1890 - 1899Other Shakespeare performances
22-23 February 1899


Location Coronet Theatre, Notting Hill Gate, London, UK
Plays performed Othello


Date 20 February 1899
Play(s) Othello
Production Date(s) Wednesday 22 February 1899 to Thursday 23 February 1899
Venue The Coronet Theatre
Venue address Notting Hill Gate W
Time of performance 8pm
Producer Herbert Clark
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven W. Hann
Music Director Victor Hollander
Document ID ET-D213a Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Ellen Terry as Desdemona; Frank Cooper as Othello.
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CORONET THEATRE. [illustration by] A MORROW. [printer] David Allen and Sons, Ltd.,Harrow. Copyright Reserved.

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For High-Class Tailoring. ALF. G.TODD, 178, QUEEN'S ROAD, W. (OPPOSITE WHITELEY'Y.) Bond Street Cut and Finish At One-Third the Cost. --- Patronised by the Chief Club Houses, Hotels, and Restaurants in Town and Country. Horton Ices Ice Puddings, Creams, Jellies, Fancy lces and Table decorations in lce. Suitable for Balls, Parties, Dinners, and every kind of Entertainment. As supplied to the Royal Family, all the Theatres, Opera Houses, Private Families, and the PRINCIPAL MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Automatic & Horton Ices, Ltd., 56, QUEEN'S ROAD, BAYSWATER, LONDON, W. --- THREE MINUTES FROM THIS THEATRE, 'Sun in Splendour' PEMBRIDGE ROAD, NOTTING HILL GATE, W. Charile Treadaway, Proprietor BASS & CO.'S ALES only drawn. GUINNESS'S STOUT. CHAMPAGNES & WINES of the Finest Vintages. CIGARS a Speciality. All SPIRITS of the Best Brands. "SUN IN SPLENDOUR" LOUNGE. CHARLIE STUART'S SPECIAL SCOTCH. --- CORONET BAKERY. A. Wittekind, 32, Uxbridge Street W., OPPOSITE THEATRE, And at 37, Westbourne Terrace North, W. Parties Contracted For. Vienna and all Fancy Breads. Wedding Cakes Made to Order, from 1s. lb, Families waited on daily. --- ESTABLISHED 1851, BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, LONDON, W.C. Invested Funds £10,000,000. Number of Accounts, 85,094. TWO-AND-A-HALF! per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CCENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £100. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Small Deposits received, and Interest allowed monthly on each completed £1, The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with particulars, post free. FRANCIS RAYENSCOURT, Manager. --- Norise et Cie, Court & Theatrical Milliners, Army & Navy Mansions, VICTORIA ST., S.W. (Adjoining Stores) Madame Norise Has the Very Latest Novelties from Paris in Hats, Toques, Bonnets, Cravats, etc. Inspection lnvited. TELEGRAMS - "MODELE,LONDON." --- The Whole of the Decoration and Furnishing of this Theatre was done by Warings, Who have also Decorated or Furnished many of the Principal London Theatres. For High- Class and Artistic Furniturein Perfect Taste, and at Moderate Prices, WARINGS- are unrivalled. 181, Oxford St. 175, Sloane St. PARIS. LIVERPOOL. MANCHESTER. --- H. D. Rawling's Mineral Waters As Supplied to The Queen, The Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Palaces. THE ONLY MINERALS SUPPLIED AT THE BARS OF THIS THEATRE BRUNNEN WATER a Speciality. --- Prospective Engagements. THREE MUSKETEERS. LA POUPEE. MY FRIEND THE PRINCE. THE GREAT RUBY. LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE. THE BELLE OF NEW YORK. THE LITTLE MINISTER. THE FRENCH MAID. THE LIARS. CHARLEY'S AUNT . THE SILVER KING. SIMS & CORRI'S NEW OPERA. --- L.HART, Complete House Furnisher and Dealer in Antiques, 6 & 10, PEMBRIDGE ROAD, NOTTING HILL GATE. A Large Stock of Genuine Second-Hand Furniture ALWAYS IN STOCK. MY SPECIALITY. Bed-room and Dining-room. Suites. --- C. DUTTON & SON - HYGIENIC - COURT, MILITARY & FAMILY Boot Makers 53 and 55 PEMBRIDGE ROAD, W. SPECIALITIES: Hunting, Shooting and Ladies' Alpine Boots. --- A FEW YARDS FROM THEATRE. Finest Saloon Bar in the Neighbourhood. W. I. Vincent WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, "DUKE OF SUSSEX" UXBRIDGE STREET. All articles sold here are of the Best Qualities at the Very Lowest prices. CIVILITY AND PROMPT ATTENTION, Special Scotches of all well -known brands. Try VINCENT'S SPECIAL SCOTCH PHONOGRAPH up to date. LIVING PICTURES on view Every Evening. ELECTRIC LIGHT FITTINGS, BILLIARDS. CIGARS.

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G. CULVERWELL (Late J . B. CRAMER & CO.) Pianofortes FOR SALE OR HIRE. New and Second-Hand. 136, Notting Hill Gate. (Nearly Opposite this Theatre.) --- Enquiries Solicited and Estimates Given Free of Cost, for all kinds of Work, WALTER WALLIS, Builder, Contractor, and Decorator "Lincoln House," Ramsden Road, BALHAM, S.W. BUILDER OF THE Coronet Theatre, Notting Hill; Princess of Wales' Theatre, Kennington; Royal Duchess Theatre, BAlham; Broadway Theatre, Deptford; and Terriss Theatre, Rotherhithe. --- Established in Islington, 1846 Established in Notting Hill 1862 F.W. Mackinney, QUALIFIED OPTICIAN (Diploma Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers), WATCH and CLOCK MAKER and JEWELLER. 156, High STreet, Notting Hill, W. Clocks Wound by Yearly Contract. REPAIRS. Antique Watces & Clocks Restored as New. --- OPPOSITE THEATRE CUMBER CYCLES. ACCESSORIES and REPAIRS. --- THOMAS'S Cash Drug Stores, 99, Hight Street, NOTTING HILL GATE (Two Doors East of Coronet Theatre). Proprietor: J.J. THOMAS, M.P.S.; Ph.C., Pereira Medallist of the Pharmaceutical Society. Accurate Dispensing at Store Prices Pure Drugs, Chemicals & Patesnt Medicines at Wholesale Prices. Speciality in Perfumes & all Theatrical Requisites. --- DES CLAYES & CO.(LONDON) LIMITED WINE MERCHANTS. 27, CHARLES STREET, WATERLOOK PLACE, S.W. All Wines and Spirits Sold by this Firm are Guaranteed Pure, and strictly of kinds and vintages for which they are sold SOLE BOTTLERS OF THE FAMOUS SCOTCH WHISKY "GLENARTNEY." Sole Whiskies supplied at this Theatre. --- ELLIS'S CORONET WATCH. Equal in appearance and Time Keeping to any £5 5s. Watch. Hundreds of Testimonials. OPERA GLASSES from 4/6 to 42/- Immense stock of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 94 HIGH STREET., Opposite this Theare. Warranted One Year. --- Notting Hill Conservatory, (LATE J. MAIZE), 11a PEMBRIDGE ROAD, NOTTING HILL GATE, W. T.Penn, Decorative Florist and Garden Contractor, (From Wils & Segar, South Kensington). Table Decorations, Bouquest, Wreaths, Crosses, &c Palms and other Choice Plants on Hire. Gardens Laid out and attended to by Contract or otherwise. Window Boxes made to order and filled with Summer or Winter Plants. Sole Contractor to this Theatre. --- ALLSOPP'S Ales & Stouts EXCLUSIVELY On DRAUGHT and in BOTTLE AT THIS THEATRE. --- G.A. Norris ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. 32, High street, Notting Hill Gate, W. 2/6 CORONET BROOCH 2/6 JEWELLER, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER. Repairs of every kind undertaken, and Expert and Skilled Workmen only employed, Antique & Latest Designs In Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, etc. Clocks Wound by Contract from £.1 : 1 : 0 per year. Orders by Post receive prompt attention, and Customers waited upon by request. --- J. THOMPSON 81A HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE, Fishmonger & Poulterer. Best Quality at Lowest Prices. Families waited upon for Orders. Special Terms to Schools. OYSTERS SENT OUT, A Trial Solicited --- 'The Golden Bells' HOTEL and RESTAURANT, (Six Doors from this Theatre) Seating Accommodation fo r250. Private Dining Room, First Floor. Any kind of meal at any time. Suppers served till 12.30. Prices very Moderate. Double and Single Bedrooms. WM. MAGEE, Proprieter --- M. HALL, "Coach & Horses" WINE and SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT. Opposite this Theatre. LUNCHEONS DAILY BILLIARDS: Two tables. BASS'S PALE ALE CIGARS: FINEST BRANDS KEPT IN STOCK. TOW ALOON LOUNGES. --- THE CORONET THEATRE, Notting Hill Gate, W. Managing Director, Mr. E.G. SAUNDERS. --- Monday, February 20th, at 8, for Six Nights Miss ELLEN TERRY Mr. Frank Cooper and Members of the Lyceum Company --- WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, February 22nd and 23rd, at Eight o'clock, Shakespeare's Play, OTHELLO Othello: Mr. FRANK COOPER Iago: Mr. W.M. MOLLISON Brabantio: Mr. H.COOPER-CLIFFE Cassio: Mr. CHARLES VANE Roderigo: Mr. FULLER MELLISH Montana Mr. LIONEL BELMORE Duke of Venice: Mr. S. LACY Messenger: Mr. F.DAVISS First Senator: Mr. E.BLIND Second Senator: Mr. C.ELGAR Emilia: Miss MAUD MILTON Desdemona: Miss ELLEN TERRY Sailors, Messengers, Herald Officers and Attendants. Scenery by HAWES CRAVEN and W. HANN --- Friday, February 24th MADAME SANS-GENE --- Saturday, Feb. 25th, OLIVIA A Play in Four Acts by W.G. WILLS, founded on an Episode in "The Vicar of Wakefield". --- Stage Manager - Mr. H. J. LOVEDAY. For Miss ELLEN TERRY Business Manager: Mr W.H. GRIFFITHS. --- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, for Six Nights, and One Matinee THE SUCCESSFUL COMIC OPERA THE DANDY FIFTH From the Duke of York's Theatre --- General Manager: Mr RICHARD MANSELL, Acting Manager: Mr. HERBERT CLARK. Musical Director: Mr. VICTOR HOLLANDER. Assistant Acting Manager, Mr. D. FORBES WINSLOW. Treasurer, Mr. CHARLES A. COLES Assistant Stage Manager, Mr. CHARLES HARGRAVE. Electrician, Mr. GEORGE NOXON. --- The PIANOFORTES are supplied by GEO. CULVERWELL, 136 NOTTING HILL GATE. FOR ALL ADVERTISEMENTS fo rthis Theatre apply to The South West Advertising Co., (S.Presburg) Prested Road, Clapham Junction, S.W.

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Stiles & Sons, Bakers, Cooks & Confectioners 26, Hight ST., NOTTING HILL Marloes Road, KENSINGTON. FEBRUARY SPECIALITIES Barcelona Cakes. Midget Meringues. LUNCHEONS (Hot and Cold). AFTERNOON TEA. --- CLEMENT & CO., 89 High Street, Notting Hill Gate, W. Artistic and Theatrical Hairdressers. The Best French Waver in the West End. --- Antique Furniture. E. KING. Begs to inform the Nobility o f: Kensington and Bayswater that he has always on view a good supply of Genuine Antique Furniture at Very Moderate Prices. AND INSPECTION INVITED. ADDRESS: E.KING, 15, Leonard's Place, Kensington High St. --- MONTE CARLO CAFE RESTAURANT, 182, Queen's Road, BAYSWATER, W. A. LAMPERTI, PROPRIETOR. Newly Decorated and Lighte dwith Electric Light. LUNCHEONS, DINNERS and SUPPERS at Very Moderate prices. We invite attention to our Special Coffee. WINES, BEER and CIGARS of the Best Quality. THE CRITERION 1/6 Dinner 2/6 Hors d'OEuvres. Two Soups. Fish. Entree. Vegetables. Roast and Salade. Sweet. Cheese, Dessert. From 5 till 9 o'clock, A Special Table d'Hote Dinner Served in Saloon. For Large or Small Parties. Special attention is paid to the Cuisnine, and to the Selection of Wines. Open on Sundays, 6 till 11 o'clock. AFTER THEATRE SUPPERS --- Empire Furnishing Company, 134, Edgeware-rd., London, W. The EMPIRE Of our QUEEN is the Envy of Every Nation. The EMPIRE FURNISHING COMPANY Is the Envy of the Furnishing World. THE BEST FURNITURE. THE LOWEST TERMS Terms so low indeed as to be nearly a gift. Call or write for prices. You pay just as you like and what you like. --- Prospective Engagements. PRIVATE SECRETARY. THE WHITE HEATHER. LIFE OF PLEASURE. DANDY FIFTH. LIGHTS O' LONDON. NEW BARMAID. ORLANDO DANDO. LITTLE MISS NOBODY. TWO LITTLE VAGABONDS. GENTLEMAN JOE. CIRCUS GIRL. GEISHA. --- THE ROYAL Dyeing & Cleaning Co. UP TO DATE FOR BLOUSES, GOWNS, DRESSES, And Everything Special Process. No Unpicking. MODERATE CHARGES. 9, PEMBRIDGE ROAD, NOTTING HILL GATE, W. --- Fuller's American Confectionery, 206, Regent Street, 131, Queen's Road, Bayswater. 37, High Street, Kensington . 78, East Street, Brighton. 33, Bold St., Liverpool. 70, Dale Street, Liverpool. And various Branches and Agencies all over the Kingdom. SOLE PURVEYORS TO THIS THEATRE. --- Lerner & Rosenkrantz Ladies' Tailors and Habit Makers, 22a, Queen's Road, Bayswater, W. GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTERS. --- All Wines, Liqueurs, Brandies, &c. sold at the Bars of this Theatre are supplied by Burne, Turner & Co., Ltd.k Wine Merchants ot H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. HEAD OFFICE: 150, LEADENHALL, STREET, E.C. WEST END BRANCH: 38a OLD BOND ST., W. WHERE ALL COMMUNICATIONS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION --- GOSS'S DRUG STORES FOUND! A CURE for NEURALGIA, Faceache, Toothache. NEURALGIC DROPS. PRICE 1/- ONLY. SYRUP OF THE TAMARINDS FOR COUGHS COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS A SPEEDY CURE 7 1/2 d, 10 1/2 d, 2s. OPPOSITE THIS THEATRE. --- Orridge's Stores. 129 & 131, Notting Hill Gate. House Cleaning Materials, Brooms, Brushes, Mats, Twines, Oilmen's Sundries, etc. SOLE CONTRACTORS TO CORONET THEATRE. --- Glass & China Stores, 149, High St., Notting Hill Gate (Same Side as the Coronet Theatre). NOTE OUR Grand Clearance Sale Special Hiring Prices for Parties. SOLE CONTRACTORS FOR THE GLASS AND CHINA SUPPLIED TO THIS THEATRE.

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J.M.LEVY (under the Clock.) The Celebrated City Tailor & Juvenile Outfitter, KING ST., HAMMERSMITH, W. Established 25 Years Cycling outfits, School Outfits, Eton suits, Football Jerseys &c. GENT.'S D.B. CHESTERFIELD in Cheviots, Naps, Beavers & Meltons, 16/6 TO 50/- To Order, 27/6 TO 63/- YOUTHS' D.B. CHESTERFIELD Various Materials, 10/6 to 30/-To Order, 18/6 to 35/- ETON SUIT Various Materials, Jacket and Vest, 16/6, 18/6, 21/-, 25/- Trousers, 5/11, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6. RUGBY SUIT In various Cloths. Well Tested Fabrics, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6, to 25/- HIGHWAYMAN OVERCOAT Deep Capes, Wool Lined, 5/11, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6 to 25/- NORFOLK SUIT Well Tested Fabrics. Numerous Materials 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6 to 21/- YOUTHS S.B.CHESTERFIELD Various Materials 8/6 to 25/- To order, 14/6 to 30/- GENT'S S.B.CHESTERFIELD Extra Long Silk Velvet Collars Wool Lined, 14/11, 16/11, 21/- to 45/- ORDER DEPARTMENT. Gentlemen's OVERCOAT in Cheviots, Meltons, & Beavers, wool lined, 30/- DRESS SUIT, Silk lined, Silk faced, 63/- Gentlemen's BUSINESS SUIT IN A Variety of Materials, Style & Fit Guaranteed. 35/- --- WM. JOHNSON, Job Master, 11, Ladbrooke Grove, North Kensington, W. All kinds of Broughams, Landaus, Victorias let by teh hour, day, week, month or year. PRIVATE OMNIBUSES AND BRAKES. Carriages of every description, and saddle horses at moderate charages. ESTIMATES GIVEN IF REQUIRED N.B.=Livery and Bait Stables. --- THE Kensington Restaurant, 2 CHURCH STREET, KENSINGTON, W. (Opposite KENSINGTON CHURCH.) Large First-Class Dining Room (Newly Decorated) SOUPS, FISH, ENTREES AND JOINTS. WINES and BEER of the Best Quality. Very Moderate Prices. SUPPERS AFTER THE THEATRES. Open on Sundays from 1 till 3, and from 6 till 11 p.m. RAMPAZZI BROS., Proprietors. --- The PUBLIC CYCLE SUPPLY STORES 151, High Street, Notting Hill Gate, W. Cycles, £6 10s. Westwood Rims and Dunlop-Welch Licenses Tyres. COMPLETE. WARRANTED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. MACHINES SOLD ON GRADUAL PAYMENT SYSTEM. REPAIRS DONE BY SKILFUL WORKMEN. Fancy Goods of Every Description in Stock OPERA GLASSES, in Cases, 4s. 6d. and 5s.6d. SATISFACTION ENSURED. PROMPT WORKMANSHIP. --- Victoria Cafe Restaurant 69, HIGH ST., NOTTING HILL GATE, W. (adjacent to this Theatre) HIGH CLASS CUISINE. Luncheons, Dinners and Suppers a la carte. Or by Special Arrangement, and sent out if required. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PARTIES. Open from 8 am. to 12.30. Sundays 1 to 3 and 6 to 11. BIFFA and CAMPINI, Proprietors.

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry's first husband was the artist, G. F. Watts, described as 'England's Michelangelo'.

See all anecdotes