1890 - 1899Other Shakespeare performances
13-18 March 1899


Location Grand Theatre, High Street, Islington, London, UK
Plays performed Othello


Date 13 March 1899
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice; Othello
Production Date(s) Monday 13 March 1899 to Saturday 18 March 1899
Venue Grand Theatre
Venue address Islington
Time of performance 7.30pm
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven and W. Hann
Music Director W. T. Gliddon
Document ID ET-D220 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes The Merchant of Venice (Mon), Madame Sans-Gene (Tue, Wed, Sat), Othello (Thurs), Olivia (Fri). Annotated with date and by Ellen Terry as a 'vulgar programme'.
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Grand Theatre Islington Managing Director, Mr. H. A. Freeman Programme Price 1D.

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The Hackney Furnishing Co's. New hire system. Cheapest, best and more economical. Terms £10 worth – 5/- month, £20 worth – 10/- Month, £30 worth – 15/- Month, £50 worth – 27/6 Month. Free life insurance whereby in case of death of hirer the goods become the property of the wifow or children without further payment. Please note address – Town Hall Buildings, Mare St., Hackney (corner premises) London. Catalogue and Full particulars post free. Please ask for New Town Hall Telephone No 84 Dalston. Telegrams "Furniments" London. The most Nutritious Epps's grateful-comforting cocoa breakfast and supper. The splendid ales of the celebrated Kirkstall Brewery always on draught. In the grand and pit saloons of this Theatre. Telegrams-Jelks, Holloway. Telephone No 230 King's Cross. W. Jelks & Sons 263, 265, 267, 269, 271, 273 & 275, Holloway Road complete house furnishers on easy terms. Terms arranged to suit customer. 10 worth, 6s monthly. No collection kept. No security required. All goods delivered in plain vans. £50,000 stock to select from. Established over 30 years. Hundreds of testimonials can be seen at our office. Hardaway and Topping (R. Topping & W.R. Spindler) Flushing, Holland. Double and treble events and S.P. all races. The continental sportsman published twice daily during the season, containing latest market movements on all important races free on receipt of address. The oldest established and most extensive turf commission agency in the world. All letters to be addressed Flushing Holland postage 24d. Monday, March 13th, 1899 and every evening at 7.30, Miss Ellen Terry, Mr. Frank Cooper, and members of the Lyceum Theatre Company. Monday, March 13th, Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice. Shylock – Mr. Frank Copper, Bassanio – Mr. H. Cooper-Cliffe, Duke of Venice – Mr R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr William Mollison, Prince of Morocco – Mr. F. Daviss, Salaino – Mr. S. Lacy, Salarino, Mr. C. Elgar, Gratiano – Mr. Chas. Vane, Lorenzo, Mr. E. Blind, Tubal – Mr Lionel Belmore, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr Fuller Mellish, old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton, Jessica – Miss Edith Craig, Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Holloway's pills & ointment for 60 years have held front rank and have distanced all competitors as a family medicine. Thursday, March 16th, Shakespeare's play, Othello. Othello – Mr. Frank Cooper, Iago – Mr. W.M. Mollison, Brabantio – Mr H. Cooper-Cliffe, Cassio – Mr. Charles Vane, Roderigo – Mr. Fuller Mellish, Montano – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Duke of Venice – Mr. S. Lacy, Gratiano – Mr R. P. Tabb, Messenger – Mr. F. Daviss, First Senator – Mr. E. Blind, Second Senator – Mr. C. Elgar, Emilia – Miss Maud Milton, Desdemona – Miss Ellen Terry. Sailors, Messengers, Herald Officers and Attendants, scenery by Hawes Craven and W. Hann. Friday, March 17th, Olivia. A play in four Acts, by W. G. Wills, founded on an Episode in "The Vicar of Wakefield". Dr Primorse – Mr. W.M. Mollison, Moses – Mr. T. Reynolds, Squire Thornhill – Mr. Frank Cooper, Mr. Burchall – Mr. Fuller Mellish, Leigh – Mr. F. Daviss, Farmer Flanborough – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Polly Flanborough – Miss M. Holland, Phoebe – Miss Ada Mellon, Gipsy Woman – Miss Ray Rockman, Mrs Primrose – Miss Maud Milton, Dick and Bill – Miss Beatrice Terry and Miss Queenie Tarvin, Sophia – Miss Edith Craig, Olivia – Miss Ellen Terry. Villagers, Musicians, Parish Church, School master, Boys and Girls [?] Period 1750. Stage manager for Miss Ellen Terry – Mr. H.J. Loveday, Business manager for Miss Ellen Terry – Mr. W. H. Griffiths. Established 1851 Birkbeck Bank, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W. Invested funds £10,000,000. Number of accounts 85,094. Two-and-a-half per cent interest allowed on deposits repayable on demand. Two per cent or current accounts on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £100. Stocks, shares and annuities purchased and sold for customers. Savings department. Small deposits received and interested allowed monthly on each completed £1. Telephone No 5 Holborn. The Birkbeck Almanac with full particulars [?][?]. Telegraphic address "Birkbeck London". Francis Ravenscroft Manager. Go to Hermann's (Next door to this Theatre) for pastry and confectionery and French pastry in boxes containing 8 for 6d. Tea, coffee and chocolate per 2d. cup. Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday, 14th, 15th & 18th. Madame Sans-Gene. A comedy in a prologue and three Acts by Victorien Sardou and Emilie Moreau, adapted by J. Comyns Carr. Napoleon – Mr. Fuller Mellish, Lefebvre – Mr. Frank Cooper – Fouche – Mr. W.M. Mollison, Conte de Niepperg – Mr. H. Cooper-Cliffe, Savary – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Despreaux – Mr. Chas Vane, Saint Marsan – Mr. E. Blind, Roustan – Mr. F. Daviss, Jasmin – Mr. S. Lacy, Leroy – Mr. T. Reynolds, Canonville – Mr. W. Clements, De-Brigode – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Caroline – Miss Ray Rockman, Elisa – Miss Edith Craig, Madame de Rovigo – Miss E. Davis, La Ronssotte – Miss G. Crichton, Julie – Miss M. Holland, Toinon – Miss E. Vining, Madame de Bulow – Miss Ada Mellon, Madame de Talhouet - Miss Munden, Madame de Canisy – Miss Kean, Madame de Brignolles – Miss Christian, Madame d' Aldobrandini – Miss Haines, A Neighbour – Miss Young, Lady in Waiting – Miss Dayne, Vabontrain – Mr. B. Bouchurch, Jolieoear – Mr. C. James, Rissout – Mr W. Marion, Vinaigro – Mr F. Haynes, Jardin – Mr. F. Meade, De Mortemart – Mr. W. Jones, Duroe – Mr. C. Leslie, Junot – Mr. W. Childs, De Lauriston – Mr. H. Cook, Constant – Mr. C. Elgar, Arnault – Mr. W. Graham, Raynouard – Mr. S. Tibbitts, Fontanes – Mr. F. Mackay, Catherine (Madam Sans-Gene) – Miss Ellen Terry. Ladies of the Court, Officers of the Emperor's Household, Washerwoman, Citizens, Guards &c. Mary Anderson corset (Regd) unsurpassed for comfort, elegance and durability. A perfect and graceful figure assured to every lady wearing the H. S. Corset. Prices 2/11, 3/11, 5/11, 7/11 and 10/6 a pair. Of all drapers and outfitters. If unable to procure send size of waist with Postal Order and 2d extra for postage to the manufacturers. H. Sherwood & Co, 12, London Wall, E.C. Mention this Theatre. Monday, March 20th for six nights, Wednesday, Matinee at 1.30, Les Cloches de Corneville the most successful of all comic operas. Acting Manager – Mr. Cecil Paget. Prices of admission – private boxes £1 1s to £2 2s ; Ochestra Stalls 4s ; Dress Circle 3s ‘ Balcony 2s ‘ Pit Stalls 1s 6d, Pit and Amphitheatre, 1s ; Gallery, 6d. Doors open at 7. Commence 7.30. Early doors open at 6.30. Box office (Mr. Alfred Melton) open daily from 10 to 4 and from 7 to 10.40. No charge for booking. Assistant stage manager - Mr. F. J. Waller, Scenic Artist - Mr. George R. Helmsley. Musical Director - Mr. W. T. Gliddon. Machinist – Mr. H. Collins, Property Master – Mr. Williams, Gas Engineer – Mr Tracy, stage furniture supplied by Henry Dears 307 to 311, Old Street, E.C. Children in Arms not admitted. Piano in use at this Theatre by Jarrett & Goudge, Triangle, Mare Street, Hackney. Bull Dog bottled beer, the finest of bottled beer obtainable at all Bars in this Theatre. Est. 1860 H. Henry & Co., high class furriers, 175, upper Street, Islington, N. and at 67. Park Street, Camden Town, N.W. All kinds of alterations done on the premises. Baggarley's pianos from 10/6 monthly. 82, Mildmay Park, N. Few doors from Mildmay Park Station (North London Rly.) Refreshments after the Theatre. (opposite the Angel) French and Vienna confectionary. Tea, Vienna coffee and chocolate. Theodor Sanitz, 357, Goswell Road, N. Open on Sundays. Idris Royal Mineral Waters As supplied to the queen. The only mineral waters supplied to this Theatre.

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S. Davis & Co., established 1840. Entire House Furnishers. Large stock to select from, easy terms, not hire system. No necessity to quote terms, as in all cases we suit customers' convenience as to repayments. Five per cent. allowed for case. Notice – All goods delivered free in plain van; no collectors; transactions strictly private. Visit our spacious show rooms. All goods marked in plain figures. Under store prices. Manufactures of every household & laundry requisite. Furniture, artistic, furniture, solid and good, furniture, low price, consistent with quality. Bed-room suites complete from £4 17 6, Dining-room suites complete from £6 15 0. Overmantles, carpets, linoleum, cutlery, china and glass, ironware, &c., in great variety. Country orders despatched same day on receipt of order. Wringers, rubber rollers from £0 17 6, Mangles from 1 15 0, washers and mangles combined from 5 5 0, ironing stoves from £1 0 0, portable coppers from 1 0 0, knife cleaners from 1 3 0. Davis' Baker's patent box mangles on easy terms. S. Davis & Co unrivalled. Sewing machines from 21s family hand machines complete with cover and all accessories £2 16 0, on stand and table with accessories 3 10 0, every description of sewing machines in stock at reduced prices. High grade bicycles (1898 models) and all best fittings. S. Davis & Co., manufacturers of mail carts and bassinettes. Latest designs and the largest and most artistic stock in London. Mail carts from £0 10 6, bassinettes from £1 1 0, invalid chairs £4 4 0. Send for illustrated lists, post free, no extra for credit. 328, 330, Holloway Road, N. London branches: 125, Tottenham Court Road, 73 & 65 High Street., Peckham, 144 The Grove, Stratford, 10, Hackney Road, E. Period House, Borough, S.E. Wholesale Depot and Chief Office: 241, 243, 245, 247 & 251, High Street, Borough, S.E. Darling & Son Ltd, Printers, 31 Eastcheap, London, E.C.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry's first husband was the artist, G. F. Watts, described as 'England's Michelangelo'.

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