with following program Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Busoni, Seats 75c to $2.00. Now at box office, or by mail from M. H. Hanson, 437 Fifth Avenue. Chickering Piano used. Mendelssohn Hall, Thursday Evening, January 26 at 8.15 o'clock, Song Recital by Adele Krueger Soprano, Eugene Bernstein At the Piano. Seats 50c to $2.00. At box office or by mail from M. H. Hanson, 437 Fifth Avenue. Knabe Piano used. Genuine Lindt Chocolate, [?] the world's finest eating chiclate $1.00 per lb in cakes or wafers at all dealers of the better class. Violins by Modern Masters, Harps – Mandolins – Guitars, Victor Talking Machines. In endless variety and at prices to suit all purses. The famous Baldwin Pianos – also Briggs, Poole, Howard & Hamilton. Pianos for sale or to rent. Chas. H. Ditson & Co. New Musical Warerooms, 8-10-12 East, 34th Street. Henri Confiseur, patisserie-Confiserie, Glaces, Sorbets, Retsuarant and Tea Room, Catering a Speciality. 67-69 West 44th Street, New York. Be sure to see the latest Mehlin inverted grand pianos, grand and player pianos. Moderate Prices, East Terms. Art catalog sent upon request, 27 Union Sq., B'way, near 16th St. New York's Newest Hotel. Great Northern 118 West 57th Street. Two blocks from Central Park and readily accessible to Theatre and shopping centres. Absolutely fireproof. A homelike Hotel for transient or residential guests, affording every known comfort and convenience, and appealing to those seeking the best accommodations at reasonable rates. 400 rooms – each room with bath. Single rooms, with bath, $2.00 per day and up. A limited number of Furnished Suites for lease by the season or year. Superior restaurant with exceptionally moderate charges. Service a la carte. Afternoon tea and luncheon served after the performances. Illustrated folder mailed on request. Under the personal direction of J. J. Lannin of the J. J. Lannin Co. Also proprietors of the Garden City Hotel, Long Island. M. E. Burke and L. E. Reed, Managers. Program – continued. Portia from "Merchant of Venice" Quality of Mercy Speech, Act 4, Scene 1. Juliet, from "Romeo and Juliet" Juliet's Chamber Scene Act 4, Scene 3. Ophelia, from "Hamlet" Mad Scene, Act 4, Scene 5. Desdemona, from "Othello" scene between Desdemona and Emilia Act 4, Scene 3. Miss Terry's American Tour. As Miss Terry's ninth American tour is nearing its close, the multitude of her friends and admirers in this country may take no little satisfaction in its close. Her first appearance was in this city at the Hudson Theatre on November 3. Since then she has visited nearly all of the more important cities, except those of the south, between and including Boston and San Francisco, appearing usually five times a week. Everywhere she has been received with great enthusiasm. This is her fifth appearance in New York since November. For special announcement see second page following. J. M. Gidding & Co. Women's High-Class Outer Apparel, Fifth Avenue, 46th and 47th Streets, New York. Famous Oriental Bazaar, Dragon Trade Mark. The most extensive showing of fine Chinese and Japanese goods in New York City. Sing Fat Co. 1125-1127 Broadway, at 25th Street. Our only store in New York. Other stores: San Francisco & Los Angeles, Cal. Old Guard Orchestra and Military Bank. Amusement & Vaudeville Exchange. Geo. A. Brown, Mor. Tel 4200 Columbus. Chas Van Baar, [?] Old Guard Band. Van Baar's Banjo Trio, Royal Neapolitan colored minstrels and real Hungarian Gipsy Brand Lyceum Artists, Magicians, Juvenile entertainers, humourists, ventriloquists and novelties. 102 West 57th Street – New York. From Pianist to Orchestra or Military Band of 100 men. The best dance and dinner music in the world. To obtain best results drink – Dr. Dadirrian's Zoolak. The original and only scientifically fermented milk. Established 1885. Unequalled for the Stomach and Nerves – Promotes Health. Avoid worthless substitutes, druggists, fountains, cafes. We invite particular attention to our perfumery department. Where we offer the latest novelties of the best perfumers of the world – displayed in most beautiful and artistic packings – so appreciated by people of culture and discrimination. We also would appreciate your inspection of novelties at our candy counters. Park & Tilford. Fifth Avenue and Twenty-sixth St. and Branches. Deliveries out of town by freight and express. Revillon Freres annual clearance of fine furs. We are offering at greatly reduced prices to insure immediate clearance all our remaining stock of fur garments including Fur Coats and Sets, Russian and Hudson Bay Sables, Evening Furs, Automobile Furs, and Men's Fur's and Fur-lined Coats. Nineteen West Thirty-Fourth Street, New York. Paris, Montreal, London.
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Hardman Piano The Piano Paramount. The Hardman Piano is selected by the greatest operatic singers of the world for their use as the piano best adapted to accompany their voices. If no other proof were needed, this in itself is definite assurance of the paramount tonal qualities and the sympathetic touch of the Hardman Piano. But is has also behind it the accumulated force of three-quarters of a century of acknowledged reputation. Hardman Grands from $700 Upward, Uprights from $435 Upward. Terms of purchase arranged to meet customers' convenience. Highest possible value allowed for old pianos taken in exchange. Send for Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue. Hardman, Peck & Co. Founded 1842. Brooklyn Store, 524 Fulton Street, 138 Fifth Avenue, New York. What two artists say: "I have received at Philadelphia a jar of your cream and have found it excellent and smooth. A thousand thanks and good luck." (Signed) Luisa Tetrazzini. "I desire to endorse most enthusiastically your Vanishing Cream. It is a most excellent preparation." (Signed) Leslie Carter. Pond's Extract Company's Vanishing Cream called "Vanishing" because when lightly applied with the tips of the fingers, it is absorbed – vanishes – hence can be used most conveniently at any time with injury to gloves or clothes. It contains no oil or grease. Vanishing Cream is scented with the delicate fragrance of Jacque Roses and is delightfully efficacious for chaps and wind-burn and gives prompt relied for all the other annoying skin discomforts. A trial will convince you of the exquisite fragrance, daintiness, and purity of Vanishing Cream. A liberal sample sent upon request to Pond's Extract Co., Dept. X, 78 Hudson Street, New York. Pond's Extract Company's Vanishing Cream, Laboratories, Clinton, Conn, USA. A. Jaeckel & Co Fifth Avenue, Importing, Manufacturing Furriers, Furs Greatly Reduced. Women's Fur, Fur-Lined and Fur-Trimmed Garments. Fur Sets, Separate Neck Pieces and Muffs. Also Men's Fur Coats, Auto Coats, Caps and Gloves. At greatly reduced prices, offering an unusual opportunity to purchase not only the furs in most general use, but also the rarest. 384 Fifth Avenue, Telephone, 2044 Murray Hill, Bet. 35th and 36th Sts. G. Schrimer (Inc.) Music Dealers, Aborum Dulce Lenimen, G. Schirmer are now in their new store. Number Three East Forty-Third Street. The largest stock of music in the world. S. Constantino Yon. The Art of Singing in All its Branches. Italian Vical Instructor. Suite 853 Carnegie Hall, New York. Mondays and Thursday only. Tel. 4778 Col. Evangeline S. Adams Scientific Astrology. 402 – 403 Carnegie Hall. Tel. 584 Columbus. Smith's Pharmacy formerly at 57th St. and 7th Ave., directly opposite Carnegie Hall, is now located at 854 Seventh Ave. One door south of 55th St. It will be a pleasure to serve you. Huyler's Candies. Modern Soda Fountain. Headquarters for Dr. Dearborn's Cold Cream, Dr. Dearborn's Massage Cream. Telephone, 3640 – 5164 Columbus. Reuben R. Smith. The Oratorio Society of New York Thirty-Eigth Season, Frank Damrosch, Conductor. The Remaining Concerts for Season 1910-1911 at Carnegie Hall. The Beatitudes – Cesar Frank, Psalm Cl – Camille St. Saens, Miss Florence Hinkle, Soprano, Mr. H. Evan Williams, Tenor, Mr. Emilio De Gogorza, Baritone, Mr. Reinald Werrenrath, Bass. Tuesday Evening, February 28, 1911. Miss Sollemnis Edward Grell for four quartets and four four-part choruses without accompaniment. Friday Evening, March 10, 1911. Elijah – Mendelssohn, Wednesday Evening, March 29, 1911. Tickets on sale at the ticket office of the Oratorio Society, No 1. West 34th Street, and at Box Office of Carnegie Hall. It's a Fownes that's all you need to know about a glove. Special announcement 1910 Thirteenth Season 1911. Symphony Concerts for young people III. Concert – Saturday Afternoon, Jan, 21, at 2.30 Miss Kitty Cheatham. Senior and Junior Orchestras of: The Music School Settlement. David Mannes, Director. Chrorale, Ein' Feste Burg, Springtime – Grieg, Allegro from String Serenade – Mozart, Quintette from Die Meistersinger – Wagner, Largo – Handel, Pizzicato Polka – Johann Strauss, Senior and Junior Orchestras, A Chirst Legend, Robin Redbreast – Selma Lagerloff, The Baby's Catechism – George MacDonald, The Island Where Baby's Grow – James Ford, The Cow – Graham Pell from "A Child's Garden of Verses" (R. L. Stevenson), Punchinello (Hans Christian Andersen) – J. L. Molloy, The Froggies' Lullaby – John Maghie, The First Freidn – From "Just-So Stgories" The Camel's Hump – (Kipling) – Edward Graham, Miss Kity Cheatham. Old Negro Songs and Tales: Swing Low Sweet Chariot – Georgia Buck – O! Church, I knows Yer Gwine to Miss Me – Sat'dy Night – when Melindy Sings, Paul Lawrence Dunbar. The Tar Baby, Joel Chandler Harris. Miss Cheatham has made a special study of the old Negro Folk Music, and the young subscribers should have the opportunity to hear this music which, in its true form, will soon have disappeared. Old Folks at Home, Dixie's Land – Miss Cheatham and Orchestra. IV. Concert: February 18 – French Composers, New York Symphony Orchestra, Walter Damrosch, Conductor. Boxes and tickets now on sale at 1 West 34th St., Room 611, and at Box office, Carnegie Hall. Information bureau for lost and found articles at superintendent's office. Coat Room on left of Parquet by Exit 14. Ladies Parlor on every floor except Parquet. J. M. Gidding & Co. Women's High-Class outer apparel, Fifth Avenue, 46th and 47th Streets, New York. Impure Air and sickness are caused by Oil and Gas Stoves, faulty furnaces, etc. In every living room keep an open vessel containing water and Platt's Chlorides The Odourless Disinfectant. Farewell Appearance Hudson Theatre, Monday Afternoon January 23 at 3 o'clock. Mme. Liza Lehman The Celebrated Composer Assisted by Her English Quartette also Miss Constance Collier who will recite with music "The Happy Prince" (Oscar Wilde) Prices 75c to $2.00. Seats may now be ordered from E. R. Johnston, St. James Building, Broadway and 26th Street, New York City. Telephone 608-609 Madison Square. Knabe Piano used. A revelation awaits Music Lovers at our Fifth Ave. establishment, No. 541 near 45th Street. Ask to hear the new Victor Victrola. Silas E. Pearsall Co. Distributors. See our 1911 specials in willow plumes at $4.95, $6.95 and $20. These prove that it saves you 50% by buying direct from us, the largest manufacturing importers in the world. London Feather Co. New York, 21 West 34th Street, (opp. Waldrof Astoria) 366 6th Ave., next to 23d St. Tunnel Station, 77 Grand Street.
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Carnegie Hall Tuesday Afternoon Jan. 24 at 2.30. Last song Recital by Mme. Marcella Sembrich. Mr. Frank La Forge at the Piano. Part 1. Classical airs and songs, a. Sebben Crdel – Galdara, b. Lusinghe plu care – Handel, c. Das Veilchen – Mozart, d. Patron, das macht der Wind – Bach. Part II Popular and Folksongs, a. My Lovely Celia – Monro, b. I'd be a Butterfly – Bayly, c. The Coolin – Old Irish, d. Les Jeunes Fillettes – French, e. Kom Kjyra – Norwegian, f. Ainte Koimesou – Modern Greek, g. Ayer mi dijo mi madre – Spanish, Part III, Classical German Lieder, a. Stille Sicherheit – Franz, b. Auftrage – Schumann, c. Der Nussbaum – Brahms, d. Vie Melodien zieht es – Brahms, e. Des Gloskenthurmer's Tochterien – Loewe, f, Niemand hat's gesehen – Loewe, Part IV, Miscellaneous Modern Songs, a. Les Clohes – Debussy, b. Nacht Morgen – R. Strauss, c. Ich glaube lieber Schatz – Reger, d. Es blinkt der Thau – Rubenstein, e. I'm wearin' awa' – Arthur Foote, f. Expectancy – F. La Forge, g. Love in May – H. Parker. Tickets $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00. Mail Orders to London Charlton, Mgr., 868 Carnegie Hall, will receive prompt attention. Baldwin Piano used. Loudon Charlton announces two remaining Chamber Music Concerts by the Flonzaley Quartet. Adolfo Betti, 1st Violin, Alfred Pochon, 2nd Violin, Ugo Ara, Viola, Iwan D'Archambeau, Violoncello at Mendelssohn Hall Tuesday Evenings January 24, February 21. Program: January 24, 1. Haydn – Quartet in G. minor, op. 74, No 3. 2. (a) Em. Moor – Adagio from Quartet, op. 59, (b) Hugo Wolf – "Italienische Serenade." 3. Beethoven – Quartet in F major, op. 59, No 1. Single Tickets, $1.50, $1.00 and 50 cents. Mail orders addressed Loudon Charlton, Manager, 868 Carnegie Hall, will receive prompt attention. Mail orders may now be sent to Loudon Charlton, Manager, 868 Carnegie Hall for the only New York Recital. Mme. Johanna Gadski, Carnegie Hall, Tuesday Afternoon, Feb. 14 at 3 o'clock. Tickets $2.00, $1.50 and 75 cents. Boxes $12.00 and $15.00. Steinway Piano used. Carnegie Hall Saturday Afternoon, January 28, at 2.30. Only violin Recital This Season Mischa Elman Mr. Percy Kahn at the Piano, Program. I. Suite for Piano and Violin – Goldmark, Allegro, Andante sostenuoto, Allegro ma non troppo, Allegro moderator, Presto, II. Concerto, No. 2 D-minor – Bruch, Adagio ma non troppo, Allegro moderator, Allegro Finale; Allegro moito. III. Sonata in D-major – Handel, Adagio, Allegro, Larghetto, Allegro, IV. A. Aria – Max Reger, b. Rigaudon – Monsig.ny-Franko, c. Andantino – Martini-Kreisler, d. Sehon Rosmarin (Alt-Wiener Tanz Weisen) – Kreisler. A. Meditation – Cottenet, b. I. Palpiti – Paganini. The Baldwin Piano used. Tickets, 75 cents to $2.00 on sale at Hall, commencing Jan. 12 Management, Quinlan International Music Agency. Stage, Exit 1, Exit 2, Exit 3, Exit 4, Exit 5, Exit 6, Exit 7, Exit 8, Exit 9, Parquet Exits, Nos, 1-2-3-4-5-6-12-13-14 to 57 St. Nos 7-8-9 to 7'Ave. Exit 12, Exit 13, Exit 14. Vestibule. Second-Tier of Boxes Exits. Nos. 22-23-24-27-48 to 57 St. No. 49 to 56 St & 7th Ave. Exit 22, Exit 27. Exit 48, Exit 23, Exit 24, Exit 15, Exit 16, Exit 17, Exit 18, Exit 19, Exit 20, Exit 21. First Tier of Boxes, Exits Nos, 15-16-17-18-19-20-21 to 57th St, No 46 to 56 St. and 7th Ave. Exit 47, Exit 28, Exit 29, Exit 30, Foyer, Dress Circle Exits. Nos. 28-29-30-31-32-47 to 57 St. No. 42 to 7th Ave. Exit 31 Exit 32, Exit 42, Exit 33, Exit 34, Exit 35, Exit 36, Exit 37. Balcony Exits Nos, 33-34-35-36-37-38-40-41 to 57 St. No 39 to 7th Ave. Exit 38, Exit 39, Red Lights Indicate Exits.
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Prof. Engelbert Humperdink composer of the Opera Koenigskinder so enthusiastically received at its premiere performance at the Metropolitan Opera House recently, and whom The Kaiser Honored with the distainction of being the most Germanic of German composers, expresses his high regard for Knabe Pianos in the following characteristic tone: - "I am astonished in the highest degree to discover in the little Grand "Mignonette' of the firm of Wm. Knabe & Co. as instrument which is fullness, power and sympathy of tone as well as in the possibilities of tonal modulation through its action has no equal: and through these combined qualities it impresses me as a real wonder of piano construction." December 17, 1910, E. Humperdink. The Knabe, Mignonette Grand Piano 5 feet 2 inches mahogany Price $700. An insyrment not inly indispensible where space is limited, but desirable in the highest degree where an abundance of space exists. Wm. Knabe & Co, 5th Ave, and 39th St. Carnegie Hall, The Philharmonic Society of New York. Gustav Mahler Conductor. Management – Loudon Charlton. Sunday Afternoon, Jan, 22 at 3 program. 1. Goldmark Overture – "In Springtime", 2. Tschaikowsky Symphony – "Pathetique", 3. Weber-Weingarten – "Invitation to the Dance", 4. Liszt Symphonic Poem – "Tasso". As a result of the overhwleming success of the three Wagner programs already given, it has been decided to offer an extra all-Wagner program in Carnegie Hall, Friday afternoon, Jan 27, at 2.30, with Mme Johanna Gadski again as soloist. The pre-eminent Cuvees of Champagne, their fine quality will at once commend them to the most critical Moet & Chandon white seal very dry, Moet & Chandon Imperial Crown "Brut". Geo. A. Kessler & Co. Sole Importers. New York. San Francisco. Press of The Lent & Graff Company, 137-139 East 25th St. New York.

2. Programme

Date 18 August 1911
Production Date(s) Wednesday January 18th 1911
Venue Carnegie Hall
Venue address New York [USA]
Time of performance 8.15pm
Document ID ET-D768a Original record
Held by The British Library

Did you know?

Edith Craig is said to be the model for Miss La Trobe in Virginia Woolf's last novel, Between the Acts (1941).

See all anecdotes