1883 - 1884First Lyceum company tour of North America
3-8 March 1884

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC, USA
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice


1. Programme

Date [Thursday] 6 March 1884 [12]
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 3 March 1884 to 8 March 1884
Venue National Theatre
Venue address Washington DC [USA]
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Music Director Meredith Ball
Document ID ET-D622 Original record
Held by The British Library
3 scanned images
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 3-8 March 1884, Image 1 of 3

Souvenir!! You can get a handsome Souvenir at Johnston's Pharmacy next to the National Theatre. Souvenir!! The Programme. Volume V. Washington, D. C., Week of March 3, 1884. National Theatre next week. Success of the New Play. ‘Claire and the Forge Master.' From the Boston Herald of Tuesday, Feb, 26. "Claire and the Forge Master," Mrs. Ettie Henderson's drama funded on Mr Georges Ohnet's novel, "Le Maitre de Forbes," was performed for the first time in Boston at the Park Theatre last evening, and let with much favour from the large audience assembled to witness its production. The story of the play follows that of the novel quite closely in all the essentials, and the divisions of the acts is so arranged as to give each a strong dramatic climax. In the first act, the characters are effectively introduced the loss of the Montbusen family's fortune is told, the Duc de Bligny's desertion of Claire and his betrothel to Herminie, the daughter of Jaillot, the rich chocolate manufacturer are revealed and the curtain falls on Claire's acceptance of the Forge Master's Phillippe Derblay's offer of marriage and her introduction of him as her fiancé to the assembled guests. The second act takes place in the bridal apartments after the wedding; it depicts the discovery by the groom through her rejection of his proffered caresses that Claire has married him in a fit of pique and does not love him, and concludes with his declaration that while before the world they may appear as husband and wife in their homes they shall remain as strangers. The scene of their act is the hunting field, where are shown the futile endeavours of Dr Bilgny (who has married Herminie for her money) to awaken in Claire the love she formerly had for him, and Herminie's persistent attempts to annoy her by carrying on a flirtation with the Forge Master. Claire's growing love for her husband is depicted and the act ends with a cleverly devised scene in which she check mates both the duc and the duchess. The fourth act takes place in the garden of the Forge Masters villa and gives opportunity for a fine scenic effect, by which the great iron foundry, illuminated by light from its furnaces and with chimneys belching flame and smoke is shown in the distance. Here occurs the powerful scene between the two women, in which Claire after entreating Herminie to cease her flirtations with Phillippe, commands her to leave the premises. The duchesse appeals to the duc, who interferes, whereupon the Forge Master assumes the responsibility for his wife's action and the curtain falls on a striking tableau. The fifth act is in two scenes. In the first Claire seeks an interview with her husband just before he sets out to meet De Bilgny in a duel; she entreats him not to fight but he believes her apprehensions are all on De Bilgny's behalf and parts from her coldly. In the last scene the men face each other; just as the word is given and De Bilgny fires, Claire throws herself before her husband and receives the bullet in her hand. The Forge Master is at last satisfied that his wife loves him and with the briefest of explanations the curtain falls. Other characters introduced are Marie Derblay, Phillipe's young sister and Fablen. Claire's brother, who love each other, but are forbidden to marry by the Forge Master on account of their difference in rank and his fear that their union might prove as unhappy as his own to Claire; the Marquis de Monthuson Claire's mother; Baron Lavaile, an eccentric entomologist, and his wife, a gay young society belle; M. Bachelin, a notary, and several minor [?]. The play is well constructed as will be noted by readers of the brief synopsis give above. The authoress has a keen eye for dramatic effects, and has used her material cleverly in their production. She has deitly avoided the dangers of anti climax, where a less experienced playwrighter might easily have erred. The interest of the piece is well sustained and cumulative. Miss Granger easily carried off the honors of the representation. It is adapted to exhibit her powers as an emotional actress at their best. She [?] at the outset a thorough appreciation of the character, and her impersonation throughout was consistent with the spirit in which she played the opening act. Coming Attractions, Maud Granger. J. K. Emmett, Dion Boucicault. Black Flag, Lights O' London, Power of Money. Sam'l of Posen, Kiralfy Bros., Spectacles, Abbott English Opera Company. Richmond straight cut cigarettes. This cigarette is made from the Brightest and Highest Cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, the quality of which is recognized to be of equaled excellence. This the old and original Brand of Straight Cuts, and was brought out by us in 1875. Beware of Base Imitations of this popular brand. The genuine Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes bear the signature of Allen & Cinter Richmond, Va. Mrs. Selma Ruppert, Ladies' Bazar. 608 9th St., Opp. Patent Office. Novetlies in Art Needlework, Kensington, Arasene and Ribbon Embroideries and all Materials for the same. Full assortment of Zephyrs, Germantown Wool, Worsted Goods, Ladies' Neckwear, Ruchings, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimmings and Childrens' Furnishing Goods. Stamping promptly executed. New Turkish and Russian Bath. 1417 G. St., opp. Riggs House. Large Pool, good ventilation. Ladies, Monday and Friday. Not open Sunday. 8 a.m. till 10 p.m.; Saturday, 12 p.m. Baths, $1; six tickets, $4.50. Dr. H. L. Bovee, Medical Electrician. Souvenir! See top of the first page. If you should be in the neighbourhood of Thomas Circle, cor 14th and Vermont ave, take a look at the Portland Drug Store. It is one of the grandest establishments in the United States. Everything fresh as a daisy and pure as purity. German Cologne at one dollar a pint in glass stopper bottle at Ebbitt House Druge Store. The best perfume extract. This life is to full of work, of duty, and of pleasure to be wasted. But everybody don't think so, or they would not trifle with a cold, or a cough, when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the only reliable remedy, can be procured for 25 cents. Who has not heard of Fred. Evan's dining rooms, 919 F Street. Fred is famous for his catering abilities, and all who go there are sure to return. Souvenir! See top of first page. Lessons in Elocution and Dramatix Art given by Miss Marguerite E. Saxton at 622 6th St., N. W. Thorough instruction in English Grammar and Pronunciation to persons of foreign birth, who wish to become proficient in the English language. A little girl fascinated with Beautiful Decorative Pictures & Valentines J. Jay Gould's, 421 9 St. Why we claim the preference our collar machine is of the largest size made, the same as those used almost exclusive in Troy – the largest work from it is Uniform, of a Fine Finish, without that greasy gloss or streak on the seams. Also, the Color we give our Goods cannot be approached in this country, and the Price is the lowest for good work. Collars and cuffs either gloss or domestic finish. Swiss laundry, steam, Ira Godfrey, Jr., Proprietor. 1322 F Street, Northwest, Near Ebbitt House. Absolutely Pure – No. 1 Rye Whiskey, $2.50 per gallon, 75c. quart bottle; Arlington Whiskey $4 per gallon $1 quart bottle; Kentucky Scur Mash Whiskey $4 gal., $1 qt bottle; Cushing Process Whiskey $1.25 bottle; Port Wine, Fine Old Brandy, Sherry Wine, Hollander Gin, by the bottle or demijohn. McGee's 9th near D street. One dozen Cabinets with a thirteenth painted $3 half a dozen one out of it painted $2. Kets Kemethy Photo Art Gallery 1109 Penn. Ave., N. Y. Between the Acts visit James Godden 1335 E Street, Northwest, for Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Only 25 cts, a pound for fine French candies, bon bons, chocolate jellies, cream walnuts, and the best caramels to be found in the city. Sharpless' Phila. Candy Factory 419 Seventh Street, Northwest, Under Odd-Fellows' Hall. Smoke sweet bouquet cigarettes. Delicate, mild & fragrant. [?] New York. The Big Eight. The Finest Hair Cutters in the District. Burgess & Shepherd, S. E. Cor. 8th & D Sts., N. W.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 3-8 March 1884, Image 2 of 3

The Program. Published and printed at 632 and 634 D Street, by J. J. H. Polkinhorn to whom all communications should be addressed. The Program circulates in Ford's Opera House and the National Theatre as the bill of the play, and has an average weekly circulation of 20,000. Business men contemplating advertising should not lose sight of the fact that the program possesses advantages not enjoyed by other mediums, being brought directly to the attention of the class of customers it is their interest to secure. Rates for Advertisement: 1 inch, one week - $2.00, 2 inches, one week - $4.00, 3 inches, one week - $5.00. A liberal reduction for larger advertisements inserted for the season. Local notices twenty-five cents per line per week. E. T. McNerhany, Business Manager. General Information fried oysters free at Drivers. Souvenir! See top of the first page. Quebec has an ice railway bridge across the St. Lawrence River. The most delicious Cigarette out. "Sweet Bouquet," try them. See the "Dude" at 1011Pa. Ave. N. W. The best is Robert Smith's India Pale Ale. To introduce new styles of fine Cabinet Photos, Rice has reduced price of Cabinets to $3.00 a dozen. Cocktails a speciality, at Drivers. All our clothing is made under our personal supervision hence you can rely on durability and good workmanship. Geo F. Timms & Co., cor. 7th and D. The best is Ph. J. Lauber's Bohemian [?]. Bring the boys and see how handsomely we can fit them out. Our assortment of boys clothing cannot be excelled. Geo. F. Timms & Co., cor. 7th and D. Butler cor 5th and K streets, exchanges new stoves for old. Universal Satisfaction is the report of dealers who sell "Sweet Bouquet" Cigarettes. Try them. Their fragrance and delicacy is sure to please. The sea son, "Sailing" and favorite [?] march, 5 cts. A copy, 925 7th St. For a superior quality of wet goods, straight or mixed, go to Drivers. To introduce new styles of fine Cabinet Photos Rice has reduced price of Cabinets to $3.00 a dozen. See work done at the Lycett Bindery, 1010 and 1012 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., before having books bound elsewhere. Telephone connection. "Mr Dear: where are you going?" "Just to Drivers for a fried Oyster, I will be back in a minute. Don't Some Cigarettes unless you use the best. Get "Sweet Bouquet," and you will be more than pleased. R. K. Helphenstine the popular proprietor of the Ebbitt House Drug Store has scored another success in opening the Drug Store in "The Portland," cor. 14th & Vermont ave. It is conceded to be one of the handsomest and best conducted Pharmacies in the United States. It contains a rare assortment of pure drugs and toilet articles of every known description. The citizens in that neighbourhood are to be congratulated on having such a complete establishment in their immediate midst where they can buy every article usually sold in a drug store at reasonable rates. Our reporter called and interviewed the head clerk Mr. J. P. Woodnutt from whom he learned the store was already doing a nice prescription business. Mr. W. has had twenty five years experience with the mortar and pestle and is therefore an accomplished pharmacist. A Novelty Forest Birds on Plaques. Fine Stationery, Chapman's Visiting List. Prayers, Hymnals, Bibles, New Books. Chapman Agt. for U. S. Hydragraphic Charts Bookseller, 915 Penn Ave. The Portland Café, Cor. 14th and Vermont Ave. A first class café for ladies and gentlemen open until midnight; private dining rooms for lunch, dinner or supper parties. Meals a la carte or table d'hote by day, week or month. B. W. Frazier, Prop. Oysters. Johnson's Price List. Fried in box 25c; half box, 15c; Raw per doz, 20c; half doz, 10c; Raw, per plate, 10c; Steamed 15c per half peck. 509 9th Street. Next door to critic office. Ladies! Sign of the golden ostrich. Should be careful to whom they entrust their ostrich feathers, as the best ones can be entirely ruined if not properly treated. Ladies are invited to visit the only establishment in the city where Ostrich Feathers are cleanen, dyed, curled and renovated in the finest Parisian style, it is at the sign of the Golden Ostrich by Mr. and Mme. Depoilly. 1233 G. Street, N. W. No injury done to feathers, long plumes made from short pieces. No branch house. Orders by postal promptly attended to. Feathers dyed by samples. Black Feathers redyed in Seal, Brown or Garnet. Mme. Taulelie, (from Paris). Now doing business at 1203 F Street, Northwest Washington, D. C., offers a splendid display of Ostrich Feathers. This is the only House in Washington which is in possession of the New Process by which feathers are not burned or otherwise injured in the Process of Dressing. Feathers Dyed, Dressed and Curled in the most elegant style. Black Plumes re-dyed in dark colors. Long plumes made from short pieces. The greatest inducements given to Milliners. This house guarantees all their work to give the fullest satisfaction. Imported flowers & Orbursts, to which the attention of the Ladies is respectfully invited. Specially fine Flowers for Balls and Dress Parties. Awarded to Ceres Flour by the National Fair Association, Washing, D. C. "Then shall the earth yield her increase and god even our god, shall bless us." Snow White Bread and Beautiful rolls and biscuits will be guaranteed if you use Ceres. The celebrated Minnesota Patent-Process Flour, which was awarded the First Premium over all other competitors at the National Fair in 1879, and again the First Premium, in the shape of a very handsome gold medal, in 1880 and 1881. The millers claim that one barrell of Ceres will turn out forty loaves more bread than any other flour in America. We would also respectfully mention that Mrs. S. P. Anderson, of this city, received the First Premium at our last October Fair for the handsomest Rolls and Biscuits on exhibition, and they were made of Ceres Flour, which is only adding another proof to the many already established, that Ceres is the best Minnesota Patent-Process Flour known to the trade, and we doubt that it has its equal in the world. Sterling's St. Louis Fancy, one of the most beautiful Winter-Wheat Patent Flour ever offered to the trade. It is unexcelled by any other Patent except Ceres, and will please the most exacting housekeeper, and satisfy the most fastidious epicure. Minneola, a very superior and handsome Minnesota Patent. Reliance, A Splendid Minnesota Patent Flour, made by the celebrated Hungarian Process. It is a very cheap and beautiful Patent, within the reach of all classes, and we guarantee will give satisfaction to everyone who will try the process. Golden Hill, the old reliable stand by and the standard family flour of the district, and equal to a great many so called patent flours. The Millers of Manufacturers of Golden Hill have spend about ten thousand dollars in remodelling their Mill, and have introduced the so celebrated roller system, and consequently Golden Hill is not only a magnificent Family Flour, but is really a patent flour with the great advantage that it can be bought for considerably less money than a great many Patent Process Flours not near as white nor as nutritious as Golden Hill. We [?] competition to bring forth any flour superior to Ceres, Sterling, Minneola, Reliance, or Golden Hill, and we feel assured that any housekeeper who tries them once will never use anything else. For sale by all Grocers. Wholesale Depot: Cor. First & Indiana Ave. WM. M. Calt & Co., Who are also the Sole Agents for the District of Hecker's Celebrated Self-raising Flour and Buckwheat. Decorative Art Needlework. Parlor 7, Willard's Hotel. Lessons given – shading speciality. Specimens of work at Mrs. M. J. Hunt's. Mrs. A. B. Graham, 26th West 14th St., N. Y. A fine selection of Old Wine and Liquors. My native Wines are the best on the market. A fine assortment of other Wines, of my own selection while in Europe. Chr. Xander, 909 and 911 7th Street, N. W. Harris House, European Plan. Next-door to the National Theatre rooms single and en suite. Fine restaurant. Special attention given to Theatre suppers, banquets. Prof. LeRoy J. Boggs, director of the Washington Normal Musical Institute. Professor of Music, National Academy of Fine Arts. Piano, Violin and Vocal Culture through base and harmony. Pupils prepared for the lyric stage. Offices National Academy, cor. N. Y. Ave., and 18th St., and 702 13th St., N. W. Louise Marguerite can be engaged for select pupils or parlor concerts upon applying at the institute. Justh's Old Stand. 619 D St., N. W. Buys and Sells First Class New and Second Hand Clothing. William Helmus' Restaurant 414 Seventh Street, N. W. None but the finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in every style. Game in season. Ladies! Ladies! Use White Clover Face Powder, Pearl and Flesh Tints 25 cents per box. Sold by druggists only. M. S. Kahn, Balto. Md. Hayward & Hutchinson are the direct representatives of Messrs J. G. and J. F. Low, for all their artistic productions. Also deal in Minton Tiles, and make the artistic treatment of fire-places and inglenooks a speciality. Hayward & Hutchinson 424 9th St. N. W. The Program. The Echo. I asked of Echo, the other day which would be the cheapest way. To buy a fine double headed banji? Quoth Echo, plainly – "To Worch's go!" Where can I get a fine Violin to please my ear, which is very keen, such an article I wish to purchase? Quoth Echo, sharply, "Go to Worch's" And for the best Italian strings, and all kinds of musical things, where shall I go to get them cheap? Qoth Echo promptly – "925 7th St!" Can I buy an excellent Piano on easy payments and very low at Worches? And have they Pianos to let quoth Echo with decisioa – "You bet" Between the Acts. Souvenir! See top of the first page. Those who smoke Sweet Bouquet Cigarettes pronounce them superior to all others. In New York city during 1882 there were 27, 321 births and 37,900 deaths. At the Dexter Steam Laundry they make a speciality of Collars and Cuffs. Music for parties. Violin and Piano a speciality. Mr. Hanlein, 235 Pa. Ave. N. W. Merchaum Goods, fine and selected line at Aug. Mencken & Co., corner 7th and G Streets. To introduce new styles of fine Cabinet Photos. Rice has reduced price of Cabinets to $3.00 a dozen. The total earnings of Sing Sing (N. Y.) prison for the month of December were $20,718.85; expenditures, $16,708,81, leaving a profit of 4,010.04. If you wish your personal linen well and carefully laundered, were satisfaction is guaranteed, try the Dexter Steam Laundry, 301 6th Street, N. W. Twenty-five thousand eggs of a silk worm weight one quarter of an ounce. The worm lives from forty five to fifty three days. It increases in weight in thirty days 9,500 fold, and during the last twenty-eight days of its like eats nothing. It is stated that a short time ago, while getting out stone in his quarry a mile south of Kokomo, Ind., a man split a massive slab and found embedded in the solid rock a lizard of a light color, alive and active. All Cocktails at Drivers Dashed with Champagne. The liberal reductions made in all departments of our clothing business is appreciated by the general public and is reducing our stock beyond our expectations. We will continue to sell on very small margins until our winter stock is exhausted. Geo. F. Timms & Co. cor. 7th and D. Among some of the tribes in Africa, if two babies come to a family at the same time they think it a dreadful thing. Nobody except the family can go into the hut where they were born, no even use any of the things in it. The twins cannot play with other children, and the mother cannot talk to any one outside of the family. This is kept for up to six years. If the babies live to be six years old, the restrictions are removed and they are treated like other children. Let women be brought up to habits of industry and economy, and learn to support a husband, and the tramp nuisance will soon cease – Texas [?] "John Dear: where have you been?" "Well you must take me after the performance is over." Finger-nails. Beautified at Madame Payn's 945 Penn. Ave. n.1., Manicure and Chiropodist. Morgan's new steam laundry 517 Ninth Street, N. W., near junction 9th and F-street cars. Guarantee all work first class. New machinery, latest improvements. Collars and cuffs a speciality. Our sign: Collar and Cuff Machine in full operation in our window. Mrs. Morgan has charge of all the ladies work. We guarantee clothes to last their owners one third longer when laundried by our new machines. We are satisfied you will see the advantages and benefits of this system, and will avail yourself of the opportunity we offer. We invite a personal inspection of our machinery and method. Packages called for and delivered. Postal card notices will receive prompt response. One trial will convince you that this laundry is everything that can be desired. J. W. Morgan, 517 Ninth Street, Northwest. R. O. Polkinhorn. Steam Press, Printer, 632 and 634 D. St. Washington, D.C. Barbour & Hamilton Established 1850. Our new west patent process flour, Minnesota Mills. Our superlative [?] Crosby Co. [?] fancy patent St. Louis. [?]. Wholesale Depot. Sole Agents for he celebrated, our superlative our new West, Cereal, Royal, Germ and Favorite. These flours are the finest on the market. Satisfaction guaranteed in Price and Quality. In addition to the above we have a full line of choice Wines and Whiskies, Table and Mineral Waters, Imported Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy and Heavy Groceries and Druggist Specialities. Barbour & Hamilton, 614 and 616 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Prof. A. J. Dexter the world's Magnetic Conqueror of Diseases. The following comprises the ailments and diseases which I am prepared to treat and cure: Consumption, Bright's Disease, Pneumonia, all Kidney and Liver complaints. Paralysis, [?] Gout, Cattarh, Asthma, Bronchitis and all afflictions of the mucous membranes, Dyspepsia and all gastric annoyances, nervousness and nervous debility whether hereditary or super induced by excess Heart Disease, all Spinal affections, Urinary complaints, Epileptic Fits, Spasms, [?] Dance, Prolapsus Uteri Varicose Veins, [?] Eczema, Piles, all diseases of women and children. Billous Fever, Fever and Ague and intermittent Fever, [?] weak and sore eyes and all malarial disturbances of the system. I am also prepared to successfully treat those afflicted with the Alcohol habit and to destroy the appetite for liquor and to effect a cure of all those diseases of a special peculiar and dangerous character. At my office I have letters, recommendations and affidavits from hundreds of patients of national and loyal standing throughout all sections of the country to substantiate my calms to public recognition as a successful healer in every feature of disease or which [?] to conquer. I stand upon the [?] which scores of the best people of Washington whom I have successfully treated furnished me, and whose recommendations are in my hands and at my parlors. Prof. A. Dexter, No 520 Thirteenth St. Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. ; 2 p.m. to 5 p.m, 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 10 to 11.30 a.m. only. Mrs. Speaker Carlisle Cured of Rheumatism. Her letter to Prof. Dexter, No. 510 13th Street. The following explains itself: Riggs House February, 14, 1384. Prof. A. J. Dexter. Dear Sir: I have suffered with inflammatory rheumatism for thirty year. Hearing of your skill determined to try your treatment. After the first application I was enabled to sleep profoundly, not having had any rest for a week. At present I am using my arm freely, which was powerless for a long time. It gives me great pleasure to add my name to the many you have cured. My general health is greatly improved. Respectfully Mrs. John G. Carlisle (Speaker's Wife). Keyes & Co., Livery Stables, 410 14th Street, corner of D, Branch Office at the Arlington Hotel. Telephone connections with both Theatres. Calls answered immediately. W. F. Geyer's New Livery and Carriage Bazaar, 568 and 470 C Street, n. w., between 41/2 and 6 sts. Horses and Carriages for hire by the hour, day or month. Always buying, selling and exchanging horses, buggies and carriages. Call and see our large stock. Telephone Connections. Vat's de matter mit you? If you don'd got some wisting cards, vy don'd you got some? Cooper, Cor. 13th and F. Sts. Engraves Card Plades, Prints from Plade und Type. Money no obshekt. Vorking for Fun. Dot's vy I adwortise, alnd ld? Lloyd's Washington 25 Cent Express! Baggage, Parcels, etc., called for and delivered to hotels, depots and private residences. Baggage checked at residence. Leave your baggage checks and address at either office. Special terms with theatrical companies. Offices, 481 Penna, ave, 1003, F. Street, N.W. (Dorsey Bros., Ticket Brokers). Telephone connection – Call Lloyd's Express. Velati's Caramels Purest in the country. They speak for themselves. Imported pure olive oil to draught. 620 9th and 1339 Penna Ave. Kottes Hotel and Restaurant, 811 E Street. Excellent Rooms 50c., 75c., and $1 per night.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 3-8 March 1884, Image 3 of 3

Commercial Cigars are Union-Made. Sold by dealers everywhere. The Program. Schwing & Clarke's. First-Class Ladies' and Gent's Restaurant and Dining Rooms, Blue Point, Morris Cove, Shresbury, Rockaway and New York Sound Oysters received daily. Game in season. Finest steamed Oysters in the city. Southeast Cor. 7th and G Sts. Our system of selling at strictly one price, marked in plain figures, and refunding money for anything promptly returned uninjured, renders it a safe place to buy men's and youth's clothes, or to recommend others to deal. George Spransy 507 7th Street. N. W. Directly opposite U. S. Post Office. Morgan & Kennedy, Ladies and Gentlemen Dining Rooms, 933 D Street, Northwest. Finest Dining Room in the District, and first class in every particular. Terrapina, Salads Oysters and Game in season served in the best possible manner. Yssowski Bros dealers in Men's Wear. Elwoods Ladies' and Gentlemen's Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. 438 7th St, S. W. Cor. of 7th and E. Sts. Constantly on hand every delicacy of the season with all the leading brands of the finest salt water oysters served by experienced cooks and polite waiters. Howe's Business School, 517 Seventh Street. Has the best business penman and the most practical instruction. Book keeping taught with our text books, enabling scholars to gain a more practical knowledge and learn in less than half the usual time. Business course in Book keeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Spelling, and Correspondence, [?]5 a month; $12 for three months. How's Rapid Business Penmanship alone $3. Fine Raw Oysters, Best Grade Norfolk Oysters 25 Cents per dozen at Marble Saloon. Opposite Ford's Opera House, Regular price elsewhere 50 cents. Artists, Architects and Draughtsmen can have their wants supplied at the new establishment of Fred A. Schmidt, 504 9th St., Opposite Critic Office. Brass Placques for decoration; Drawing instruments and Paper all qualities. Johnson's Oyster Saloon and Restaurant, 440 and 442 Ninth Street, N. W. High grade Oysters only. Raw, steamed, new york stews, saddle rock, roast, broiled, etc., (all selected). Ladies Saloon first floor, Having leased and refitted in the most superb style, the building corner Thirteenth and E Street, with all the modern conveniences for the Restaurant trade have opened a branch there, where you will find the very choicest oysters, fish, game, etc., known to the trade, served in every available style. A lifetime experience enables me to cater ot the taste of the most fastidious epicureans Ladies saloon second floor. Johnson's 440 and 442 Ninth Street, and S. E. Corner Thirteenth and E. National Theatre. Engagement of One Week Only of Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and The Lyceum Company. Director – Mr. Henry E. Abbey, Special Notice – During this engagement the curtain will rise at 7.45. Shakespeare's Comedy in 5 Acts, entitled The Merchant of Venice. Shylock – Mr. Henry Irving, Duke of Venice – Mr. H. Howe, Prince of Morocco – Mr. T. Mead, Antonio – Mr. T. Wenman, Bassanio – Mr. W. Terriss, Salanio – Mr. Lyndal, Salarino – Mr. Harbury, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo - Mr. Haviland, Tubal – Mr. J. Carter, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Andrews, Old Gobbo – Mr. Archer, Gaoler – Mr. Harwood, Leonardo – Mr. Marion, Balthazar – Mr. Harvey, Stephano – Mr. Clifford, Clerk of the Court – Mr. Louther, Nerissa – Miss Payne, Jessica – Miss Millward, Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Magnificoes, Officers of the Court, Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, Pages, Citizens, Soldiers, Jews, Maskers, Musicians, Serenaders, Gondollers, Moors, Fruit Sellers, Water Carriers, Servants, etc. Scene – Partly at Venice and partly at Belmont. Synopsis of scenery. Act 1. Scene 1 – Venice – A Public Place, Scene 2 – Belmont – Portia's House). Scene 3 – Venice – A Public Place. Act II. Scene 1 – A Street – Scene 2. – Another Street. Scene 3 – Shylock's House by a Bridge. Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont – A Room in Portia's House. Scene 2 – Venice – A Street. Scene 3 – Belmont – A Room in Portia's House. Scene 4 – Venice – A Street. Scene 5 – Belmont – A Room in Portia's House – Act IV. Scene – Venice – A Court of Justice. Act V. Scene – Belmont – Portia's Garden, with Terrace. During the evening the Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Meredith Ball, will perform the following selections: - Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Lyende – "La Veneziana" – Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte – Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte – Hamilton Clarke, Ballet Music – "Faust" – Gounod. Incidental Music composed by Hamilton Clarke. For Mr. Irving – Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. J. Meredith Ball, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. For Mr. Abbey – General Business Manager - Mr. Marcus R. Mayer, Business Manager and Treas. – Mr. James H. Palser. Friday Evening and Saturday Matinee – Much Ado About Nothing. Benedict – Mr. Henry Irving. Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Saturday Night – Louis XI – (arranged in 3 Acts). Louis XI – Mr. Henry Irving, after which Mrs. Cowley's Comedy in 2 Acts, The Bell's Stratagem. Doricourt – Mr. Henry Irving, Letitia Hardy – Miss Ellen Terry. Monday next. Miss Maude Granger – Claire and the Forge Master. All new music received as soon as published. Everything usually found in a first class music store always on hand. John F. Ellis & Co., 937 Pennsylvania Avenue. Close of the season on Opera Gloves at the Boston Dry Goods House. Ladies Real French Kid Gloves, in white and opera shades, all sizes, reduced as follows: 20 Buttons, former price $4.00 reduced to $3.00, 16 Buttons, former price $3.00 reduced to $2.00, 12 Buttons, former price $2,50 reduced to $1.75, 10 Buttons, former price $2.00 reduced to $1.50. Woodward & Lothrop, 921 – Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest – 921. 50 cents on the dollar sale, now going on at the Misfit Store! Cor. 10th and F. St. In suits and overcoats for men and boys. Remnants! Remnants! Closing Sale of our entire stock of remnants in every width and all styles of Ribbons, specially for Fancy Work. Remnants of silk, remnants of Satins, Remnants of Velvets and remnants of plushes. At prices that you will be pleased to buy them. King's Palace, wonderful closing sale of 5,000 untrimmed hats, worth from $1.00 to $2.50 a piece; your choice at 25c., 25c., 25c. To continue until all are disposed of; and don't neglect the opportunity. Also, tips, plumes and flowers at lower prices than ever before. Eight more of the beautiful Silk Plush Coats left, which will be sold at half price. Children's Misses' and Ladies' Cloaks at 50c, on the dollar. 25 dozen elegant Ladies' Vests at 37c., sold formerly at $1. Black Treble English Crepe, for veiling and trimming, at $1.75 to $2.50 per yard. Great slaughter in kid gloves. Five hooked kid gloves, our own importation, at 75c, only sold formerly at $1.25. Elegant Mousquetaire Kids at $1. Sold formerly at $1.50. Three button elegant Kids at 67c, sold formerly at $1. Attend closing sale at King's Palace 814 Seventh Street. Dempsey's Visiting and Wedding Cards. Fashionable Stationery, etc., 913 Pennsylvania Avenue. 100 Pirie's English Cards, printed from plate, $1. "The Finest" Moore's Restaurant and Hotel. 604 Penn, Ave., through to 605 B Street, Opp. Balto and Potomac Depot. The finest liquors always in stock at the bar. Oysters a speciality. Patrick Moore, Proprietor. Established 1858. Harvey's ladies and Gentlemen's Restaurant and Oyster Saloon, 1016 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner of Eleventh Street. The largest Oyster house in the United States, and the most perfectly conducted restaurant in the city. All brands of the Finest Oysters that the Chesapeake and Northern waters produce are served with every delicacy of the season. The ladies saloon is one of the handsomest in all its appointments, and is conducted especially for ladies. Oysters, Diamond-back, Terrapin and Game a speciality. Harvey & Holden, Proprietors. Harvey the originator of Steamed Oysters. Carriages, Carriages, Carriages! My stock of Carriages is large and varied new & second hand Landaus, Landauletts, Coupe, Rockaways, Coupeletts, and other fall and winter styles at low prices. Repairing Promptly attended to Rob't H. Graham Repository and Factory, 410, 416, 8th St. Sautter's first class ladies and gentlemen's lunch & dining parlors. 502 Ninth St., two doors above E. The Ninth and Belt Line (E Street Branch) Cars pass the door. Brunswick Restaurant and Oyster House. Hot and Cold Lunches always ready. Steamed Oysters a Speciality. Old Kentucky Apple Jack Pure and Straight. Monticello Whiskey and T. A. Sullivan. 1310 Penn. Ave., South Side.

2. Programme, trimmed

Date 7 March 1884
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 3 March 1884 to 8 March 1884
Venue National Theatre
Venue address Washington DC [USA]
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Music Director Meredith Ball
Document ID ET-D623 Original record
Held by The British Library
3 scanned images
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 3-8 March 1884, Image 1 of 3

Souvenir!! You can get a handsome Souvenir at Johnston's Pharmacy next to the National Theatre. Souvenir!! The Programme. Volume V. Washington, D. C., Week of March 3, 1884. National Theatre next week. Success of the New Play. ‘Claire and the Forge Master.' From the Boston Herald of Tuesday, Feb, 26. "Claire and the Forge Master," Mrs. Ettie Henderson's drama funded on Mr Georges Ohnet's novel, "Le Maitre de Forbes," was performed for the first time in Boston at the Park Theatre last evening, and let with much favour from the large audience assembled to witness its production. The story of the play follows that of the novel quite closely in all the essentials, and the divisions of the acts is so arranged as to give each a strong dramatic climax. In the first act, the characters are effectively introduced the loss of the Montbusen family's fortune is told, the Duc de Bligny's desertion of Claire and his betrothel to Herminie, the daughter of Jaillot, the rich chocolate manufacturer are revealed and the curtain falls on Claire's acceptance of the Forge Master's Phillippe Derblay's offer of marriage and her introduction of him as her fiancé to the assembled guests. The second act takes place in the bridal apartments after the wedding; it depicts the discovery by the groom through her rejection of his proffered caresses that Claire has married him in a fit of pique and does not love him, and concludes with his declaration that while before the world they may appear as husband and wife in their homes they shall remain as strangers. The scene of their act is the hunting field, where are shown the futile endeavours of Dr Bilgny (who has married Herminie for her money) to awaken in Claire the love she formerly had for him, and Herminie's persistent attempts to annoy her by carrying on a flirtation with the Forge Master. Claire's growing love for her husband is depicted and the act ends with a cleverly devised scene in which she check mates both the duc and the duchess. The fourth act takes place in the garden of the Forge Masters villa and gives opportunity for a fine scenic effect, by which the great iron foundry, illuminated by light from its furnaces and with chimneys belching flame and smoke is shown in the distance. Here occurs the powerful scene between the two women, in which Claire after entreating Herminie to cease her flirtations with Phillippe, commands her to leave the premises. The duchesse appeals to the duc, who interferes, whereupon the Forge Master assumes the responsibility for his wife's action and the curtain falls on a striking tableau. The fifth act is in two scenes. In the first Claire seeks an interview with her husband just before he sets out to meet De Bilgny in a duel; she entreats him not to fight but he believes her apprehensions are all on De Bilgny's behalf and parts from her coldly. In the last scene the men face each other; just as the word is given and De Bilgny fires, Claire throws herself before her husband and receives the bullet in her hand. The Forge Master is at last satisfied that his wife loves him and with the briefest of explanations the curtain falls. Other characters introduced are Marie Derblay, Phillipe's young sister and Fablen. Claire's brother, who love each other, but are forbidden to marry by the Forge Master on account of their difference in rank and his fear that their union might prove as unhappy as his own to Claire; the Marquis de Monthuson Claire's mother; Baron Lavaile, an eccentric entomologist, and his wife, a gay young society belle; M. Bachelin, a notary, and several minor [?]. The play is well constructed as will be noted by readers of the brief synopsis give above. The authoress has a keen eye for dramatic effects, and has used her material cleverly in their production. She has deitly avoided the dangers of anti climax, where a less experienced playwrighter might easily have erred. The interest of the piece is well sustained and cumulative. Miss Granger easily carried off the honors of the representation. It is adapted to exhibit her powers as an emotional actress at their best. She [?] at the outset a thorough appreciation of the character, and her impersonation throughout was consistent with the spirit in which she played the opening act. Coming Attractions, Maud Granger. J. K. Emmett, Dion Boucicault. Black Flag, Lights O' London, Power of Money. Sam'l of Posen, Kiralfy Bros., Spectacles, Abbott English Opera Company. Richmond straight cut cigarettes. This cigarette is made from the Brightest and Highest Cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, the quality of which is recognized to be of equaled excellence. This the old and original Brand of Straight Cuts, and was brought out by us in 1875. Beware of Base Imitations of this popular brand. The genuine Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes bear the signature of Allen & Cinter Richmond, Va. Mrs. Selma Ruppert, Ladies' Bazar. 608 9th St., Opp. Patent Office. Novetlies in Art Needlework, Kensington, Arasene and Ribbon Embroideries and all Materials for the same. Full assortment of Zephyrs, Germantown Wool, Worsted Goods, Ladies' Neckwear, Ruchings, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimmings and Childrens' Furnishing Goods. Stamping promptly executed. New Turkish and Russian Bath. 1417 G. St., opp. Riggs House. Large Pool, good ventilation. Ladies, Monday and Friday. Not open Sunday. 8 a.m. till 10 p.m.; Saturday, 12 p.m. Baths, $1; six tickets, $4.50. Dr. H. L. Bovee, Medical Electrician. Souvenir! See top of the first page. If you should be in the neighbourhood of Thomas Circle, cor 14th and Vermont ave, take a look at the Portland Drug Store. It is one of the grandest establishments in the United States. Everything fresh as a daisy and pure as purity. German Cologne at one dollar a pint in glass stopper bottle at Ebbitt House Druge Store. The best perfume extract. This life is to full of work, of duty, and of pleasure to be wasted. But everybody don't think so, or they would not trifle with a cold, or a cough, when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the only reliable remedy, can be procured for 25 cents. Who has not heard of Fred. Evan's dining rooms, 919 F Street. Fred is famous for his catering abilities, and all who go there are sure to return. Souvenir! See top of first page. Lessons in Elocution and Dramatix Art given by Miss Marguerite E. Saxton at 622 6th St., N. W. Thorough instruction in English Grammar and Pronunciation to persons of foreign birth, who wish to become proficient in the English language. A little girl fascinated with Beautiful Decorative Pictures & Valentines J. Jay Gould's, 421 9 St. Why we claim the preference our collar machine is of the largest size made, the same as those used almost exclusive in Troy – the largest work from it is Uniform, of a Fine Finish, without that greasy gloss or streak on the seams. Also, the Color we give our Goods cannot be approached in this country, and the Price is the lowest for good work. Collars and cuffs either gloss or domestic finish. Swiss laundry, steam, Ira Godfrey, Jr., Proprietor. 1322 F Street, Northwest, Near Ebbitt House. Absolutely Pure – No. 1 Rye Whiskey, $2.50 per gallon, 75c. quart bottle; Arlington Whiskey $4 per gallon $1 quart bottle; Kentucky Scur Mash Whiskey $4 gal., $1 qt bottle; Cushing Process Whiskey $1.25 bottle; Port Wine, Fine Old Brandy, Sherry Wine, Hollander Gin, by the bottle or demijohn. McGee's 9th near D street. One dozen Cabinets with a thirteenth painted $3 half a dozen one out of it painted $2. Kets Kemethy Photo Art Gallery 1109 Penn. Ave., N. Y. Between the Acts visit James Godden 1335 E Street, Northwest, for Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Only 25 cts, a pound for fine French candies, bon bons, chocolate jellies, cream walnuts, and the best caramels to be found in the city. Sharpless' Phila. Candy Factory 419 Seventh Street, Northwest, Under Odd-Fellows' Hall. Smoke sweet bouquet cigarettes. Delicate, mild & fragrant. [?] New York. The Big Eight. The Finest Hair Cutters in the District. Burgess & Shepherd, S. E. Cor. 8th & D Sts., N. W.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 3-8 March 1884, Image 2 of 3

The Program. Published and printed at 632 and 634 D Street, by J. J. H. Polkinhorn to whom all communications should be addressed. The Program circulates in Ford's Opera House and the National Theatre as the bill of the play, and has an average weekly circulation of 20,000. Business men contemplating advertising should not lose sight of the fact that the program possesses advantages not enjoyed by other mediums, being brought directly to the attention of the class of customers it is their interest to secure. Rates for Advertisement: 1 inch, one week - $2.00, 2 inches, one week - $4.00, 3 inches, one week - $5.00. A liberal reduction for larger advertisements inserted for the season. Local notices twenty-five cents per line per week. E. T. McNerhany, Business Manager. General Information fried oysters free at Drivers. Souvenir! See top of the first page. Quebec has an ice railway bridge across the St. Lawrence River. The most delicious Cigarette out. "Sweet Bouquet," try them. See the "Dude" at 1011Pa. Ave. N. W. The best is Robert Smith's India Pale Ale. To introduce new styles of fine Cabinet Photos, Rice has reduced price of Cabinets to $3.00 a dozen. Cocktails a speciality, at Drivers. All our clothing is made under our personal supervision hence you can rely on durability and good workmanship. Geo F. Timms & Co., cor. 7th and D. The best is Ph. J. Lauber's Bohemian [?]. Bring the boys and see how handsomely we can fit them out. Our assortment of boys clothing cannot be excelled. Geo. F. Timms & Co., cor. 7th and D. Butler cor 5th and K streets, exchanges new stoves for old. Universal Satisfaction is the report of dealers who sell "Sweet Bouquet" Cigarettes. Try them. Their fragrance and delicacy is sure to please. The sea son, "Sailing" and favorite [?] march, 5 cts. A copy, 925 7th St. For a superior quality of wet goods, straight or mixed, go to Drivers. To introduce new styles of fine Cabinet Photos Rice has reduced price of Cabinets to $3.00 a dozen. See work done at the Lycett Bindery, 1010 and 1012 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., before having books bound elsewhere. Telephone connection. "Mr Dear: where are you going?" "Just to Drivers for a fried Oyster, I will be back in a minute. Don't Some Cigarettes unless you use the best. Get "Sweet Bouquet," and you will be more than pleased. R. K. Helphenstine the popular proprietor of the Ebbitt House Drug Store has scored another success in opening the Drug Store in "The Portland," cor. 14th & Vermont ave. It is conceded to be one of the handsomest and best conducted Pharmacies in the United States. It contains a rare assortment of pure drugs and toilet articles of every known description. The citizens in that neighbourhood are to be congratulated on having such a complete establishment in their immediate midst where they can buy every article usually sold in a drug store at reasonable rates. Our reporter called and interviewed the head clerk Mr. J. P. Woodnutt from whom he learned the store was already doing a nice prescription business. Mr. W. has had twenty five years experience with the mortar and pestle and is therefore an accomplished pharmacist. A Novelty Forest Birds on Plaques. Fine Stationery, Chapman's Visiting List. Prayers, Hymnals, Bibles, New Books. Chapman Agt. for U. S. Hydragraphic Charts Bookseller, 915 Penn Ave. The Portland Café, Cor. 14th and Vermont Ave. A first class café for ladies and gentlemen open until midnight; private dining rooms for lunch, dinner or supper parties. Meals a la carte or table d'hote by day, week or month. B. W. Frazier, Prop. Oysters. Johnson's Price List. Fried in box 25c; half box, 15c; Raw per doz, 20c; half doz, 10c; Raw, per plate, 10c; Steamed 15c per half peck. 509 9th Street. Next door to critic office. Ladies! Sign of the golden ostrich. Should be careful to whom they entrust their ostrich feathers, as the best ones can be entirely ruined if not properly treated. Ladies are invited to visit the only establishment in the city where Ostrich Feathers are cleanen, dyed, curled and renovated in the finest Parisian style, it is at the sign of the Golden Ostrich by Mr. and Mme. Depoilly. 1233 G. Street, N. W. No injury done to feathers, long plumes made from short pieces. No branch house. Orders by postal promptly attended to. Feathers dyed by samples. Black Feathers redyed in Seal, Brown or Garnet. Mme. Taulelie, (from Paris). Now doing business at 1203 F Street, Northwest Washington, D. C., offers a splendid display of Ostrich Feathers. This is the only House in Washington which is in possession of the New Process by which feathers are not burned or otherwise injured in the Process of Dressing. Feathers Dyed, Dressed and Curled in the most elegant style. Black Plumes re-dyed in dark colors. Long plumes made from short pieces. The greatest inducements given to Milliners. This house guarantees all their work to give the fullest satisfaction. Imported flowers & Orbursts, to which the attention of the Ladies is respectfully invited. Specially fine Flowers for Balls and Dress Parties. Awarded to Ceres Flour by the National Fair Association, Washing, D. C. "Then shall the earth yield her increase and god even our god, shall bless us." Snow White Bread and Beautiful rolls and biscuits will be guaranteed if you use Ceres. The celebrated Minnesota Patent-Process Flour, which was awarded the First Premium over all other competitors at the National Fair in 1879, and again the First Premium, in the shape of a very handsome gold medal, in 1880 and 1881. The millers claim that one barrell of Ceres will turn out forty loaves more bread than any other flour in America. We would also respectfully mention that Mrs. S. P. Anderson, of this city, received the First Premium at our last October Fair for the handsomest Rolls and Biscuits on exhibition, and they were made of Ceres Flour, which is only adding another proof to the many already established, that Ceres is the best Minnesota Patent-Process Flour known to the trade, and we doubt that it has its equal in the world. Sterling's St. Louis Fancy, one of the most beautiful Winter-Wheat Patent Flour ever offered to the trade. It is unexcelled by any other Patent except Ceres, and will please the most exacting housekeeper, and satisfy the most fastidious epicure. Minneola, a very superior and handsome Minnesota Patent. Reliance, A Splendid Minnesota Patent Flour, made by the celebrated Hungarian Process. It is a very cheap and beautiful Patent, within the reach of all classes, and we guarantee will give satisfaction to everyone who will try the process. Golden Hill, the old reliable stand by and the standard family flour of the district, and equal to a great many so called patent flours. The Millers of Manufacturers of Golden Hill have spend about ten thousand dollars in remodelling their Mill, and have introduced the so celebrated roller system, and consequently Golden Hill is not only a magnificent Family Flour, but is really a patent flour with the great advantage that it can be bought for considerably less money than a great many Patent Process Flours not near as white nor as nutritious as Golden Hill. We [?] competition to bring forth any flour superior to Ceres, Sterling, Minneola, Reliance, or Golden Hill, and we feel assured that any housekeeper who tries them once will never use anything else. For sale by all Grocers. Wholesale Depot: Cor. First & Indiana Ave. WM. M. Calt & Co., Who are also the Sole Agents for the District of Hecker's Celebrated Self-raising Flour and Buckwheat. Decorative Art Needlework. Parlor 7, Willard's Hotel. Lessons given – shading speciality. Specimens of work at Mrs. M. J. Hunt's. Mrs. A. B. Graham, 26th West 14th St., N. Y. A fine selection of Old Wine and Liquors. My native Wines are the best on the market. A fine assortment of other Wines, of my own selection while in Europe. Chr. Xander, 909 and 911 7th Street, N. W. Harris House, European Plan. Next-door to the National Theatre rooms single and en suite. Fine restaurant. Special attention given to Theatre suppers, banquets. Prof. LeRoy J. Boggs, director of the Washington Normal Musical Institute. Professor of Music, National Academy of Fine Arts. Piano, Violin and Vocal Culture through base and harmony. Pupils prepared for the lyric stage. Offices National Academy, cor. N. Y. Ave., and 18th St., and 702 13th St., N. W. Louise Marguerite can be engaged for select pupils or parlor concerts upon applying at the institute. Justh's Old Stand. 619 D St., N. W. Buys and Sells First Class New and Second Hand Clothing. William Helmus' Restaurant 414 Seventh Street, N. W. None but the finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in every style. Game in season. Ladies! Ladies! Use White Clover Face Powder, Pearl and Flesh Tints 25 cents per box. Sold by druggists only. M. S. Kahn, Balto. Md. Hayward & Hutchinson are the direct representatives of Messrs J. G. and J. F. Low, for all their artistic productions. Also deal in Minton Tiles, and make the artistic treatment of fire-places and inglenooks a speciality. Hayward & Hutchinson 424 9th St. N. W. The Program. The Echo. I asked of Echo, the other day which would be the cheapest way. To buy a fine double headed banji? Quoth Echo, plainly – "To Worch's go!" Where can I get a fine Violin to please my ear, which is very keen, such an article I wish to purchase? Quoth Echo, sharply, "Go to Worch's" And for the best Italian strings, and all kinds of musical things, where shall I go to get them cheap? Qoth Echo promptly – "925 7th St!" Can I buy an excellent Piano on easy payments and very low at Worches? And have they Pianos to let quoth Echo with decisioa – "You bet" Between the Acts. Souvenir! See top of the first page. Those who smoke Sweet Bouquet Cigarettes pronounce them superior to all others. In New York city during 1882 there were 27, 321 births and 37,900 deaths. At the Dexter Steam Laundry they make a speciality of Collars and Cuffs. Music for parties. Violin and Piano a speciality. Mr. Hanlein, 235 Pa. Ave. N. W. Merchaum Goods, fine and selected line at Aug. Mencken & Co., corner 7th and G Streets. To introduce new styles of fine Cabinet Photos. Rice has reduced price of Cabinets to $3.00 a dozen. The total earnings of Sing Sing (N. Y.) prison for the month of December were $20,718.85; expenditures, $16,708,81, leaving a profit of 4,010.04. If you wish your personal linen well and carefully laundered, were satisfaction is guaranteed, try the Dexter Steam Laundry, 301 6th Street, N. W. Twenty-five thousand eggs of a silk worm weight one quarter of an ounce. The worm lives from forty five to fifty three days. It increases in weight in thirty days 9,500 fold, and during the last twenty-eight days of its like eats nothing. It is stated that a short time ago, while getting out stone in his quarry a mile south of Kokomo, Ind., a man split a massive slab and found embedded in the solid rock a lizard of a light color, alive and active. All Cocktails at Drivers Dashed with Champagne. The liberal reductions made in all departments of our clothing business is appreciated by the general public and is reducing our stock beyond our expectations. We will continue to sell on very small margins until our winter stock is exhausted. Geo. F. Timms & Co. cor. 7th and D. Among some of the tribes in Africa, if two babies come to a family at the same time they think it a dreadful thing. Nobody except the family can go into the hut where they were born, no even use any of the things in it. The twins cannot play with other children, and the mother cannot talk to any one outside of the family. This is kept for up to six years. If the babies live to be six years old, the restrictions are removed and they are treated like other children. Let women be brought up to habits of industry and economy, and learn to support a husband, and the tramp nuisance will soon cease – Texas [?] "John Dear: where have you been?" "Well you must take me after the performance is over." Finger-nails. Beautified at Madame Payn's 945 Penn. Ave. n.1., Manicure and Chiropodist. Morgan's new steam laundry 517 Ninth Street, N. W., near junction 9th and F-street cars. Guarantee all work first class. New machinery, latest improvements. Collars and cuffs a speciality. Our sign: Collar and Cuff Machine in full operation in our window. Mrs. Morgan has charge of all the ladies work. We guarantee clothes to last their owners one third longer when laundried by our new machines. We are satisfied you will see the advantages and benefits of this system, and will avail yourself of the opportunity we offer. We invite a personal inspection of our machinery and method. Packages called for and delivered. Postal card notices will receive prompt response. One trial will convince you that this laundry is everything that can be desired. J. W. Morgan, 517 Ninth Street, Northwest. R. O. Polkinhorn. Steam Press, Printer, 632 and 634 D. St. Washington, D.C. Barbour & Hamilton Established 1850. Our new west patent process flour, Minnesota Mills. Our superlative [?] Crosby Co. [?] fancy patent St. Louis. [?]. Wholesale Depot. Sole Agents for he celebrated, our superlative our new West, Cereal, Royal, Germ and Favorite. These flours are the finest on the market. Satisfaction guaranteed in Price and Quality. In addition to the above we have a full line of choice Wines and Whiskies, Table and Mineral Waters, Imported Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy and Heavy Groceries and Druggist Specialities. Barbour & Hamilton, 614 and 616 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Prof. A. J. Dexter the world's Magnetic Conqueror of Diseases. The following comprises the ailments and diseases which I am prepared to treat and cure: Consumption, Bright's Disease, Pneumonia, all Kidney and Liver complaints. Paralysis, [?] Gout, Cattarh, Asthma, Bronchitis and all afflictions of the mucous membranes, Dyspepsia and all gastric annoyances, nervousness and nervous debility whether hereditary or super induced by excess Heart Disease, all Spinal affections, Urinary complaints, Epileptic Fits, Spasms, [?] Dance, Prolapsus Uteri Varicose Veins, [?] Eczema, Piles, all diseases of women and children. Billous Fever, Fever and Ague and intermittent Fever, [?] weak and sore eyes and all malarial disturbances of the system. I am also prepared to successfully treat those afflicted with the Alcohol habit and to destroy the appetite for liquor and to effect a cure of all those diseases of a special peculiar and dangerous character. At my office I have letters, recommendations and affidavits from hundreds of patients of national and loyal standing throughout all sections of the country to substantiate my calms to public recognition as a successful healer in every feature of disease or which [?] to conquer. I stand upon the [?] which scores of the best people of Washington whom I have successfully treated furnished me, and whose recommendations are in my hands and at my parlors. Prof. A. Dexter, No 520 Thirteenth St. Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. ; 2 p.m. to 5 p.m, 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 10 to 11.30 a.m. only. Mrs. Speaker Carlisle Cured of Rheumatism. Her letter to Prof. Dexter, No. 510 13th Street. The following explains itself: Riggs House February, 14, 1384. Prof. A. J. Dexter. Dear Sir: I have suffered with inflammatory rheumatism for thirty year. Hearing of your skill determined to try your treatment. After the first application I was enabled to sleep profoundly, not having had any rest for a week. At present I am using my arm freely, which was powerless for a long time. It gives me great pleasure to add my name to the many you have cured. My general health is greatly improved. Respectfully Mrs. John G. Carlisle (Speaker's Wife). Keyes & Co., Livery Stables, 410 14th Street, corner of D, Branch Office at the Arlington Hotel. Telephone connections with both Theatres. Calls answered immediately. W. F. Geyer's New Livery and Carriage Bazaar, 568 and 470 C Street, n. w., between 41/2 and 6 sts. Horses and Carriages for hire by the hour, day or month. Always buying, selling and exchanging horses, buggies and carriages. Call and see our large stock. Telephone Connections. Vat's de matter mit you? If you don'd got some wisting cards, vy don'd you got some? Cooper, Cor. 13th and F. Sts. Engraves Card Plades, Prints from Plade und Type. Money no obshekt. Vorking for Fun. Dot's vy I adwortise, alnd ld? Lloyd's Washington 25 Cent Express! Baggage, Parcels, etc., called for and delivered to hotels, depots and private residences. Baggage checked at residence. Leave your baggage checks and address at either office. Special terms with theatrical companies. Offices, 481 Penna, ave, 1003, F. Street, N.W. (Dorsey Bros., Ticket Brokers). Telephone connection – Call Lloyd's Express. Velati's Caramels Purest in the country. They speak for themselves. Imported pure olive oil to draught. 620 9th and 1339 Penna Ave. Kottes Hotel and Restaurant, 811 E Street. Excellent Rooms 50c., 75c., and $1 per night.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 3-8 March 1884, Image 3 of 3

Commercial Cigars are Union-Made. Sold by dealers everywhere. The Program. Schwing & Clarke's. First-Class Ladies' and Gent's Restaurant and Dining Rooms, Blue Point, Morris Cove, Shresbury, Rockaway and New York Sound Oysters received daily. Game in season. Finest steamed Oysters in the city. Southeast Cor. 7th and G Sts. Our system of selling at strictly one price, marked in plain figures, and refunding money for anything promptly returned uninjured, renders it a safe place to buy men's and youth's clothes, or to recommend others to deal. George Spransy 507 7th Street. N. W. Directly opposite U. S. Post Office. Morgan & Kennedy, Ladies and Gentlemen Dining Rooms, 933 D Street, Northwest. Finest Dining Room in the District, and first class in every particular. Terrapina, Salads Oysters and Game in season served in the best possible manner. Yssowski Bros dealers in Men's Wear. Elwoods Ladies' and Gentlemen's Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. 438 7th St, S. W. Cor. of 7th and E. Sts. Constantly on hand every delicacy of the season with all the leading brands of the finest salt water oysters served by experienced cooks and polite waiters. Howe's Business School, 517 Seventh Street. Has the best business penman and the most practical instruction. Book keeping taught with our text books, enabling scholars to gain a more practical knowledge and learn in less than half the usual time. Business course in Book keeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Spelling, and Correspondence, [?]5 a month; $12 for three months. How's Rapid Business Penmanship alone $3. Fine Raw Oysters, Best Grade Norfolk Oysters 25 Cents per dozen at Marble Saloon. Opposite Ford's Opera House, Regular price elsewhere 50 cents. Artists, Architects and Draughtsmen can have their wants supplied at the new establishment of Fred A. Schmidt, 504 9th St., Opposite Critic Office. Brass Placques for decoration; Drawing instruments and Paper all qualities. Johnson's Oyster Saloon and Restaurant, 440 and 442 Ninth Street, N. W. High grade Oysters only. Raw, steamed, new york stews, saddle rock, roast, broiled, etc., (all selected). Ladies Saloon first floor, Having leased and refitted in the most superb style, the building corner Thirteenth and E Street, with all the modern conveniences for the Restaurant trade have opened a branch there, where you will find the very choicest oysters, fish, game, etc., known to the trade, served in every available style. A lifetime experience enables me to cater ot the taste of the most fastidious epicureans Ladies saloon second floor. Johnson's 440 and 442 Ninth Street, and S. E. Corner Thirteenth and E. National Theatre. Engagement of One Week Only of Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and The Lyceum Company. Director – Mr. Henry E. Abbey, Special Notice – During this engagement the curtain will rise at 7.45. Friday Evening and Saturday Matinee Shakespeare's Comedy in 5 Acts, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING! Benedict, A Young Lord of Padua: Mr HENRY IRVING. Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon: Mr. W.TERRISS Don John, His Bastard Brother: Mr. HAVILAND. Claudio, A Young Lord of Florence: Mr. LYNDAL. Leonato, Governor of Messina: Mr. T.WENMAN. Antonio, His Brother: MR. HARBURY. Balthazar, Attendant of Don Pedro: Mr J.ROBERTSON Borachio, Conrade, Followers of Don John: Mr. F.TYARS, Mr. CLIFFORD. Friar Francis : Mr. MEAD. Dogberry,Verges, Two City Officers: Mr. H.HOWE, Mr J.CARTER. Seacol, Oatcake (Watchmen): Mr. ARCHER, Mr. HARWOOD. A Sexton: Mr. LOUTHER. A Messenger: Mr. ANDREWS. A Boy: Miss F. HOLLAND. Hero, Daughter to Leonato: Miss MILLWARD. Margaret, Ursula, Gentlewomen attending on Hero: Miss. HARWOOD, Miss PAYNE. Beatrice, Niece to Leonato: Miss ELLEN TERRY. Ladies, Gentlemen, Maskers, Pages, Attendants, Musicians, Guards, Watchmen, Soldiers, Servants etc. etc. Scene-Messina. ACT I- Scene 1-Leonato's House. Scene 2-Before Leonato's House. Scene 3-hall in Leonato's House. ACT II-Scene 1-Before Leonato's House. Scene 2-Leonato's Garden (evening.) ACT iii-Scene 1- Leonato's Garden (morning.) Scene 2-The Cedar Walk. Scene 3-A Street. ACT IV-Scene-Inside of a Church. ACT V-Scene 1-A rprison. Scene 2-Leonat's Garden. Scene 3-The Monument of Leonato. Scene 4-Hall in Leonato's House. For Mr. Irving – Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. J. M. Ball, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. For Mr. Abbey – General Business Manager - Mr. Marcus R. Mayer, Business Manager and Treas. – Mr. James H. Palser. Saturday Night – Louis XI – (arranged in 3 Acts). Louis XI – Mr. Henry Irving, after which Mrs. Cowley's Comedy in 2 Acts, The Bell's Stratagem. Doricourt – Mr. Henry Irving, Letitia Hardy – Miss Ellen Terry. Monday next. Miss Maude Granger – Claire and the Forge Master. All new music received as soon as published. Everything usually found in a first class music store always on hand. John F. Ellis & Co., 937 Pennsylvania Avenue. Close of the season on Opera Gloves at the Boston Dry Goods House. Ladies Real French Kid Gloves, in white and opera shades, all sizes, reduced as follows: 20 Buttons, former price $4.00 reduced to $3.00, 16 Buttons, former price $3.00 reduced to $2.00, 12 Buttons, former price $2,50 reduced to $1.75, 10 Buttons, former price $2.00 reduced to $1.50. Woodward & Lothrop, 921 – Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest – 921. 50 cents on the dollar sale, now going on at the Misfit Store! Cor. 10th and F. St. In suits and overcoats for men and boys. Remnants! Remnants! Closing Sale of our entire stock of remnants in every width and all styles of Ribbons, specially for Fancy Work. Remnants of silk, remnants of Satins, Remnants of Velvets and remnants of plushes. At prices that you will be pleased to buy them. King's Palace, wonderful closing sale of 5,000 untrimmed hats, worth from $1.00 to $2.50 a piece; your choice at 25c., 25c., 25c. To continue until all are disposed of; and don't neglect the opportunity. Also, tips, plumes and flowers at lower prices than ever before. Eight more of the beautiful Silk Plush Coats left, which will be sold at half price. Children's Misses' and Ladies' Cloaks at 50c, on the dollar. 25 dozen elegant Ladies' Vests at 37c., sold formerly at $1. Black Treble English Crepe, for veiling and trimming, at $1.75 to $2.50 per yard. Great slaughter in kid gloves. Five hooked kid gloves, our own importation, at 75c, only sold formerly at $1.25. Elegant Mousquetaire Kids at $1. Sold formerly at $1.50. Three button elegant Kids at 67c, sold formerly at $1. Attend closing sale at King's Palace 814 Seventh Street. Dempsey's Visiting and Wedding Cards. Fashionable Stationery, etc., 913 Pennsylvania Avenue. 100 Pirie's English Cards, printed from plate, $1. "The Finest" Moore's Restaurant and Hotel. 604 Penn, Ave., through to 605 B Street, Opp. Balto and Potomac Depot. The finest liquors always in stock at the bar. Oysters a speciality. Patrick Moore, Proprietor. Established 1858. Harvey's ladies and Gentlemen's Restaurant and Oyster Saloon, 1016 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner of Eleventh Street. The largest Oyster house in the United States, and the most perfectly conducted restaurant in the city. All brands of the Finest Oysters that the Chesapeake and Northern waters produce are served with every delicacy of the season. The ladies saloon is one of the handsomest in all its appointments, and is conducted especially for ladies. Oysters, Diamond-back, Terrapin and Game a speciality. Harvey & Holden, Proprietors. Harvey the originator of Steamed Oysters. Carriages, Carriages, Carriages! My stock of Carriages is large and varied new & second hand Landaus, Landauletts, Coupe, Rockaways, Coupeletts, and other fall and winter styles at low prices. Repairing Promptly attended to Rob't H. Graham Repository and Factory, 410, 416, 8th St. Sautter's first class ladies and gentlemen's lunch & dining parlors. 502 Ninth St., two doors above E. The Ninth and Belt Line (E Street Branch) Cars pass the door. Brunswick Restaurant and Oyster House. Hot and Cold Lunches always ready. Steamed Oysters a Speciality. Old Kentucky Apple Jack Pure and Straight. Monticello Whiskey and T. A. Sullivan. 1310 Penn. Ave., South Side.

Did you know?

Ellen Terry toured her lectures on Shakespeare's women in UK and USA.

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