Shakespeare's Heroines, 18 October 1911, Image 5 of 11
The latest and most improved method of curing the Blind & Deaf. No operations necessary. The rush and push of modern life put a great strain on certain organs, more especially the senses of Seeing and Hearing. The roar of machinery, once of no account, is enough, in many works, to drive one distracted. The nerves suffer, and other complications follow. The speed of the electric and motor cars in our streets drives numerous persons to distraction. Accident, too, now frequently happen, and both Eyes and Ears suffer. This is not reckoning the large number either born with Impaired Vision or suffering from Deafness, left as a legacy from some past disease or workshop noises. These facts, therefore, prove the absolute necessity of the existence of a Specialist who has devoted his attention to the study of the best methods of curing diseases of the eye and ear. It stands to reason that one who, like Mr. Thomas Ison of Ison's Eye and Ear Dispensary, Leeds, has devoted the past thirty years in studying the best methods of curing these diseases may justly call himself an Expert in these matters. Thirty years is a long time to devote to one particular department of treating disease. Now Mr. Ison has conclusively proved that he makes no vain pretensions. He has cured hundreds of patients ; he still continues to cure those who place themselves under his skilful treatment. There are many good and noble men in the medical profession, but few devote themselves exclusively to studying the complex nature of diseases of the eye and ear. Still fewer can say that they have devoted the major portion of their lifetime in curing hundreds of complicated cases by original, yet simple means. No business or professional man suffering from either eye or ear troubles need give up his business to go in for a course of treatment, neither need the workman or workwoman give up a single day's labour in order to avail themselves of the Ison method of treatment. The cure is safe, permanent, and effective, and entirely without operation. No pain, no useless mechanical contrivances, no uncertainty, are the prominent features of the Ison Method. Eye and Ear Diseases. No one can better undertake to cure these than one who knows that every step he takes is a step towards recovery. This, too, not on the unsupported word of Mr. Ison alone, but he can, and does, produce ample testimony from living witnesses of the marvellous cures he has done in the past, and is still performing. Hundreds of grateful patients testify to the efficacy of the Ison Method of treatment. This, in great measure, is sufficient to justify Mr. Ison in urging all sufferers to place themselves in his hands, with every assurance that they will be skilfully, honourably, and reasonably dealt with. Those who do not find it convenient to attend the Dispensary at Leeds can be treated successfully by correspondence. Sufferers should write for particulars of the Ison Method of Treatment and printed Form of Questions to be answered, which, together with up-to-date testimonials, are forwarded free. One of the most remarkable cases Mr. Ison ever had under his care was that of Mr. Thomas J. Law, a well-known resident of Sheffield. He had been deaf for twenty years, was advised to undergo a serious operation, which would have endangered his life, and yet was permanently cured by Mr. Ison's system of treatment in six weeks without operation. Let Mr. Kaw speak for himself. He writes: "42, Middlewood Road, Hillsboro', Sheffield. Dear Sir – I am very pleased to be able to tell you that I have quite recovered my hearing in right ear, also discharge ceased after six weeks' treatment. Please excuse my not writing before as I have been waiting to verify facts which seemed almost impossible in my case of twenty years' standing – Yours truly, Thos. J. Law." Other cases pronounced incurable, yet under the Ison Method without operation have received their eyesight. Mr. George H. Fearn, a well-known gentleman, of 42, Armitage Road, Birkby, Huddersfield, writes to Mr. Ison: "Before visiting you I was almost totally blind. Since going under your treatment I have so far recovered as to be able to see to read with the aid of glasses. I may say that I was six months under an eye specialist, and also ten weeks in an eye hospital. At the end of that time they said they had done all they could for me. They gave me no hope of ever being able to see again." Intending patients would be well advised to pay him a personal visit if possible, and he will then be able to give the requisite advice and counsel as to future treatment. Mr. Ison has, for upwards of twenty years, made periodical visits to some of the most important cities and towns in Yorkshire, Lancashire, etc. Sufferers should write for particulars of the Ison Method of Treatment, which, together with a printed form of questions to be answered is forwarded free. Mr. Thomas Ison, Oculist and Aurist, personally attends in his private consulting rooms at same Hotels as for last twenty years, at York, Scarborough, Hull, Sheffield, Doncaster, Bradford, Huddersfield, Harrogate, etc. See Leeds and Local Papers. Attendance at Leeds: Every Tuesday (Hours 10 to 7); also Alternate Saturdays, October 21, November 4, 18, December 2, 16, 30 (Hours 10 to 7). Consultations Free. Artificial Eyes, 15s. Spectacles, 3s. to 10s. All letters to be addressed to Ison's Eye & Ear Dispensary, Ltd., 71 Great George Street (Opposite Infirmary), Leeds. On account of the extreme length of the programme the audience are requested not to unduly insist upon encores. Words. Programme of Organ Recital from 7 to 7.30. by Mr. Hubert Lunn, A.R.C.O. 1. – Sonata in D Minor- Merkel, 2. – Larghetto in D – Mozart. 3. – Canzonetta – Nicode. 4. – Postlude – Faulkes. Part I. Duet for Violin and Pianoforte "Mazur russe" – Mlynarski. Miss Gertrude Watson and Mr. Wallis Vincent. Song "Heavenly Aida" – G. Verdi. Mr. Kemp-Cartwright. Recit. What if ‘tis I am chosen, and my dream be now accomplished! Of a glorious array, I the chosen leader ; Mine glorious victory by Memphis received in triumph! To thee returned, Aida, my brow entwined with laurel, tell thee for thee I battled, for thee I conquer'd. Air. Heavenly Aida! Beauty resplendent! Radiant flower, blooming and bright ; queenly thou reignest o'er me resplendent, bathing my spirit in glorious light. Would that thy bright eyes once more beholding, breathing the soft airs of thine own land; round thy fair brow a diadem folding, thine were a throne next the sun to stand.
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