1890 - 1899Other Shakespeare performances
26-28 July 1899

The Merchant of Venice

Location Royal Lyceum Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice


Date 26 July 1899
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) Thursday 26 July 1899 to Saturday 28 July 1899
Venue Royal Lyceum Theatre
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday, Lionel Belmore, Percy Nash
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Telbin, W. Hann
Music Director Meredith Ball
Document ID ET-D227 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Henry Irving as Shylock; Ellen Terry as Portia; Laurence Irving as Antonio and Dorothea Baird as Jessica.
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Royal Lyceum Theatre Managing Director Mr. J. Comyns Carr. The Merchant of Venice Henry Irving Miss Ellen Terry

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Opera glasses on hire, 1s. Wear Dunn's famous hats 3/9 All one price. Largest sale in the world. 60 branches. Branch depots: 39, Fleet St.; 7 & 11b, Tottenham Court Rd. 255 Edgware Rd, 24 Westbourne Grove. Smokeless.  Odourless. Safe. "Hydrosol" For burning in lamps and oil stoves. All the advantages of petroleum, none of its faults. Clean, neat, economical package designed especially for the consumer's convenience. Can be obtained from John Baker & Co., Ltd.: Harrod's Stores Ltd.; William Whiteley's ; F.A. Egleton; Balls Bros., Leverett & Frye, Ltd ; J. C. [?] : and the Civil Service Stores ; or write for particulars. Hoffman & Shoemaker 1 Dunster House, Mincing Lane, E.C. Hackney Furnishing Company's. Cheap, artistic, economical. Easy instalment system. General Terms. Which include free packing and delivery up to 300 miles. £10 worth £0 5 0 per month, £20 worth 0 10 0 per month, £30 worth 0 15 0 per month, £40 worth 1 3 6 per month, £50 worth, £1 7 6 per month, 100 worth, 2 5 0 per month, £200 worth, 5 0 0 per month, £500 worth by special arrangement. No deposit. No payment is required until the first monthly or quarterly instalment. No bill of sale. Free life insurance to the amount of the goods. In the event of death, the wife and children become the sole owners without further payment. Hackney furnishing company, Town Hall Buildings, Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. Hours 9 till 9. Thursdays close 4. Telegrams "Furniments, London." Telephone, 84, Dalston. The London Glove Company's Gloves. Single pairs at warehouse prices. Writet for new illustrated price list, 80 pages. Only addresses 85a, Cheapside, E.C. 83, New Bond St., W. London. Warehouses open from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Hinde's Hair Curlers. Eleonora Duse's photographs. Mr. Fellows Wilson, 118 New Bond Street, is the only photographer in England who has had the honour of making studies of Signora Eleonora Duse. Copies may be had at above address. Autograph portraits shortly on view. Oberammergau passion play. Programme of Arrangements send gratis. Independent or Conducted travel by every route. Gaze 142, Strand, 150, Piccadilly, 83, Queen Victoria Street, 32, Westbourne Grove, London. One to Ten Guinea return trips to the Paris exhibition. Gaze's Keystone prospectus free. Gaze's travel tickets ensure civility. Hotel coupons ensure fixed charges. Bank cheques prevent loss. Mr. George R. Sims makes a discovery. Eager for an explanation as to why a successful poet, playwright and journalist should have become an authority on the toilet, a London "Daily Mail" representative sought out Mr. Geo. R. Sims at Opposite-the-Ducks Villa, and asked him point blank if it were true that he had forsaken belief the leafy paths of light literature for the concrete road of commerce. Now, Mr. R. G. Sims, as many people know, is one of the busiest men in the kingdom, but hastily affixing his signature to a letter, he looked up and extended a characteristically cordial welcome. Then he said, "Of course, there is no truth in that: but as you have asked the question, I will explain how it is that my name has been adopted as the registered title of the Hair Restorer Company. In '86 I found that I was rapidly going bald. Not seriously, you understand, but the thinning out was sufficiently marked to set me thinking out remedy. I went to two specialists, both of whom cheerfully assured me that I should be absolutely bald in two years. "Then I discovered the preparation which has now being placed upon the market. And is known as ‘Tatcho'. That is to say, I was told something, and by careful trials and experiments I found that I had hit upon a remedy capable of working wonders. Look at my hair now. Look at the college: isn't that convincing evidence of the value of my preparation? In time, people got to know that I had discovered a restorer that had worked wonders in my own case. Then the trouble began. "Letters in thousands poured into me from men and women in every quarter of the world from all parts of the kingdom, from America, India, Africa, China, and Australia and I am firmly convinced that if [?] had reached the pole and have facilities for communication I'm I should have received a request from him before this. The work of answering the letters was enormous and as far as possible the desired information was supplied; but it became quite evident that at the rate at which the demand was increasing I should very soon need a large set of clerks to attend solely to the hair restorer department of correspondence. "In consequence, I said to myself, why should this thing go on? If the public wants my hair restorer, the public shall have it but the demand must be met in the ordinary businesslike way. Moreover, I was led to that determination by the frequent evidence of so called hair restorers Matt purported to be ‘as recommended by Mr. G. R. Sims'. Now you know if that sort of thing have been allowed to go on, 50,000 vengeful people would have been hunting for me, and at the same time proclaiming to the world that my recipe was worthless. So I resolved to place the genuine article under the name of ‘Tatcho' which is the Romany word for ‘genuine' within reach of all, and with the assistance of a number of gentlemen possessing the necessary commercial facilities, that has been accomplished. "Ladies confirm my good opinion of it as a dressing for daily use. Mrs. Brown Potter whose beautiful hair is the admiration of the entire Lady world, writes that she uses nothing but ‘Tatcho'. There is nothing to prevent every woman from making her hair silken in texture and bountiful in volume, for she can obtain a bottle of ‘Tatcho' now in every town, or even village. That is all I can tell you about it: and now, if you like, I will show you some bulldogs." A 2s. 9d bottle of "Tatcho" will be mailed, post free, in plain wrapper, on receipt of P.O. 2s 11d. by the Geo. R. Sims Company St. Great Queen Street, W.C. Opera glasses on hire 1s. Peter Roy & Co's old club scotch whiskies at the bars of this Theatre. Reduced fac-similie of label. Future arrangements. Waterloo. Corporal Gregory Brewster – Henry Irving. The Merchant of Venice – Shylock Portia – Henry Irving Miss Ellen Terry. Nance Oldfield Mrs. Anne Oldfield – Miss Ellen Terry. The Lyons Mail Joseph Lesurques Dubose – Henry Irving. Robespierre. Maximilien Robespierre – Henry Irving. Thursday Matinee, July 26th – The Merchant of Venice. Thursday evening, July 26th – Waterloo and Lyons Mail. Friday evening, July 27th – The Merchant of Venice. Saturday evening, July 28th – Robespierre, Act III. Nance Oldfield. Waterloo. The Merchant of Venice, Act IV. There will be no afternoon performance on Saturday, July 28th.

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Shakespeare's comedy, The Merchant of Venice. In five acts. Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassiano – Mr. Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. James. S. Hearn, Salanio – Mr. Lugg, Salarino – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Harry B. Stanford, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo, Mr. H. r. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. F. D. Daviss, Jessica – Miss Dorothea Baird, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton, and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1. Scene 1 – Venice, A Public Place – Hawes Craven. Scene 2 – Belmont, Portia's House - Hawes Craven, Scene 3. – Venice. A Public Place - Hawes Craven. Act II. Scene 1 – A Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 2 – Another Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 3 – Shylock's House by a bridge – W. Telbin. Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Scene 2 – Venice. A Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 3 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Scene 4 – Venice. A Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 5 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Act IV. Scene – Venice. A Court of Justice - Hawes Craven. Act V. Scene – Portia's Garden, with Terrace - Hawes Craven. Programme of Music. The Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Meredith Ball. Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke. Entr'acte "Air de Ballet" – Gounod. Entr'acte "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke. (a) Dance – "Henry VIII" – Edward German (b) Ballet Music "Faust" – Gounod. Entr'acte "Aubade Printaniere" – Paul Lacombe. Waterloo. Corporal Gregory Brewster – Henry Irving. The Merchant of Venice – Shylock Portia – Henry Irving Miss Ellen Terry. Nance Oldfield Mrs. Anne Oldfield – Miss Ellen Terry. The Lyons Mail Joseph Lesurques Dubose – Henry Irving. Robespierre. Maximilien Robespierre – Henry Irving. For dates of above performances see preceding page. For Henry Irving Mr. Bram Stoker, Mr. Charles E. Howson for the stage Mr. H. J. Loveday, Mr. Lionel Belmore, Mr. Percy Nash. Opera glasses can be had on hire from the cloakroom attendance. One shilling each. Lost property–the management will be obliged if anyone finding lost property will leave it with the Acting Manager, to whom all inquiries or complaints should be addressed. The Box office (Mr. H. Scariserick) open from 10 to 10. Seats can also be booked by letter, telegram (registered Telegraphic Address "Lyceum, London") or by Telephone, No. 2642 Gerrard. Private Boxes, £4 4s and £2 2s. " Stalls, 105. 6d. : Dress Circle, 7s ; Upper Circle, 4s ; Amphitheatre (reserved), 2s 6d. : pit, 2s. 6d. ; Gallery. 1s. Acting Manager Mr. R. G. Westmacott.

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Opera glasses on hire, 1s. Now ready. Prices 10s, 6d. net. Art for Love. A souvenir of the Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar held at the Royal Albert Hall. June 21 & 22, 1899. Compiled and edited by H. Beerbohm Tree. The Times says: - A handsome volume, full of interesting contributions… beginning with some verses by the poet Laureate on the wreck of the Stella. It also contains poems by Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Henley, Sir Lewis Morris, Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Stephen Phillips, Mr. William Watson, Mr. Watts-Dunton and Miss Violet Hunt. Naturally Mr. Tree has drawn contributions from our leading playwrights; and he is able to number among his collaborators many other distinguished men and women of letters as well, including Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mr. Andrew Lang, Mr, Anthony Hope, Mr. Sidney lee (on a congenial Shakespearean subject), Mr. Birrell, Mr. Burnand, and Sir Walter Besany. Among the poems and stories and essays and fragments which these writers and many more have sent to Mr. Tree are scattered drawings and reproductions of pictures by a long list of noted painters and draughtsmen beginning with the President of the Royal Academy. Nor do the attractions of the volume and here, for there are among its pages no less than nine original compositions by nine and leading musical composers. Furthermore, its contribution is accompanied by the contributor's photograph, and in many cases with a specimen of handwriting too. In short, the souvenir appeals like to ear, the mind, and the eye ; and it's purchasers will have the added satisfaction of knowing that the price and it goes to swell the funds of the hospital. Every copy sold will benefit the funds of the Charing Cross Hospital. The Nassau Press, 20, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. H. Virtue & Co., Limited, 26, Ivy Lane, E.C. A Lyceum Historiette by John Hollingshead. Printed and published by the Nassau press 20, Bedford Street, Stand, W.C. Crown 8vo, 5s, net. Postage 4d. Ellen Terry and her impersonations: an appreciation by Charles Hiatt. With 52 illustrations reproduced from photographs, and binding designed by Gordon Craig. London: George Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden. Established 1851 Birkbeck Bank Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, 2 ½% deposit accounts. Repayable on demand. The Birkbeck Almanack with full particulars, post free. Francis Ravenscroft, Manager. All communications respecting advertisement space on this program must be made to C. Pool & Co. Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.C. Telephone - [?] Holborn. Pepper's Tonic. Strength for weak men, women and delicate children. Sulpholine Lotion. Cures pimples, spots and all disfigurements. Gives a lovely complexion. Bryant & May's special patient safety matches. are used throughout this Theatre. Topping and Spindler, flushing, Holland Liverpool Cup, Stewards Cup, Goodwood Plate, St Leger, Cesarewitch & Cambridgeshire. Double and treble events. S. P. Accumulators, &c. "The Continental Sportsman" containing the latest market movements [?] free on receipt of address. Telegraphic instructions can be sent to London for S.P.. All letters to be addressed – Topping & Spindler, flushing, Holland, Postage 2s. Post cards, 1d. Old Bushmills pure malt whiskey sold at the Bars of this Theatre. Holloway's wines sold exclusively at the Bars of this Theatre. Specialite – Holloways Cocoa Wine as supplied to Sir Henry Irving. 1s, 6d, and 2s, 9d, per bottle. 61, New Oxford Street, W.C. Opera Glasses on hire, 1s. In everybody's mouth Riley's bon-bons chocolates. Purity guaranteed. London, S.E. Soul purveyors to this theatre. The Border Blend Whisky supplied to the Bars of this Theatre by Sutton Bendle & Co. 148, Sloane Street, S.W. Alexanders Royal Ascot. Old Highland Whisky. Irwin Alexander, London, Dundee, Paris. Royal Yacht Liquor Scotch, Gold Cup Irish. Supplied at all the Buffets. Rosbach Table Water. Natural Sparkling. Riding Schools. Best in London. Single lesson 2d course [?][?] Purchasers taught free. Send for lists. Head depot 52-55 Blackfriars Road. S. E. Ladies, Gents & Juvenile cyclists free wheel and rim break [?] monthly. Special prices the cash Materials guaranteed send for lists. West End [?] 124 King's Road Sloane Sq., S.W. James Lyle & Co., 15, Old Bond Street supply this Theatre with the finest blend of tea and coffee. Delicious in taste. Delicious in aroma. Sole proprietors of the celebrated club blend coffee. Established 100 years. For diary of the last week of the season see commencement of programme. Refreshment Department. Brands of the Finest Quality only at West End Restaurant Prices. Highest award and gold medal. Long & Co., Brewers, Southsea, supply the whole of the Draught and bottled Beers sold in this Theatre. London stores, 1, Curlew Street, S. E. Scotch Whiskies. Roy's Club, Royal Ascot, Border Blend. Rawlings soda water, Lemonade Seltzer Water, &c. Rosbach Water. Brandies, Otard's V.S.O.P Otard's *** Bushmills Irish Whisky. Champagne – Heldsieck, G. H. Mumm, Bollinger. Liqueurs – Various. Cigarettes – Turkish Monopoly. Neapolitan Ices of the Finest Quality.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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For a short time only. A new 50-Guinea upright Grand. Chappell Piano. On terms similar in plan to The Times "Encyclopaedia Britannica". 35 monthly payments £1 10s each. Established 1808. Style IV New Iron Framed. 50-Guinea upright Grand Pianoforte. Height, 4ft, 2in. Length, 4ft 8in Depth, 2 ft. The action of this instrument is perfect in touch and gives the performer every facility in producing gradations in tone from the most delicate pianissimo to the loudest sforzando. The sostenuto, or tone-sustaining capacity, is really surprising, and the under dampers silence the strings as soon as the fingers leave the keys. Quite an Artiste's piano, and unquestionably the best in the market at the price. Carriage free in London. Chappell & Co beg to announce their after-season of second-hand Pianofortes. These instruments, which have had but very little wear, are being offered at exceptionally low prices for cash, as they must be cleared to make room for new stock. Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonials with Prices and particulars of New and Second-hand Pianos Post Free on application. Chappell & Co., Limited, Pianoforte Manufacturers, 50, New Bond Street, London, W. All communications respecting advertisements space on this program must be made to C. Pool & Co., 25, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E.C. Telephone – 847 Holborn. Nassau Press (H. Virtue & Co, Ltd) 20, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.

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Did you know?

Edith Craig and Pamela Colman Smith designed scenes for a play by W. B. Yeats.

See all anecdotes