Ellen Terry's Shakespeare Lecture in the afternoon, musical comedy in the evening (including song by Gwen Terry).
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Shakespeare's Heroines, 31 December 1913, Image 1 of 3
The Municipal Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Dan Godfrey, Hon, R.A.M. Musical Director to the Corporation. General Manager – Dan Godfrey, Assistant and Business Manager – Henry Woodard, Secretary – F. L. Parsons. Winter Gardens & Pier. Programme. Guardian Printing Works. One Penny. December 31, 1918.
Shakespeare's Heroines, 31 December 1913, Image 2 of 3
The Music performed at these Concerts may be obtained at Fisher's 3, The Arcade, Bournemouth. (Established 1872.) Pianos, Practice Rooms. Tunings. Finest stock of Sheet Music. Gramophones and Records. Telephone 1845. School of Modern Languages. Berlitz Method. (The oldest established in the town). Rapid reliable Private and Class Tuition in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian. &c., by fully qualified Native Professors. Rational Method. : Trial Lesson Free : No Drudgery. Special Evening Classes in every language for Business People at modern terms. Day and evening classes and private lessons in English to foreigners at special terms. Saturday special classes for children. Lessons in every language given also by correspondence. Translation bureau. N. B. – All enquiries should be made to the secretary, Shaftesbury Hall Chambers, 74, Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. For choice furs, stylish hats, exclusive costumes see Vanek's selection. Bournemouth. W. Boscombe. 3, Holles Street, London, W. Trunks made on the premises J. E. Beale. Repairs of every description by competent workmen. Old trunks taken in part exchange. Tel: Bournemouth "One." The "Amati" Concert Party is available for concerts "At Homes," &c. Miss Bessie Price (Soprano) Miss Beatrice Kendall (Contalto) Miss Blodwen Price (Violinist and Pianist). Apply, Miss Bessie Price, 5, St. Mary's Road, Bournemouth. Winter Gardens. Wednesday Afternoon, at 3. Shakesperian Recital by Miss Ellen Terry (with illustrative acting) in some of the Heroines from Shakespeare's Plays. Part I. Beatrice "Much Ado About Nothing" (with extracts, including the Church Scene). Interval of Five Minutes. Part II. Rosalind "As You Like It", Celia "As You Like it", Virgilia "Coriolanus" (with extracts), Volumnia "Coriolanus" (with extracts), Portia "The Merchant of Venice" (Including the Mercy Speech). Golf. Lessons given by first class Scotch Professionals. Driving nets provided for practice. Use of putting green and artificial bunker. All golf requisites supplied. The Golf School, The Square. Mrs. Pomeroy Ltd, Miss Claire, under Licensee, London. 21a, Old Christchurch Road. Near the Square. (Over Pool & Pool). Expert Electrolysis. Hygenic Facial Massage, Manicure, Chiropody. Hours 10 to 5, Saturdays 10 to 1. Appointments made. Seasonable presents at Hayward's curiosity shop, tram terminus, Poole. Special set of six old Chippendale Chairs, 4 gns. Queen Anne Panelled Oak settle, 4 gns, £100 microscope for 25 guineas. Brass, Pewter, China, &c. Eight-day grandfather's clocks. Oak Coffers, Gilt Mirrors, &c. Pair carved Oak Doors. Carved Adams Fireplace. Inspection Welcome. The Hydro, West Cliff, (known as the Bournemouth Hydro). A modern residential and bath establishment. It is the only Hydro in Hampshire on the sea front. Turkish baths Ladies, 10 – 12 noon, Gentlemen, 2 to 5 p.m. Except Sundays and Mondays. These Baths are free to Residents in the Hydro. Electric Light, Sea Water, Nauheim, Aix Baths. Every kind of massage and electric treatment carried out by highly trained attendants. Under resident medical supervision. Telephone 341. Hunting high-class saddle horses & hunters riding and driving taught. Jumping a speciality. Private motor cars de luxe for touring – also taxi's. private carriages of all kinds, weddings supplied, contracts arranged. Contractors to "Royal Bath" "Grand" "Imperial" "Carlton" Hotels, etc. Motor coaches run to all the principal meets. Apply Melton's Garage & Livery Stables, Lansdowne telephone 289. To-day's forecast. "Special" Dull hours will turn to brightest on your becoming the happy possessor of a "Stems" Player Piano. Wet or fine "stems" affords the same enjoyment. The Player with "Arrow" action and metal tubes. From 58 gns. Cash or 30/- Mth. Sole Retailers Godfrey's Ltd. Player Experts. 136 & 138, Old Christchurch Rd. The special classes for piano technique (method leschetizky) and ensemble playing (Symphony Duets in particular) will be resumed by Miss Craigie Ross, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. (Concert Pianist). During the Winter Months in addition to her usual lessons on piano and voice production. Address "Collwood," Southcote Road. Tel. 2166. Ladies' Tailors, Court Dressmakers. R. E. Beale & Son. Specialities: evening, visiting, and day gowns. Blouses and Millinery. Cavendish House, Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. Or private address, Spring Lodge, St. Winifred's Rd., Tel. 1512. Bournemouth. Winter Gardens Wednesday Evening, at 8. "Musical Comedy" Programme. 1. Selection "The Marriage Market" Jacobi. 2. Valse "The Girl in the Taxi" – Gilbert. 3. Song "The Waltz Song" – Ed. German, Miss Gwen Terry. 4. Porcupine Patrol – Monckton from the "Dancing Mistress", 5. Selection "The Girl from Utah" – Rubens, 6. Bertram Banks, the Popular Child Impersonator. 7. Nelson Hardy in his popular Ventriloquial Sketches. Interval of 10 minutes. Ballroom and Fancy Dancing Miss D. K. White (Member of the Imperial Society of Dance Teachers). The Argentine Tango and Maxixe Bresilienne. Latest variations of Bostons, Triple, Double, &c. Solo Toe Dancing. Four Private Lessons - £1 1s. Schools attended. Ladies, please note when shopping, visit The Irish Linen Warehouse, Gervis Place, Bournemouth. The Favourite Shop for Residents and Visitors. Blouses, Irish Laces, Lingerie, and all kinds of Irish Linens. Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Collars, Ties, &c. Anderson & McAuley, Ltd. (of Belfast). Gervis Place, Bournemouth. Miss Violet Petite, Gold Medallist, L.A.M. (Pupil of Mrs. Tobias, Matthay and Miss Mary Hay). Elocution. Dramatic Recital's. "At Homes," Concerts, &c. For particulars apply, Messrs Price & Sons, Ltd. Handel house, Bournemouth or private address, Spring Lodge, St. Winifred's Rd., Tel. 1512. Bournemouth. F. G. P. Jones Ladies and Gentlemen's Hairdresser and Wigmaker. Manicure, Chriopody, vibro-massage. Clients waited upon at their own Residences. 9, Charminster Road (Near Heron Court Road Tram Stop) Bournemouth. Children's Grand Annual Fancy Dress Ball at the Winter Gardens Friday, Jan, 9, 1914, when Tango and Maxixe Bresilienne will be danced. Floor under the direction of Miss Florence Newlyn, dancing mistress, "Para" Southern Road, Bournemouth. Bournemouth school of music, 136, Old Christchurch Road. Directors – Mrs. Farnell Watson, L.R.A.M. Mr. Hamilton Law. A Junior Department will be established next term. Expert teaching for students (under 18) of the pianoforte, singing, violin, violoncello, etc., under skilled Bournemouth Professors with all the advantages of a large and organised institution. Specially reduced fees (£1 11s 6d. or £2 2s.) (Junior Students will be entitled to Weekly Class Lessons in the Theory of Music and also in Vocal and Instrumental Concerted Music, when sufficiently advanced, without additional fee). Next Term begins Monday. January 5th 1914. Write for all Particulars to the Secretary. Mrs. Watson, wardrobe dealer, 88, Commercial Road, Bournemouth, Tel, 869, gives best Prices for every description of left-off wearing apparel, etc. All letters and parcels promptly attended to. Specially high prices for clothing to good quality and in good condition. Heating, lighting and ventilating by qualified engineers. Bacon & Curtis, 106, Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Parkstone and Poole. Estimates and Expert Advice Free. Tel. 11. Foundry-Poole. The Genuine Pianaola Piano is quite different from the ordinary Player Piano. If in the genuine Pianaola Piano every suggestion of the mechanical had not been eliminated, and if it were not capable of rendering music with perfect expression and sympathy, it could never have won the support of the great musicians. Slade & Wood (the only Local Agents), 123, Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, will take your present piano in part exchange. Winter Gardens. 8. Selection "The Quaker Girls" – Monckton. 9. Song "The Little Coloured Coon" – John Neat. Miss Gwen Terry. 10. Selection – Kollo and Sirmay "The Girl on the Film". Deputy Conductor – Mr. F. King-Hall. Accompanist – Mr. Montague Birch. The Chappell Grand Pianoforte, supplied by Messrs Godfrey & Co., Old Christchurch Road. Ladies with straight hair should consult S. A. Thomson, Phone 148, Hair Specialist, 92, Poole Road, Westbourne about the nestle permanent waving, by this process we guarantee to wave your hair permanently. No matter how often your hair is washed the waves remain : Splendid for Children. Write or call for Booklet. Mr. Gerald Lee (Tenor), Voice Specialist. (Pupil of Mr. Sims Reeves). Voice Production. Tone colouring, voice mending the art of breathing, and the aesthetics of singing taught. Speech defects. Lisping, nasaling, stammering, &c., removed. Concerts, at homes, etc. Terms on application to Pine Hurst, Princess Road, Bournemouth West. Established 25 years. At present Address 19 years. The Universal Hair Co. Established 1895. West End Branch – No. 1, Berners Street, Oxford Street, W. Our transformations give every satisfaction. Any style, 30/-; or Extra Full of Hair, any style, 2 Gns. Or 3 Gns. Guaranteed only finest quality pure European human hair used. The universal Swathe of pure long hair 36 in. 21/9 40 in. 27/9. A large variety of Chignols always in stock. Address: - Manageress. 84, Foxberry Road, Brockley, S.E. Send for illustrated catalogue post free on application. Switches of pure human hair. For light grey, pale and Auburn shades extra is charged. 16in. – 2/9, 18in – 3/6, 20in – 5/-, 22in. – 5/-, 22in – 7/6, 24in. – 12/6, 26in, - 15/6, 28in – 21/-. A most becoming Toupet, parting where desired, price only, 15/6. Any length to order.
Shakespeare's Heroines, 31 December 1913, Image 3 of 3
Valse Romance (Accepted by Her Gracious Majesty Queen Mary) and the Ripping Rag by Frederick C. Senior. (Programme Seller at the Gardens.) Both performed by the Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra. Price 1/- each. On sale at the Winter Gardens Flower Stall, Pier Book Kiosk, and principal Music Sellers. For all local and district news read the "Bournemouth Guardian." Telephone – 205. Published every Tuesday and Saturday. Price – one penny. Can be obtained at all Principal Newsagents. Mr. and Mrs. Strachan, 6, Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, buyers of left-off and misfit clothing, boots, underlinen, bed & table linen. On receipt of instructions will call and give a good price in cash. Prompt payment for parcels received. Established in Boscombe, 1891. Miss M. E. Stone fancy draper. Useful and reasonable presents. Fancy handkerchiefs, lace neckwear, gloves, fancy boxes, &c. 102, Poole Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth W. Winter Gardens, Telephone 291. Telegrams: "Musical." The Municipal Orchestra (of 47 Performers) under the direction of Mr. Dan Godfrey. Hon. R.A.M., Musical Director to the Corporation. Arrangements for Week Commencing December 29. Each evening at 8, and each afternoon at 3 (except Wednesday) – full Orchestra of 47 Performers. Afternoon teas a Speciality. Admission free each day at 4.30. Each evening and Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Afternoons – Miss Gwen Terry (Soprano) and Bertram Banks (the clever Child Mimic). Each evening (except Tuesday and Friday), and Tuesday and Friday afternoons – Nelson Hardy, in his popular Ventriloquial Sketches. The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, 50 Performers. Conductor, Mr. Dap Godfrey, Hon. R.A.M. Thursday January 1st, at 3 – Symphony concert (No. 13). Overture, "The Marriage of Figaro" (Mozart): Symphonic Poem, "Stenka Rasine" (Glazounow) ; Symphony (No. 5) in C Minor (Beethoven) ; Cello Concerto (Haydn) – Mr. Arnold Trowell. Admission 1s. Stalls 6d. and 1s. extra. Annual Tickets not available. Thursday, January 1st, at 8 – Viennese Music, Selection "Der Fledermaus" – (Straus); Valse, "The Girl in the Train"; Selection, "Princess Caprice" ; Selection, "The Chocolate Soldier"; Kutschke Polka (Stassny); Selection, "Gipsy Love." Miss Gwen Terry, Bertram Banks, Nelson Hardy. I.T. ---O. Do you? If not, "H. T." will teach you "It". The Tango is "It." Also Maxixe Bresilienne. Address, Henry Tessier, 2 Bracken Road, Bournemouth. Trade Mark Pera cigarettes 15A, New Bond Street, London, W., and at New York. To be obtained from Offer & Co., 7 Arcade, and other Tobacconists. The Grosvenor Garage, Poole Road, Westbourne. Also at Temporary Premises, 112, Old Christchurch Road. High-class landaulettes and open cars for hire. Officially appointed Repairers to the R.A.C., A.A., and M.U., and the A.A. of America. Sole agents for Daimler, sunbeam, rover, Vulcan, "9.5" standard cars, rover motor cycles. Mr. J. Parson, A.T.C.L., gives lessons in Pianoforte, theory. 20, Chine Crescent, Bournemouth. Established 1861. Tel 604. Gloves or shoes cleaned in one clear day. J. H. Laney & Co., The Oldest Local Dryers and Cleaners. 230, Old Christchurch Road, and branches in all Suburbs. The Municipal Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Dan Godfrey, Hon, R.A.M. Musical Director to the Corporation. General Manager – Dan Godfrey, Assistant and Business Manager – Henry Woodard, Secretary – F. L. Parsons. Winter Gardens & Pier Programme. Bournemouth. Guardian Printing Works. One Penny. December 31, 1918. March "Cannon" (Accepted By His Gracious Majesty King George V.) by Frederick C. Senior (Programme Seller at the Gardens.) Composer of Valse "Romance" (Accepted by Her Gracious Majesty Queen Mary) and "The Ripping Bag" all performed by the Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra. Price 1/- each. On sale at Flower Stall Winter Gardens, Pier Book Kiosk, and Principal Music Sellers in the Town. Also the Publishers. Messrs. Weekes & Co., 14, Hanover St., Regent St., London, W. Tye's China for ladies of taste – its English. Heaps of beautiful things for presents. Greatest value, personal service. The Broadway China Rooms, Boscombe. Artist in Flowers Leonard. 6, Westover Colonnade (Adjoining Rink.) Tel. 854. West's Picture Palace, Shaftesbury Hall, Bournemouth. Entrances: Old Christchurch Road and St. Peter's Road. Twice daily, at 3 and 8. The most elaborately fitted and comfortably seated in Bournemouth. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. One hundred years ago, an exceptionally fine Drama, in three parts. Punch and July (Comic). The Downfall of Mr. Snope (Comedy). A Christmas Accident (Drama). For other Pictures see Bills. Admission 6d and 1s. Reserved Seats, 1s 6d. 2s and 2s 6d. Take your orders to The Bournemouth Guardian for all kinds of printing. Give us a trial order. Estimates Free. 142, Commercial Road, Bournemouth. Telephone – 205. All orders receive prompt attention. Bournemouth Pier or in the Pleasure Gardens. Wednesday Morning 11 to 12.45. The Municipal Military Band. 1. March "Punjaub" – Payne, 2. Overture "Le Domino Noir" – Auber, 3. Valse "Invitation" – Weber, 4. Selection "Princess Caprice" – Fall, 5. Piccolo Solo "Deep blue Sea" – Brewer, Mr. W. Hardy, 6. Three Irish Dances – John Ansell, 7. Selection "Falka" – Chissaigne, 8. Suite "Looking Upward" – Sousa, 9. Melodie "Un peu d.Amour" – Silesu, 10. March "With Sword and Lance" – Starke. Conductor – Mr. Douglas Gordon. Singing and voice production. Mr. Bantock Pierpoint (The well-known Vocalist) visits Bournemouth every Monday. Pupils prepared for R.A.M and other exams. The Dan Godfrey Scholarship will be competed for on December 15th. Names may now be entered. Particulars at Messrs Price & Sons, Handel House, Bournemouth. London Address 10, Sarre Road, W. Hampstead, N.W. Buy Bournemouth Breezes perfume and salts. Useful and unique souvenirs. Williams' Borough Pharmacy Ltd. 35, Commercial Road. Take your printing to the printing specialists. The Bournemouth Guardian printing house, 142, Commercial Road, Bournemouth. Comprehensive range of type, experienced workmen. Tel. 205.