1911 - 1913Ellen Terry UK lecture tour
21 October 1912

Shakespeare's Heroines

Location Alexandra Hall, Blundellsands, UK


Date 21 October 1912
Production Date(s) Monday October 21st
Venue Alexandra Hall
Venue address Blundellsands
Time of performance 8.30pm
Document ID ET-D389 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes St Nicholas Lectures and Entertainments: Ellen Terry's Shakespeare lecture (Much Ado About Nothing, Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Coriolanus). Some authorial assistance from Christopher St John.
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St. Nicholas' Lectures and Entertainments held at The Church Hall, Blundellsands, on Monday Evenings at 8.30 o'clock. 1912 October – 21, November 3, 18, December 2, 16, 1913, January – 30, February – 3, 17, March – 3, 31. The Doors will be open at 8 and the Lectures will begin punctually at 8.30. Carriages about 10. Subscription – 15/- The Series.

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St. Nicholas' Lectures & Entertainments Committee Rev. M. Lanton Smith, M.A. (Chairman), Dr. C. Burland, G. L. Burton, H. Cradock-Watson, M. A., A. R. Denbigh, H. E. B. Littlebury, A. J. Preston, J. P., R. J. Yeoward, E. C. Edgecombe (Hon. Secretary), Harold E. Gardner (Hon. Treasurer).

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On Monday Evening, October 21st, at 8.30 precisely Miss Ellen Terry. Photo by Foulsham & Banfield, Old Bond Street. On Monday Evening, October 21st, at 8.30 precisely. Miss Ellen Terry on "The Triumphant Heroines" from Shakespeare's Plays with illustrative acting. Part I. Beatrice – "Much Ado About Nothing" (With Extracts including the Church Scene) Interval of Five Minutes. Part II. Rosalind – "As You Like It", Celia "As You Like It", Virgilia – "Coriolanus" (With Extracts), Volumnia – "Coriolanus" (With Extracts), Portia – "Merchant of Venice" (Including the Mercy Speech). Note. – This Entertainment will be given in the Alexandra Hall, Blundellsands.
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On Monday Evening, November 4th, at 8.30 precisely. Professor Vivian. B. Lewes, Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, has a great reputation in London as one of the most lucid and attractive scientific lectures of the day. He is also a very successful author. In addition to the lectures which he delivers for the Gilchrist Trust, he has had a large experience in years gone by as a University Extension Lecturer in London. In 1870 he became assistant to Professor A. W. Williamson, the chief gas examiner of the Metropolis, at Birkbeck Laboratory. For some time Professor Lewes had charge of this laboratory, but eventually, in 1879, he joined the staff at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. In 1888 he succeeded Dr. H. Debus, as Professor of Chemistry, at the Royal Naval College, and in 1892 received the further appointment as chief gas examiner of the Corporation of the city of London. He is a member of several learned societies. On Monday Evening, November 4th, at 8.30 precisely Professor Vivian B. Lewes, on "Water and its Work." Synopsis. Important of Water n Nature – Its composition-Hydrogen, preparation and properties-Combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen to form Water-Proportions of Oxygen and Hydrogen in Water-Impurities present in Natural Waters-Rain Water-Spring Water-River Water-Sea Water-Temporary and permanent hardness in Water-Injurious impurities in Water-Purification of Water-The work done by Water. With Experiments.
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On Monday Evening, November 18th, at 8.30 precisely. Miss Gertrude Tomalin, Dramatic Recitations, Short Stories, American pieces, humorous monologues. Also on Monday evening, November 18th, at 8.30 precisely. Mr. Selwyn Driver. Humorous Sketches at the Piano.
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On Monday Evening, December 2nd, at 8.30 precisely. The Earl of Ronaldshay, M. P., has travelled extensively in the Far East and has written three highly interesting and informative books, giving an account of his experiences in the various countries. In his Lectures he tells his hearers of what he saw on the different journeys, of the adventures he had, and attempts a presentment of the lives of the people and some description of their habits and customs. It is a highly desirable thing that the public at home should have an opportunity of extending its knowledge of the Eastern World, because the British Empire exerts a powerful influence in the far-off lands that Lord Ronaldshay has visited. On Monday Evening, December 2nd, at 8.30 precisely The Earl of Ronaldshay, M. P. on "Across the heart of China." Synopsis. The immensity of China-Shanghai, the commercial capital of the Empire-Up the Yangtsze in a river steamer-Hankow, the industrial capital of China-Another 400 miles in a river steamer-The difficulties and humours of river navigation-Ichang, the head of steam navigation-A Chinese junk-Its crew-The Yangtsze gorges-The river port of Chung-king. 1,500 miles from the sea-Arrangements for travelling over land-A sedan chair-Porters-Porters-Currency problems-The roads of Ssauchuan-Memorial arches-Concerning Chinese inns-An alternative to a sedan chair-Chengtu, the capital of the Province of Ssuchuan-The Viceroy –Chinese etiquette-Down the Min river-The town of Sui Fu-The celebration of the New Year-From Tali Fu to Teng Yuch-My Chinese escort-Approaching the Burmese frontier-The Shans-Topical scenery-Bahmo-The end of the journey. The Lectures are fully illustrated with Lantern Slides.
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On Monday Evening, December 16th, at 8.30 precisely. Mr. Richard Kearton, F.Z.S., F.R.P.S. Mr. Richard Kearton has spent the last seventeen years in the skilful photographing of wild birds, beasts, insects, that flowers of our country. During this strenuous period he has travelled between 20,000 and 30,000 miles. Over 10,000 negatives to say nothing of thousands of yards of kinematograph film. He has produced something like it dozen books, and each has been highly successful. Mr. Kearton has lectured with great success in Germany and America. From both countries he has received repeated invitations to return, and in each a growing public is cognizant of his high qualities as a student and observer. He has shown his pictures at Sandringham by special request at present King when Prince of Wales, and the same pictures delighted and interested President Roosevelt at the White House in Washington. It is safe to say that no man in recent years has done so much as Mr. Kearton to stimulate the study of Natural History, and to bring it the into our towns by his graphic and racy lectures with their unique illustrations. On Monday Evening, December 16th, at 8.30 precisely. Richard Kearton, F.Z.S., F.R.P.S., Etc. Author of "Wild Nature's Ways," etc., etc. "Bioscope Wonders from Nature." Synopsis. Mr. Kearton will show, amongst other things, the grace and celerity with which birds swim and dive ; how they use their wings when alighting upon and rising from the ground ; how some of them assist to keep the land clear of insect pests and their industry and parental solicitude. The Lecture will give interesting glimpses of the life and habits of the squirrel ; the peculiar ways of the rush toad or natterjack ; wild rabbits at home ; red deer on the move in the Highlands ; and Mr. Cherry Kearton's latest work amongst big game in America and other parts of the World. Illustrated by Mr. Kearton's latest Still and Moving Pictures.
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On Monday Evening, January 20th, at 8.30 precisely. Mr. Ernest Hastings, (From Duke of York's Theatre), Humourous songs, sketches, burlesques, etc. in Selections from his Repertoire. Also on Monday Evening, January 20th, at 8.30 precisely. Miss Ruth Vincent, the well-known singer.
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On Monday Evening, February 3rd, at 8.30 precisely. Mr. Walter McClintock, in the expressive phrase of his countrymen, has "made good" on the British lecture platform. His visit to Great Britain during the season 1911 – 12 was of very short duration, but it was long enough to prove that no provider of a course of lectures with any pretensions to offering the best talent available could overlook his claims. The story that Mr. McClintock tells, and the manner in which it is told, will grip the attention of any audience. His singing of the Indian Love and War Songs is quite a novel feature. He has a beautiful baritone voice that enables him to do full justice to these outbursts of Indian emotion. On Monday Evening, February 3rd, at 8.30 precisely Mr. Walter McClintock on "My Life Amongst the Indians." Synopsis. This Lecture Deals with the condition of the Red Indian in former days and the grandeur of his country. It is illustrated by moving pictures of the journey with pack-horses across the Rocky Mountains, and by a remarkable series of coloured lantern views of the mountain scenery and flora of the country. The Illustrations vividly show the route of an old Indian War Trial through the dense forests and across the main range of the Rockies to the tribal camp of the Indians on the plains. The types of men, women and children are shown, together with a remarkable series of photographs of the sacred ceremonial of adoption by Mad Wolf. The lecturer also gives an accurate rendition of a number of Indian songs, including the Riding song, War song and Wolf song. The wonderful lantern slides and interesting moving pictures, together with the weird Indian songs, combine to make a lecture that has absorbing interest for old and young, for scientific as well as popular audiences. This Lecture will be profusely illustrated with a magnificent series of coloured slides, all made from photographs taken by Mr. McClintock when visiting his Blackfeet brethren.
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On Monday Evening, February 17th, at 8.30 precisely. Mr. Arnold Dolmetsch. Mr. Arnold Dolmetsch the well-known Concert Lecturer has lately given special attention to the English music of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, wherein he has made many discoveries. Mr. Dolmetsch only uses original old music books from his Library, or his own copies of such, thus ensuring absolute purity of text. In each Lecture the Music is played by Mrs. Dolmetsch and the lecturer upon the instruments for which it was written such as ; the Lute, the Cithren. The Recorder, the Consort Viols, Division Viol, Lyra-Viol, Violo d' Amore. Virginials, Spinet, Harpsichord, Clavichord, etc., the interest and value of these Lectures being greatly enhanced thereby. There need be no fear that Mr. Dolmetsch's Lectures might prove too scientific or dry for a popular audience. Past experiences show that they can be understood and enjoyed by all. On Monday Evening, February 17th at 8.30 precisely. Mr. Arnold Dolmetsch on "Old English Music and Musical Instruments." Programme. 1. "All of Greene Willo" – Early Elizabethan for the Lute. 2. "The Lord Zouche's Maske" – circa 1580 "The Hunt is up" – Time of Kyng Henry VIII for the Cithren and Lute. 3. "Westron Wynde" and "Rogers" – Time of Kyng Henry VIII two popular tunes for the Recorder and Virginals. 4. "The Piper's Galliard", "Spagnioletta" – circa 1585 for the Treble Viol and Virginals. 5. Three Pieces for the Virginals (i) "La Volta" (ii) "Coranto" (iii) "The Lark" circa 1590. 6. Fantazie for Treble and Bass Viols "La Caccia" – Thomas Morley 1595. 7. Three Pieces for the Lyra-Viol (i) "Symphony," (ii) "Almain" – Dr. Ch. Coleman c. 1650, (iii) "Saraband" – Anonymous circa 1650. 8. Divisions on a Ground for the Viola de Gamba and Harpsichord – Chr. Simpson 1665. 9. Sonata for the Violin and Harpsichord Henry Purcell circa 1675. 10. Toccato for the Harpsichord – Henry Purcell circa 1680.
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On Monday Evening, March, 3rd, at 8.30 precisely Mr. A. Radclyffe Dugmore, F.R.G.S. Mr. A. Radclyffe Dugmore is a member of that not inconsiderable band of Englishmen who have left their native shores and won distinction in a distand land and under another flag. But no man whose first glimpse of the light was under the grey skies that look down up the British Isles can feel that his ambition is attained, or his work crowned with full success, until his own people have shewn their appreciation of what he has accomplished. For many years Mr. Dugmore has lived in the United States, and by dint of incessant labour he has achieved a reputation there of which any man might feel proud. He has returned to the Old Country, anxious to repeat before British audiences the lectures which had so completely fascinated our kith and kin across the Atlantic. On Monday Evening, March 3rd, at 8.30 precisely Mr. A. Radclyffe Dugmore F.R.G.S., on "The Romance of the Beaver and other stories of Animal Life." Synopsis. The Beaver, its history and life. The effect it has had on the country by diverting streams and flooding great tracts of land, and through building dams which, after falling into disuse, have broken gradually, so what that what was formerly a forest became a lake and afterwards rich meadow-land. The wonderful dams built by the beavers, sometimes several hundred feet in length and eight to ten feet high. The different types of houses and their peculiar method of construction. The felling of great trees for food purposes and storing of branches under water for winter supplies. The curious home life of the beaver. The beaver as an article of commerce. How the Hudson Bay Company was affected by these animals. How this most interesting of animals – because of the resemblance its work has to the work of man – is treated by the trapper with extinction for the sake of the few dollars which its hide brings. Difference in the methods of trapping adopted by the Indian and the White Man. The destructive method of the White Man and its results. The story of the captive beaver. The story of two possums and the mistake they made. The life of the Newfoundland caribou (the western form of reindeer). The semi-annual migration of the caribou from North to South and vice versa. Illustrated by a unique series of coloured photographs.
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On Monday Evening, March 31st, at 8.30 precisely Mr. Ernest Denny, The Well-known "Actor of the Platform." On Monday Evening March 31st, at 8.30 precisely Mr. Ernest Denny. Programme. "The Gentle Gift of Charming" – Jerome J. Jerome (by one of the disillusioned!), "How Catherine Douglas Barred the Door" – D. G. Rossetti (from "The Kin's Tragedy"), "How Charles Surface Knocked Down His Ancestors", I. Sir Oliver Surface and Sir Peter Teazle consult Moses, and pan a surprise visit to Charles. II. Charles Surface entertains his Uncle unawares, and gives himself away. III. The Selling of the Family Pictures, and Sir Oliver's forgiveness. Arranged from "The School for Scandal." "The Humours of a Pastoral Play" – F. Anstey (a reminiscence of a Wet July?") "The Portrait" – Owen Meredith, "Gladys – and her Victim" – Edward Turner (with some candid comments by the "Victim's oldest friend). N.B. – The above Programme is subject to slight alteration.
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Did you know?

Joseph Conrad wrote to thank the Leeds theatre for Edith Craig's direction of The Secret Agent.

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