1875 - 1889Other Shakespeare performances
8 March 1882

Romeo and Juliet

Location Royal Lyceum Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed Romeo and Juliet

Programmes, two (one a facsimile)

Date 8 March 1882
Play(s) Romeo and Juliet
Production Date(s) Wednesday March 8th 1882
Venue Royal Lyceum Theatre
Time of performance 7.45pm
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Cuthbert, W. Hann & W. Telbin
Costume Maker Auguste and Co., Mme White, M. Barthe, Miss Fisher, T. Worssam, Mrs Read [Reid]
Costume Designer Alfred Thompson
Choreographer M. Dewinne
Conductor Meredith Ball
Music Director Sir Julius Benedict
Document ID ET-D39 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Introduction by Henry Irving.
3 scanned images
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Romeo and Juliet, 8 March 1882, Image 1 of 3


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Romeo and Juliet, 8 March 1882, Image 2 of 3

THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1882, AT A QUARTER TO EIGHT O'CLOCK, WILL BE PRESENTED (FOR THE FIRST TIME UNDER THS MANAGEMENT) SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDY, ROMEO AND JULIET. Scenery by Messrs. HAWES CRAVEN, W. CUTHBERT, W. HANN, and WILLIAM TELBIN. The Music, specially composed by Sir JULIUS BENEDICT, will be executed by a selected Choir and full Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. MEREDITH BALL. The Costumes, designed by Mr. ALFRED THOMPSON, are by AUGUSTE & CO., Madame WHITE, M.BARTHE, Miss FISHER, T. WORSSAM and Mrs. READ. Perruquier, Mr. FOX. The Dances arranged by M.DEWINNE. The Properties by Mr.ARNOTT. Machinist, Mr. KNIGHT. Romeo - Mr. HENRY IRVING. Mercutio - Mr W. TERRlSS. Tybalt - (His First Appearance at this Theatre) - Mr. C. GLENNY. Paris - Mr. G. ALEXANDER. Capulet - Mr. HOWE. Montague - Mr. HARBURY. Friar Laurence - Mr. FERNANDEZ. Apothecary ... Mr. MEAD. Prince Escalus - Mr. TYARS. Benvolio - Mr. CHILD. Gregory - Mr. CARTER. Sampson - Mr. ARCHER. Abraham - Mr. LOUTHER. Balthasar - Mr. HUDSON. Peter - Mr . .ANDREWS. Friar John - Mr. BLACK. Citizen - Mr. HARWOOD. Chorus - (His First Appearance at this Theatre) - Mr. HOWARD RUSSELL. Page .. Miss KATE BROWN. Nurse (Her First Appearance at this Theatre) - Mrs. STIRLING. Lady Montague- Miss H. MATHEWS. Lady Capulet - Miss L. PAYNE. AND Juliet - Miss ELLEN TERRY. Synopsis of Scenery ACT I. SCENE 1. VERONA. THE MARKET PLACE - HAWES CRAVEN. SCENE 2. VERONA. LOGGIA OF CAPULET'S HOUSE - " SCENE 3. VERONA. BEFORE CAPULET'S HOUSE - " SCENE 4. VERONA. A HALL IN CAPULET'S HOUSE - W.CUTHBERT. ACT II. SCENE 1. WALL OF CAPULET'S GARDEN - HAWES CRAVEN. SCENE 2. VERONA.THE GARDEN - " SCENE 3. VERONA.THE MONASTERY - " SCENE 4. VERONA. OUTSIDE THE CITY - " SCENE 5. VERONA. TERRACE OF CAPULET'S GARDEN - " SCENE 6. VERONA. THE CLOISTERS - " ACT III. SCENE 1. VERONA. A PUBLIC PLACE - HAWES CRAVEN. SCENE 2. VERONA. THE LOGGIA - " SCENE 3. VERONA. A SECRET PLACE IN THE MONASTERY - " SCENE 4. VERONA. CAPULET'S HOUSE - " SCENE 5. VERONA. JULIET'S CHAMBER - W.CUTHBERT. ACT IV. SCENE 1. VERONA. THE FRIAR'S CELL - W.TELBIN. SCENE 2. VERONA. JULIET'S CHAMBER (Night) - W.CUTHBERT. SCENE 3. VERONA. THE SAME (Morning) - " ACT V. SCENE 1. MANTUA. A STREET - W.TELBIN. SCENE 2. VERONA. THE FRIAR'S CELL - " SCENE 3. VERONA. CHURCHYARD WITH THE TOMB OF THE CAPULETS - " SCENE 4. VERONA. THE TOMB - " The Curtains painted by Mr. W.HANN. Stage Manager, - Mr. H.J.LOVEDAY. Stalls, 10s.; Dress Circle, 6s.; Upper Circle, 4s.; Amphitheatre, 2s.6d.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, 1s. Private Boxes, £1 11s. 6d. to £4 4s..

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Romeo and Juliet, 8 March 1882, Image 3 of 3

In producing this tragedy, I have availed myself of every resource at my command to illustrate without intrusion the Italian warmth, life, and romance of this enthralling love-story. Such changes as have been made from the ordinary manner and presen- tation are, I think, justified by the fuller development of our present stage, of whose advantages the Poet would, doubtless, have freely availed himself had his own opportunities been brought up to the level of our time. In the arrangement of the text I have endeavoured to retain all that was compatible with the presentation of the play within a reasonable limit of time The Variorum of Furness, and the editions of Dyce and Singer, have afforded me much aid. Among the restorations will be found that of Romeo's unrequited love for Rosaline, omitted amongst other things in Garrick's Georgian version. Its value can hardly be over-appreciated, since Shakespeare has carefully worked out this first baseless love of Romeo as a palpable evidence of the subjective nature of the man and his passion. In securing for the production of this play the co-operation and assistance of some of the distinguished representatives of our time of the various arts I have been most fortunate; and although the art of the actor must ever fail to realize the ideal of the Poet, still we hope that suggestions in the interpretation of the play may be offered on which the mind may dwell with pleasure and profit, and which may justify our attempt. HENRY IRVING. The Bill of the Play is in every part of the House supplied without charge. No Fees of any kind are permitted, and Mr. IRVING a trusts that in his endeavour to carry out this arrangement, he may rely on the co-operation of the Public, who are requested, should there be any cause of complaints, or especial satisfaction, to refer at once to the Acting Manager. DOORS OPEN AT-7.15, PERFORMANCE TO COMMENCE AT 7.45. NO FEES OF ANY KIND Acting Manager, Mr. BRAM STOKER, Box Office open 10 till 5, under the direction of Mr. JOSEPH HURST, of whom Seats can be booked One Month in advance, also by Letter or Telegram.

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Did you know?

Edith Craig directed plays in support of the women's suffrage movement.

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