1890 - 1899Other Shakespeare performances
2 May 1891

Much Ado About Nothing

Location Royal Lyceum Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing


Date 2 May 1891
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) Saturday May 2 1891
Venue Royal Lyceum Theatre
Time of performance 2pm
Producer [Henry Irving]
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Cuthbert, William Telbin
Costume Designer Auguste & Co, L. & H. Nathan, Mrs Reid, Mrs Nettleship
Music Director Meredith Ball
Document ID ET-D126 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Music composed by Meredith Ball. Ellen Terry as Beatrice, Henry Irving as Benedick and Edward Gordon Craig as a messenger.
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Much Ado About Nothing, 2 May 1891, Image 1 of 3

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE. Sole Lessee and Manager, Mr Henry Irving. Much Ado About Nothing (MORNING PERFORMANCE) Staurday, May 2, 1891. The Thirteenth Season of the present Management.

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Much Ado About Nothing, 2 May 1891, Image 2 of 3

TO-DAY AT 2 O'CLOCK, A REPRODUCTION OF SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDY OF Much Ado About Nothing --- The Scenery by HAWES CRAVEN, W.CUTHBERT AND WILLIAM TELBIN. The Overture and Incidental Music composed and arranged by Mr. MEREDITH BALL. Hymn, "Pardon Goddess of the Night," by the Rev. Canon DUNCOMBE. "Sigh no more,Ladies," STEVENS. Dresses by AUGUSTE et Cie, L. AND H. NATHAN, Mrs REID, and MRS. NETTLESHIP. Machinist, Mr. FILLERY. Appointments by Mr. ARNOTT. --- Benedick: Mr HENRY IRVING. Don Pedro: Mr. MACKLIN. Don John: Mr. HAVILAND. Claudio: Mr. TERRISS. Leonato: Mr. WENMAN. Antonio : MR. HOWE. Balthazar (with Song): Mr J.ROBERTSON Borachio: Mr. TYARS Conrade : Mr. HARVEY Friar Francis : Mr. ALFRED BISHOP. Dogberry: Mr. MACKINTOSH Verges: Mr. DAVIES Seacol: Mr. ARCHER Oatcake: Mr. LORRISS A Sexton: Mr. REYNOLDS. A Messenger: Mr. GORDON CRAIG. A Boy: Mss HOLLAND Hero: Miss ANNIE IRISH Margaret: MISS KATE PHILLIPS Ursula: Miss COLERIDGE AND Beatrice: Miss ELLEN TERRY. Ladies, Gentlemen, Maskers, Pages, Attendants, Musicians, Guards, Watchmen, Soldiers, Servants &c. &c. SCENE-MESSINA. --- The intervals after each Act are: Act I., Six Minutes; Act II., No interval; Act III., Fifteen Minutes; Act IV., Ten Minutes. --- Programme of Music: The Overture and Three ENTR'ACTES by Mr. MEREDITH BALL. ROMANZ "Der Fischer" - Hollander. --- Stage Manager - Mr. H. J. LOVEDAY. Musical Director - Mr MEREDITH BALL. Acting Manager - Mr. BRAM STOKER. --- The next Play in the series of Lyceum reproductions will be THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Louis dei Franchi/Fabien dei Franchi: Mr. IRVING. The Play wil be given on TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 12, and will be preceded at 8.15 by CHARLES READE'S Comedy in One Act, NANCE OLDFIELD Mrs. Oldfield: Miss ELLEN TERRY --- The Bill of the Play is in every part of the House supplied without charge. Any cause of complaint should be at once referred to the Acting Manager. --- Actors' Benevolent Fund. A Special MATINEE of "DAVID GARRICK," for the Benefit of the ACTORS' BENEVOLENT FUND, will be given by Mr. CHARLES WYNDHAM, at the CRITERION THEATRE, on Thursday, May 7. The whole of the Criterion Company have proffered their services for the occasion.

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Much Ado About Nothing, 2 May 1891, Image 3 of 3

Prospective Arrangements. --- Mr. HENRY IRVING Miss ELLEN TERRY This Evening - No Performance. May 4 - OLIVIA, at 8.15. May 5 - OLIVIA, at 8.15. May 6 - OLIVIA, at 8.15. May 7 - OLIVIA, at 8.15. May 8 - CHARLES I., at 8.15. May 9 Morning - CHARLES I., at 2. May 9 Evening - No Performance. May 11 - No Performance. May 12 - THE CORSICAN BROTHERS, Mr. IRVING, AND NANCE OLDFIELD, AT 8.15, Miss ELLEN TERRY May 13 - THE CORSICAN BROTHERS AND NANCE OLDFIELD, AT 8.15 May 14 - THE CORSICAN BROTHERS AND NANCE OLDFIELD, AT 8.15 May 15 - THE CORSICAN BROTHERS AND NANCE OLDFIELD, AT 8.15 May 16 Morning - THE CORSICAN BROTHERS AND NANCE OLDFIELD, AT 2 May 16 Evening - THE CORSICAN BROTHERS AND NANCE OLDFIELD, AT 8.15 --- NO FEES OF ANY KIND. Opera Glasses can be had on Hire from the Cloak-room Attendants, One Shilling each, in all parts of the House. Private Boxes, £2 2S. to £4 4s.; Orchestra stalls, 10s 6d.; Dress Circle, 7s.; Upper Circle, 4s.; Amphitheatre, 2s.6d.; Pit, 2s. 6d.; Gallery, 1s. Box Office open 10 till 5, and during the Performance, under the direction of Mr. JOSEPH HURST, of whom seats can be booked, also by Letter or Telegram. NOVELLO, LONDON

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Edith Craig is said to be the model for Miss La Trobe in Virginia Woolf's last novel, Between the Acts (1941).

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