1911 - 1913Ellen Terry UK lecture tour
18 October 1911

Shakespeare's Heroines

Location Coliseum, Cookridge Street, Leeds, UK

Programme, two copies

Date 18 October 1911
Production Date(s) Wednesday October 18th 1911
Venue Coliseum
Venue address Leeds
Document ID ET-D567 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes 22nd Annual Grand Concert, with Ellen Terry's Shakespeare lecture, songs and recitations. Orphan fund.
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Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants (Leeds Branches) twenty-second Annual Grand Concert Coliseum Leeds, Wednesday, October 18th, 1911 under the Honorary Direction of Messrs. Edgat and G. Percy Haddock. Principals. Miss Ellen Terry will give a Shakespearean Recital. Vocalists: Miss Florence Walker and Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. Miss F. Pears-caporn. Instrumentalists: Solo Violin: Miss Gertrude Watson and re-engagement of the gifted Violoncellist Miss Adelina Leon, who created so much enthusiasm at a former Railway Concert. First Appearance in Leeds of the Marvellous Little Pianist. Mildred Langley. From 7-0 to 7.30, whilst the Audience are assembling, A Recital will be given on the great Organ by Mr. Hubert Lunn (Associate of the Royal College of Organists). At the Pianoforte – Mr. Wallis Vincent. Price Threepence. G. H. Phillips, Sec., 52, First Avenue, New Wortley. Spark & Son, Leeds.

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Leeds College of Dramatic Art (in connection with the Leeds College of Music Limited). Training in Elocution, Drama, and Acting. Inaugurated by Miss Ellen Terry. Patron: Sir Charles Wyndham. Examiners: Mr. F. R. Benson and Mr. Martin Harvey. Towns visited by the Staff: Harrogate, Ilkley, Ripon, Bradford, Halifax, York, Wakefield, &c., &c., for schools and private pupils. Past pupils include Barristers, Clergymen, Public Speakers and many who are now holding good positions as Elocution Teaches. Stage pupils of the College have won important London and other scholarships, and others have leading positions in such Dramatic Companies as The Benson Co., The Compton Co., The Percy Hutchison Co., &c., &c. Elocution. Breathing. Voice production. Training for the stage, plays produced, amateurs coached, public speaking, recitation, reading, dramatic classes, Shakespearean classes, children's classes. Dancing and deportment. The following plays are a few of those publicly performed by Students during the past two years: "The Hippolytus of Euripides" (3 performances). Tennysons "Princess" (3 performances), "The Importance of being Ernest" (2 performances), "The Tempest" (3 performances), "A Japanese Romance", (2 performances), "The Prude's Progress" (3 performances), "The Superior Miss Pellender" (2 performances), "East Lynne" (6 performances), "Still Waters Run Deep." "School," "Jerry & A Sunbeam." &c., &c. Scenes from "Richard III" (3 performances), "Macbeth" (4 performances) "Much Ado About Nothing" (3 performances), "King John" (6 performances), "Midsummer Night's Dream" (1 performance) "Romeo and Juliet" (2 performances), "Henry VIII." (3 performances) "Hunchback" (3 performances). Tennyson's "Idylls of the King" (4 performances) "Othello" (4 performances) "Two Gentlemen of Verona" "Merchant of Venice" &c, &c. and a very large number of One-Act Plays, and Short Pieces and Recitals. Special honorary visits have been made to the College to deliver Addresses to Students or to witness specimens of the College work by: Miss Ellen Terry, Miss Genevieve Ward, Mr. H. B. Irving, Mr. F. R. Benson, Mr. Edward Compton, Mr. Martin Harvey, Mr. Cyril Maude, &c. For New Prospectus and all Particulars apply to The Secretary, Leeds College of Dramatic Art, College Buildings, 67 to 83, Cookridge Street, Leeds. Telegrams: "Haddock, Leeds." Telephone No. 1318. Facts about the Orphan Fund. The objects of the fund are: (1) To provide weekly allowances from 3s. to 7s. per week according to the number of children in families of deceased members, until the youngest arrives at the age of fourteen, and, (2) To specially care for such children as have neither father nor mother, by purchasing them into homes for orphan children, or otherwise insuring that they are cared for. Although several families by the death of the father have been bereft of both parents, it has not been required to act upon the letter of these objects as the children have been adopted and cared for by those who were friends or fellow-workmen of the father during his lifetime. The Orphan Fund relies for its income on two sources. (1) On the regular payments made to it by each member of the Society, and (2) on the subscriptions and donations of the benevolent public. The first of these sources of income, although a reliable one, is inadequate to meet the liabilities already incurred ; and as these must necessarily increase year by year, the help and assistant of the benevolent public is therefore earnestly invited, with a view of supplementing the regular subscriptions of the members, and so enabling them to carry out the obligations they have undertaken. The Fund is managed free of cost beyond the mere necessary items of printing and postage. Periodical visits are made by the Society's Officers to the homes of the children, with a view to ascertaining that the amount allowed weekly is applied for the children's benefit, and that they are being properly schooled, clothed and cared for. Weekly payments have been made to 2,731 families, comprising 7,126 children, at a cost of $159,301 0s 2d., and we have at the present time 1,872 children on the Fund, at a cost of £188 9s 0d. per week, or £9,719 14s. 9d. per annum, and I am sorry to say our roll increases yearly.

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Harry Ingamells, Coal Merchant and Removal Contractor. Estimates Free. Removals by Road or Rail No. 7. Furniture removed, estimates free. H. Ingamells Removal Contractor & Coal Merchant, 162, Wellington Street, Leeds. Safety Guaranteed. 162, Wellington Street, Leeds. Telephones: 1065 and 1694. XL Carpet Cleaning Co. (Harry Ingamells Propr). Carpets Beaten and surface cleaned prompt collection & delivery satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Street Works, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, Telephones – 1694 & 1065. Note New Address: Exeter Street, Leeds. Telephones: 1694 and 1065. Subscription Leeds Musical Evenings. Season 1911 – 12. Directors – Messrs. Edgar & G. Percy Haddock. Series of six "Evenings" Tuesdays, Oct. 24, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, Mar. 26. In the Alexandra Hall. October 24th, A Recital Coleridge Taylor, and his compositions. Mr. Coleridge Taylor will preside at the Pianoforte. November 14th, A Grand Pianoforte Recital by Sapellnikoff. December 12th, A Violin Recital by Louis Pecsaki. January 16th, a Performance of Milton's "Comus". Sir Frederick Bridge, C.V.O., M.A., Mus.Doc. February 20th. Arrangements are still open. At this Evening, however, the Directors propose to introduce a remarkable Child-pianist, who already promises to be one of the most gifted of the already long list of those who owe their training and success to the Leeds College of Music. "Beethoven," Born December 16th, 1770. Died March 26th, 1827. The date of this Evening, March 26th, being the Anniversary of the death of Beethoven, it has been decided to mark the occasion by the performance of some of the works of this immortal Composer. Violin – Mr. Edgar Haddock. Violoncello – Miss Adelina Leon. Pianoforte – Mr. F. Sant-Angelo, Vocalist – Mr. Charles Lunn. Tickets for the series of six "Evenings". Subscriptions of the full series of Six Evenings. Single Admission at Each Evening. Dress Chairs, Front Area, Evening Dress – 21/-, 7/6, Balcony, Front Row, Evening Dress, optional – 15/-, 5/-, area, Seats behind the Dress Chairs, Evening Dress optional 10/6, 3/-, Balcony Seats behind the Dress Chairs, Evening Dress optional 10/6, 3/-, Balcony Seats behind the Dress Chairs, Evening Dress optional 7/6, 2/-, Area (back seats, very limited in number) – 5/-, 1/-. All Subscription Tickets will be Reserved and Transferable, and will admit to complete series of Six "Evenings" in the Alexandra Hall. Prospectus with outline programme and all other particulars may be had free at the Offices of the Leeds College of Music, Cookridge Street, Leeds ; or Archibald Ramsden's Ltd., Park Row, Leeds.

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Longley's for bedsteads, bedding, blankets, counterpanes, pillow cases, sheets, down quilts, bedspreads. In fact, all to Furnish a Bedstead. New catalogue now ready. New York St. Leeds and Lands Lane. Programme. Programme of Organ Recital from 7 to 7.30. By Mr. Hubert Lunn, A.R.C.O. 1. – Sonata in D minor – Merkel, 2. – Larghetto in D – Mozart, 3. – Canzonetta – Nicode, 4. – Postlude in F – Faulkes. Part I. Duet for Violin and Pianoforte "Mazur russe" – Mlynarski. Miss Gertrude Watson and Mr. Wallis Vincent. Song "Heavenly Aida" – G. Verdi. Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. Pianoforte Solo "Wedding March" – Mendelssohn-Liszt – Miss Mildred Langley. Song "A Song of Thanksgiving" – Allitsen – Miss Florence Walker. Violoncello Solo "Tarantella" – W. H. Squire – Miss Adelina Leon. Song – "Ave Maria" – Bach-Gounod – Miss F. Pears-Caporn. (Who will play her own Violin Obbligato). Violin Solo "Hungarian Dance" – Drdla – Miss Gertrude Watson. Miss Ellen Terry for programme see page 11. Interval. Song "Tom Bowling" – Dibden. Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. Pianoforte Solo – Waltz in E Flat – N. Rubinstein, Miss Mildred Langley, Violoncello Solo "Am Springbrunned" – Davidoff, Miss Adelina Leon. Song "The Minstrel Boy" – Old Irish. Miss Florence Walker. Violin Solo "Serenade Badine" – Gabriel-Marie. Miss Gertrude Watson. Vocal Duet "The Day is Done" – Lohr, Miss Florence Walker and Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. A Schiedmayer Grand Pianoforte will be used, supplied by the Sole Agent, Messrs. Archibald Ramsden, Ltd.

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The latest and most improved method of curing the Blind & Deaf. No operations necessary. The rush and push of modern life put a great strain on certain organs, more especially the senses of Seeing and Hearing. The roar of machinery, once of no account, is enough, in many works, to drive one distracted. The nerves suffer, and other complications follow. The speed of the electric and motor cars in our streets drives numerous persons to distraction. Accident, too, now frequently happen, and both Eyes and Ears suffer. This is not reckoning the large number either born with Impaired Vision or suffering from Deafness, left as a legacy from some past disease or workshop noises. These facts, therefore, prove the absolute necessity of the existence of a Specialist who has devoted his attention to the study of the best methods of curing diseases of the eye and ear. It stands to reason that one who, like Mr. Thomas Ison of Ison's Eye and Ear Dispensary, Leeds, has devoted the past thirty years in studying the best methods of curing these diseases may justly call himself an Expert in these matters. Thirty years is a long time to devote to one particular department of treating disease. Now Mr. Ison has conclusively proved that he makes no vain pretensions. He has cured hundreds of patients ; he still continues to cure those who place themselves under his skilful treatment. There are many good and noble men in the medical profession, but few devote themselves exclusively to studying the complex nature of diseases of the eye and ear. Still fewer can say that they have devoted the major portion of their lifetime in curing hundreds of complicated cases by original, yet simple means. No business or professional man suffering from either eye or ear troubles need give up his business to go in for a course of treatment, neither need the workman or workwoman give up a single day's labour in order to avail themselves of the Ison method of treatment. The cure is safe, permanent, and effective, and entirely without operation. No pain, no useless mechanical contrivances, no uncertainty, are the prominent features of the Ison Method. Eye and Ear Diseases. No one can better undertake to cure these than one who knows that every step he takes is a step towards recovery. This, too, not on the unsupported word of Mr. Ison alone, but he can, and does, produce ample testimony from living witnesses of the marvellous cures he has done in the past, and is still performing. Hundreds of grateful patients testify to the efficacy of the Ison Method of treatment. This, in great measure, is sufficient to justify Mr. Ison in urging all sufferers to place themselves in his hands, with every assurance that they will be skilfully, honourably, and reasonably dealt with. Those who do not find it convenient to attend the Dispensary at Leeds can be treated successfully by correspondence. Sufferers should write for particulars of the Ison Method of Treatment and printed Form of Questions to be answered, which, together with up-to-date testimonials, are forwarded free. One of the most remarkable cases Mr. Ison ever had under his care was that of Mr. Thomas J. Law, a well-known resident of Sheffield. He had been deaf for twenty years, was advised to undergo a serious operation, which would have endangered his life, and yet was permanently cured by Mr. Ison's system of treatment in six weeks without operation. Let Mr. Kaw speak for himself. He writes: "42, Middlewood Road, Hillsboro', Sheffield. Dear Sir – I am very pleased to be able to tell you that I have quite recovered my hearing in right ear, also discharge ceased after six weeks' treatment. Please excuse my not writing before as I have been waiting to verify facts which seemed almost impossible in my case of twenty years' standing – Yours truly, Thos. J. Law." Other cases pronounced incurable, yet under the Ison Method without operation have received their eyesight. Mr. George H. Fearn, a well-known gentleman, of 42, Armitage Road, Birkby, Huddersfield, writes to Mr. Ison: "Before visiting you I was almost totally blind. Since going under your treatment I have so far recovered as to be able to see to read with the aid of glasses. I may say that I was six months under an eye specialist, and also ten weeks in an eye hospital. At the end of that time they said they had done all they could for me. They gave me no hope of ever being able to see again." Intending patients would be well advised to pay him a personal visit if possible, and he will then be able to give the requisite advice and counsel as to future treatment. Mr. Ison has, for upwards of twenty years, made periodical visits to some of the most important cities and towns in Yorkshire, Lancashire, etc. Sufferers should write for particulars of the Ison Method of Treatment, which, together with a printed form of questions to be answered is forwarded free. Mr. Thomas Ison, Oculist and Aurist, personally attends in his private consulting rooms at same Hotels as for last twenty years, at York, Scarborough, Hull, Sheffield, Doncaster, Bradford, Huddersfield, Harrogate, etc. See Leeds and Local Papers. Attendance at Leeds: Every Tuesday (Hours 10 to 7); also Alternate Saturdays, October 21, November 4, 18, December 2, 16, 30 (Hours 10 to 7). Consultations Free. Artificial Eyes, 15s. Spectacles, 3s. to 10s. All letters to be addressed to Ison's Eye & Ear Dispensary, Ltd., 71 Great George Street (Opposite Infirmary), Leeds. On account of the extreme length of the programme the audience are requested not to unduly insist upon encores. Words. Programme of Organ Recital from 7 to 7.30. by Mr. Hubert Lunn, A.R.C.O. 1. – Sonata in D Minor- Merkel, 2. – Larghetto in D – Mozart. 3. – Canzonetta – Nicode. 4. – Postlude – Faulkes. Part I. Duet for Violin and Pianoforte "Mazur russe" – Mlynarski. Miss Gertrude Watson and Mr. Wallis Vincent. Song "Heavenly Aida" – G. Verdi. Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. Recit. What if ‘tis I am chosen, and my dream be now accomplished! Of a glorious array, I the chosen leader ; Mine glorious victory by Memphis received in triumph! To thee returned, Aida, my brow entwined with laurel, tell thee for thee I battled, for thee I conquer'd. Air. Heavenly Aida! Beauty resplendent! Radiant flower, blooming and bright ; queenly thou reignest o'er me resplendent, bathing my spirit in glorious light. Would that thy bright eyes once more beholding, breathing the soft airs of thine own land; round thy fair brow a diadem folding, thine were a throne next the sun to stand.

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John Calam, Practical Tailor, 4, Grosvenor View, Camp Road, Late Cookridge Street, Leeds. Specialties ladies' costumes, clerical, dress & evening suits, &c. Terms: - Cash. Telephone No. 3544. Established over 35 years. E. Kempner, Inventor and Manufacturer of the New Mechanical Leg, and Maker of all kinds of abdonal belts, trusses, elastic stockings and bandages, spinal supports, cork boots, extensions, wedge corks, etc., 75, Great George St., Leeds. (Opposite St. George's Church, just past the Infirmary). Special goods made to order not returnable trusses of every description kept in stock. Lady Attendant. Price list C. on application. Hours of attendance, 8 to 8,; Saturdays, 8 to 9. Patients visited at their homes if required. Pianoforte Solo "Wedding March" – Mendelssohn-Liszt. Miss Mildred Langley. Sing – "A Song of Thanksgiving" – Allitsen. Miss Florence Walker. My love is the flaming sword, to fight through the world; thy love is the shield to ward, and the armour of the Lord, and the banner of Heav'n unfurled. Let my voice ring out, and over the earth, through all the grief and strife, with a golden joy in a silver mirth, thank God for life! Let my voice swell out through the great abyss, to the azure dome above, with a chord of faith in the harp of bliss, Thank God for Love! Let my voice thrill out, beneath and above, the whole word through ; O my Love and Life, O my Life and Love, Thank God for you! Violoncello Solo "Tarantella" – W. H. Squire – Miss Adelina Leon. Song "Ave Maria" – Bach-Gounod. Miss F. Pears-Caporn. (Who will play her own Violin Obbligato.) Ave Maria, gratia plena, dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus, fructus ventris tui Jesus – Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis, peccatoribus nunc et in hora, mortis nostrae – Amen. Violin Solo "Hungarian Dance" – Drdla. Miss Gertrude Watson.

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For reliable and up-to-date Jewellery. M. T. Galloway established a century.130, Briggate, Leeds, 3 doors below Kirkgate. Engagement & Wedding Rings. Shakespearean Recital by Miss Ellen Terry on some of the heroines from Shakespeare's Plays: "The Pathetic Women." With illustrative acting. The Recital will be divided into Two Parts (with an interval of five minutes). In the course of the First Part Miss Terry will comment on the following Heroines of Shakespeare's Plays: Viola, Desdemona, Emilia, Juliet. In the Second Part the subjects will be: Katherine, Lady Anne, Helena, Julia, Constance, Cordelia, Cleopatra, Katherine of Arragon, Hermione, Imogen, Cressida, Lady Macbeth, Ophelea. Part I. Viola – with extracts from "Twelfth Night", Desdemona – with scene from "Othello", Emilia – with scene from "Othello", Juliet – with scenes from "Romeo and Juliet" (including the Potion scene). Interval five minutes. Part II. Katherine – "Taming of the Shrew", Lady Anne – "Richard III", Helena – "All's Well that Ends Well", Julia – "Two Gentlemen of Verona", Constance – "King John", Cordelia – with scene from "King Lear", Cleopatra – with extracts from "Antony and Cleopatra", Katherine of Arragon – with extracts from "Henry VIII", Hermoine – with scene from "A Winters Tale", Imogen – "Cymbeline", Cressida – "Troilus and Cressida", Lady Macbeth – with extracts from "Macbeth", Ophelea – with scenes from "Hamlet" (including the Mad Scene)

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J. H. Awmack, Limited, Glass, China, and Cutlery Merchants. 8-10 Briggate, Leeds also 12, Market Place, Ripon. Cutlery, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Cruets and Teapots, Matchings & Repairs, Gas Globes, Crockery on hire, Cutlery on hire. Art Toilet Ware, 6 piece set, 10/6, slop pail – 7/6, sponge bowls 2/6, trinket sets to match, 9 pieces, 5/6. In Green, Blue, and Old Gold Shadings. Art Tea Ware very chic. 40 Piece Tea Set – 25/- 21 Piece Tea Set – 14/6, 51 Piece Breakfast Set 48/6, 40 Piece Tea Set – 30/-, Afternoon Tea Set – 10/6. The above is one of the latest Art Designs, in a pretty shade of Green, on Tea Ware, and is expressly adapted for Afternoon Tea Sets, which look very effective set out on a table cloth worked to match. This pattern can at any time be matched from stock. Brighton pattern. 26 pieces – 14/6, 56 pieces – 27/6, 72 pieces – 42/-. Best English Table Glass. This is only one sample of our exclusive suites. Glass Dishes. Various Styles, Moulded, Best Pressed, & Cut. No matter what you may require in glass & china we feel sure we can supply you with it. Come & see. Part II. Song "Tom Bowling" – Dibden. Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. Here a sheer old hulk lies poor Tom Bowling, the darling of our crew; no more he'll hear the tempest howling, for death has broached him too. His form was of the manliest beauty, his heart was kind and true; faithful below, Tom did his duty, and now he's gone aloft. Tom never from his word departed – his virtues were so rare ; his friends were many, and true-hearted, his Poll was kind and fair. And then he'd sing so blithe and jolly, Ah! Many's the time and oft; but mirth is turned to melancholy, for Tom is gone aloft. Yet shall poor Tom find pleasant weather, when He, Who all commands, shall give, to call life's crew together, the word to pipe all hands. This death, who kings and tars despatches in vain Tom's life has doffed; for though his body's under hatches his soul is gone aloft. Pianoforte Solo – Waltz in E flat – N. Rubinstein – Miss Mildred Langley. Violoncello Solo "Am Springbrunnen" – Davidoff. Miss Adelina Leon.

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C. Fenton & Sons painters, decorators, sign writers, &c., Exeter Street, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Established 1878. Telephone 2715. Estd. 1852. Tel. 1083. H. Osborn & Sons, Die Sinkers, Engravers, Rubber Stamp Makers, &c. Name Punch, Burn Brand, Figure Punches, Brass Check, Brass Label, Embossing Press, Steel Die, Engineer's Name Plate, Soap Stamping Machine, Memorial Brass. Manufacturers of Embossing & Endorsing Presses, Brass Name Plates, Companies' Seals, Stencil Letters and Plates, Memorial Brasses, Wrought & Cast Iron Burn Brands, Moulders' Pattern Letters and Plates, Steel Name Punches, Steel Letter and Figure Punches, Brass Labels and Checks, Soap Stamps and Moulds, &c. The Yorkshire Stamp Works, 36, Lowerhead Roe, Leeds. Song "The Minstrel Boy" – Old Irish. Miss Florence Walker. The minstrel boy to the war is gone, in the ranks of death you'll find him; his father's sword he has girded on, and his wild harp slung behind him. "Land of Song!" said the warrior bard, Tho' all the world betrays thee, one sword at least thy right shall guard, one faithful harp shall praise thee. The minstrel fell! But the foeman's chain could not bring his proud soul under; the harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again, for he tore its cords asunder! And said, "No chains shall sully thee, thou soul of love and bravery! Thy songs were made for the pure and free, they shall never sound in slavery." Thomas Moore. Violin Solo "Serenade Badine" – Gabriel-Marie. Miss Gertrude Watson.

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Vocal Duet – "The Day is Done" – Lohr. Miss Florence Walker and Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. The day is done, and the darkness falls from the wings of night, as a feather is wafted downward from an eagle in his flight. Come, read to me some poem, some simple and heartfelt lay, that shall soothe this restless feeling and banish the thoughts of day. Such songs have power to quiet the restless pulse of care, and come like the benediction that follows after prayer. Then read from the treasured volume the poem of thy choice, and lend to the rhyme of the poet the beauty of thy voice. And the night shall be filled with music, and the songs that infest the day shall fold their tents like the Arabs, and as silently steal away. Longfellow. Archibald Ramsden, Ltd. 12, Park Row, Leeds. See the wonderful J. & P. Schiedmayer Pianos. "The Instruments that Sing." Madame Clara Butt says: "I recommend every singer to have a Schiedmayer, it is such a help to the voice." Sir Edward Elgar gives his testimony in the emphatic statement; "The tone of the instrument is superb ; it gives me the greatest pleasure to play on it." These great and famous artists have Schiedmayer Pianos themselves, and write thus after association with them in their own rooms. They are not merely testimonials from the concert platform. Be sure and see they are J. & P. Schiedmayer Pianos. There are Pianofortes with similar names, but they are not the genuine Schiedmayer instruments unless bearing the Trade Mark as follows on the Iron frame: Schiedmayer, J & P. S. Pianofortefabrik, Stuttgart. Catalogues forward post free. Archibald Ramsden, Ltd. 12, Park Row, Leeds.

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Leeds College of Music, Ltd. Staff of nearly 50 professors. Fees for private lessons from one guinea per term. Class tuition from 7s. 6d. per term. Leeds College of Music. A few views of the College. Prospectus, free, of the Secretary, College Buildings, 67-83, Cookridge Street, Leeds.

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry toured her lectures on Shakespeare's women in UK and USA.

See all anecdotes