1890 - 1899Other Shakespeare performances
20-25 March 1899

The Merchant of Venice (etc.)

Location Crown Theatre, High Street, Peckham, London, UK
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice; Othello


Date 20 March 1899
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice; Othello
Production Date(s) Monday 20 March 1899 to Saturday 25 March 1899
Venue Crown Theatre
Venue address Peckham
Time of performance 7.45pm
Stage Manager Charles Baldwin, H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven and [Telbin]
Music Director Orlando Powell
Document ID ET-D221 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes The Merchant of Venice (Mon, Sat), Madame Sans-Gene (Tue, Fri), Othello (Wed), Olivia (Thurs). Ellen Terry, Edith Craig and Frank Cooper.
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Crown Theatre Peckham Programme. Prices of admission private boxes £11s £1.11.6 & £2.2, Orchestra Stalls 4 3/4, Grand Circle front row 4[?] other row 3[?], balcony and pit stalls 2[?], pit and amphitheater 1[?], gallery [?]. Oldfield & Co printers, Ludgate Square, London. E.C.

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Topping & Spindler, (Hardaway & Topping) Flushing, Holland. Lincoln Handicap. Grand National Derby &c. Double and treble events. S.P. All races during the winter. The continental sportsman published twice daily during the season containing latest market movements on all important events, free on receipt of address. The oldest established and most extensive firm of its kind in the world. All letters to be addressed Flushing Holland. Postage 2 1/2d. Ye coffers! Ye settles! Ye buffets! Ye cupboards! Robt. Leonard & Son, Cliff St., Whitby, Yks. Antique furniture and China dealers. N.B - all the handsome carved oak wainscot and furniture in this Theatre was supplied by us. A splendid collection always in stock. Every Saturday. Price one penny. The Topical Times (established 1884). The smartest theatrical music hall and sporting paper of the week. Offices: - 14 York Street, Covent Garden, W.C. "Excel" Cocoa absolutely pure £10,000 reward! Packets and tins, 2/[?] per lb. "Few can equal, none can 'excel'" - Fun delicious aroma, dietetic, sustaining - vide analysts. Chocolate horseshoes (Registered). A superior chocolate in handsome boxes. "Souvenir" Boxes, the season's success, chocolate wafers a delicious chocolate, court chocolate the finest eating chocolate in handsome boxes. Sold everywhere or direct from Compagnie Francaise, Purveyors to H.R.R the Princess of Wales. London Works : Bermondsey, S.E. By Royal Warrant to Her Majesty The Queen. Dewar's Perth Whisky. To be obtained at all the Bars of this Theatre. Morris Angel & Son 117, Shaftesbury Avenue, Cambridge Circus costumes and military tailors to all London Theatres. Amateur performances attended in town or country. Estimates given. Reserved. H. Holdron, Cash, Draper, Milliner &c. Mantles & ladies outfitting (facing the station). General establishment. Rye Lane, Peckham, S.E. "The head that wears a crown...with all appliances and means to boot" Henry IV, 2nd part. The King's Head (host, Butler Meeting House Lane, Peckham). Near the Crown Theatre. Is the rendezvous for Pro. And Bon Vivant/. Where ease and comfort mates with good cheer. At one o'clock is luncheon at 5.30 dinners and suppers are served to order. Note : Mr. Fred Butler's personal attention to all come private room for professionals.

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Donald Fraser and Coy 22A, 24, 24A Rye Lane Peckham. We give the best possible value and most careful attention to our customers so as to command their regular and continuous patronage. Boys', youths' and gentlemen's clothing reading for wear. Largest selection in South London fully equal to the West End and City at much more reasonable prices. Little boys' smart fancy suits. 4/11, 5/11, 7/11, 10/6, 12/11, 15/9, 19/11, 25/9. Youths' suits (Latest designs in hardwearing tweeds) 7/11, 9/11, 12/11, 16/11, 21/6, 25/9, 29/6, 35/6, boys Eaton jackets and vests 14/11 to 27/- boys Eaton trousers 5/11 to 12/11. Gentlemen's jacket suits (in blue serge and fancy tweeds) 8/11, 24/6, 29/6, 34/6, 39/6, 44/6. Gentlemen's covert coats 12/11, 16/11, 24/6, 34/6. Christy's Hats. Silk Hats, 10/6, 12/6, 14/6, 16/6. Felt Hats, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6. Children's smart fancy hats and caps. Boys', youths', & gentlemen's hosiery, ties, gloves and shirts. Made to measure tailoring. Gentlemen's jacket suits 34/6, 37/6, 47/6, 54/6, 64/9/. Gentlemen's black jackets and vests. 25/6, 37/6, 39/6, 44/6, 49/6. Gentlemen's fancy trousers 10/6, 12/6, 14/11, 16/11, 18/11. Gentlemen's frock coats and vests covert coats and summer overcoats in all the smartest materials. First-class cutters only employed. Donald Fraser and Coy 22A, 24, 24A Rye Lane Peckham. Established 1851 Birkbeck Bank, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. Invested funds £10.000,000. The Birkbeck Almanack with full particulars post free. Francis Ravencroft, Manager. Programme. Crown Theatre, Ltd. Managing Director Mr. Isaac Cohen. Monday, March 20th 1899, and every evening at 7-45. Miss Ellen Terry, Mr. Frank Cooper and members of the Lyceum Theatre Company. Monday and Saturday, March 20th and 25th. Shakespeare Play. The Merchant of Venice. Shylock – Mr. Frank Copper, Bassanio – Mr. H. Cooper-Cliffe, Duke of Venice – Mr R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr William Mollison, Prince of Morocco – Mr. F. Daviss, Salaino – Mr. S. Lacy, Salarino, Mr. C. Elgar, Gratiano – Mr. Chas. Vane, Lorenzo, Mr. E. Blind, Tubal – Mr Lionel Belmore, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr Fuller Mellish, old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton, Jessica – Miss Edith Craig, Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Scenery by Hawes Craven and Telfin. Tuesday and Friday, March 21st and 24th, Madame Sans-Gene. A comedy in a prologue and three Acts by Victorien Sardou and Emilie Moreau, adapted by J. Comyns Carr. Napoleon – Mr. Fuller Mellish, Lefebvre – Mr. Frank Cooper – Fouche – Mr. W.M. Mollison, Conte de Niepperg – Mr. H. Cooper-Cliffe, Savary – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Despreaux – Mr. Chas Vane, Saint Marsan – Mr. E. Blind, Roustan – Mr. F. Daviss, Jasmin – Mr. S. Lacy, Leroy – Mr. T. Reynolds, Canonville – Mr. W. Clements, De-Brigode – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Caroline – Miss Ray Rockman, Elisa – Miss Edith Craig, Madame de Rovigo – Miss E. Davis, La Ronssotte – Miss G. Crichton, Julie – Miss M. Holland, Toinon – Miss E. Vining, Madame de Bulow – Miss Ada Mellon, Madame de Talhouet - Miss Munden, Madame de Canisy – Miss Kean, Madame de Brignolles – Miss Christian, Madame d' Aldobrandini – Miss Haines, A Neighbour – Miss Young, Lady in Waiting – Miss Dayne, Vabontrain – Mr. B. Bouchurch, Jolieoear – Mr. C. James, Rissout – Mr W. Marion, Vinaigro – Mr F. Haynes, Jardin – Mr. F. Meade, De Mortemart – Mr. W. Jones, Duroe – Mr. C. Leslie, Junot – Mr. W. Childs, De Lauriston – Mr. H. Cook, Constant – Mr. C. Elgar, Arnault – Mr. W. Graham, Raynouard – Mr. S. Tibbitts, Fontanes – Mr. F. Mackay, Catherine (Madam Sans-Gene) – Miss Ellen Terry. Ladies of the Court, Officers of the Emperor's Household, Washerwoman, Citizens, Guards &c. Scenery by Hawes Craven and Telfin. Wednesday, March 22nd, Shakespeare's Play Othello. Othello – Mr. Frank Cooper, Iago – Mr. W.M. Mollison, Brabantio – Mr H. Cooper-Cliffe, Cassio – Mr. Charles Vane, Roderigo – Mr. Fuller Mellish, Montano – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Duke of Venice – Mr. S. Lacy, Gratiano – Mr R. P. Tabb, Messenger – Mr. F. Daviss, First Senator – Mr. E. Blind, Second Senator – Mr. C. Elgar, Emilia – Miss Maud Milton, Desdemona – Miss Ellen Terry. Sailors, Messengers, Herald Officers and Attendants, scenery by Hawes Craven and Telfin. Thursday, March 23rd Olivia. A play in four Acts, by W. G. Wills, founded on an Episode in "The Vicar of Wakefield". Dr Primorse – Mr. W.M. Mollison, Moses – Mr. T. Reynolds, Squire Thornhill – Mr. Frank Cooper, Mr. Burchall – Mr. Fuller Mellish, Leigh – Mr. F. Daviss, Farmer Flanborough – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Polly Flanborough – Miss M. Holland, Phoebe – Miss Ada Mellon, Gipsy Woman – Miss Ray Rockman, Mrs Primrose – Miss Maud Milton, Dick and Bill – Miss Beatrice Terry and Miss Queenie Tarvin, Sophia – Miss Edith Craig, Olivia – Miss Ellen Terry. Villagers, Musicians, Parish Church, School master, Boys and Girls [?] Period 1750. Scenery by Hawes Craven and Telfin. Stage manager for Miss Ellen Terry – Mr. H.J. Loveday, Business manager for Miss Ellen Terry – Mr. W. H. Griffiths. Monday, March 27th, for one week (Good Friday excepted). First time of a new drama never before acted. The First Violin. Mr E, H. Vanderfelt and Company. Musical Director – Mr. Orlando Powell, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles Baldwin. Officers uniforms by Morris Angel & Sons, 117 Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Waitresses costumes by H. Holdson, Rye Lane. Pages' suits by Donald Fraser & Co, Rye Lane, (For the Crown Theatre). The London and Brighton Hotel adjoining Queens Road Station. Spacious saloon lounge. Billiard saloon. Best House of call to wait for trains, &c, to all parts alter Theatre. Allsopp's celebrated Ales and Stout on draught and in bottle are sold here exclusively. Crutcher's milk, purest, freshest and richest in cream. Delivered three times daily with a radius of three miles from the Hatcham dairy farms, 113, Queen's Road, Peckham, and Pomeroy Street, New Cross. Dance cycles (guaranteed) 9 to 16 Guineas. Construction reliable, finish unequalled. Rational rim brake (Patent). Patent rear luggage carrier, &c, &c. Inspection and criticism invited. The dance cycle co., 17, Queen's Road, Peckham, S.E. W. J. Henderson, wine and spirit merchant, "The Crown" High St., Peckham, S.E. Noted for the best bar and saloon lounge in Peckham. Provision merchant pork, poultry and game. Borland. 200 High Street, Peckham. Established 1851. Merrill Brothers, watchmakers, jewellers and opticians, 43 & 141, rye Lane, Peckham, and 293, New Cross Road, S.E. Chronometers, chronographs and all complicated watches and musical boxes, repaired on the premises. Clocks wound and kept in repair by contract or otherwise. Geo. Carter & Sons, 90, 92, 131, 137, 139, Rye Lane. Have the largest, freshest and best stock of hosiery, shirts, gloves, underclothing, &c. in Peckham. On trial will prove the superiority of our goods over all others. Geo. Jackson & Sons, 49, Rathbone Place, London, W. Manufacturers of relief decorations in fibrous plaster and carton pierre, for the crown theatre.

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Crown Theatre, Ltd. Refreshment Department.-Tariff. Circle and stalls. Whisky (Scotch or Irish) – 4d. Brandy – 4d. Gin – 4 d. Rum – 4d. Hollands – 4d. Liqueur Brandy – 6d. Ginger Brandy – 6d. Cherry Brandy – 6d. Port – 4d. & 6d. Sherry - 4d. & 6d. Claret – 4d. Chartreuse (Yellow or Green) – 6d. Monterey (Yellow or Green) – 6d. Curacoa – 6d. Kummel – 6d. Benedictine – 6d. Champagnes. Heidseick – 1889, 15/-; 1892-3, 12/6 Duminy 1889, 15/-; 1892-3, 12/6 Duetz and Cendermann 1889, 15/-; 1892-3, 12/6 Beers. Allsopp's Bitter Ale or Stout – per [?] - 2d Allsopp's Bitter Ale or Stout per large bottle – 8d Allsopp's Bitter Ale or Stout per small bottle – 4d. Tea or Coffee – 3d Fluid Beef – 4d. Mineral waters (Soda, Lemonade, Seltzer) - large 4d. Mineral waters (Soda, Lemonade, Seltzer) – small 2d. Mineral waters (Soda, Lemonade, Seltzer)(Apollinaris, Johannis, &c., &c.) Cakes, chocolate, fruit, &c., &c. Cigars – 1/-, 9d., 6d., 4d. and 3d. Cigarettes, "The Crown Packet" Virginia 4d.; Turkish 6d. Late trains, omnibuses and trams. From Peckham Rye Station L.C &D.R. For Denmark Hill, Loughborough Junction, Elephant and Castle, and St. Paul's, 11.26. For Nunhead, Brockley and Greenwich, 11.12, 11.39. For Crystal Palace, 11.12. From Queen's Road, (Peckham) L.B. & S.C.R. For London Bridge only, 11.5. For Old Kent Road, South Bermondsey and London Bridge, 11.0, 11.15, 11.59. For E. and N. Dulwich, Tulse Hill and Streatham, 10.45, 11.59. For Denmark Hill, East brixton, Clapham Road, Wandsworth Road, Battersea Park and Victoria, 10.40, 11.15, 11.50. For Deptford Road, Rotherhithe, Wapping, Shadwell, Whitechapel and Shoreditch, 10.53. Omnibuses from Rye Lane and High Street. From Hatcham, New Cross, Lewisham, Lee and Greenwich 10.37, 10.43, 10.54, 11.5. For Oxford Circus 10.52. For Dulwich (Barry Road) 11.10. For Kennington, Vauxhall and Victoria every 5 minutes up to 11.30. Trams every 3 minutes till For New Cross and Greenwich – 12.45. For Elephant and Castle, Waterloo, Westminster and Blackfriars – 11.28. The utmost trouble has been taken to render this table complete but of course the Company cannot hold themselves responsible for alterations. This space to let, in part or as a whole, at moderate prices. S. Davis & Co cash or credit not hire system. Suite complete £6.15.[?] terms to suit customers convenience. From £3 10s. Mail carts from 10/6, family hand machines from 21/-, bassinettes from 21/-. Entire house furnishers and manufacturers. Furnish your house on our well known easy payment system (not hire). No necessity to quote terms, as in all cases we suit customers convenience. Bed-room suites, dining-room suites, overmantles, carpets, linoleums, china and class, ironware. From 35/- send for illustrated lists post free. No collectors, Transactions strictly private. 73 & 75, High Street, Peckham, S.E. From 23. London branches period house, borough, S.E. 328, 330, Holloway Road, N. 125, Tottenham Court Road, 144, The Grove, Stratford. Wholesale deport and chief office. 241, 243, 245, 247 & 251, High Street., Borough, S.E.

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry was given a diamond brooch by the royal family for her stage jubilee in 1906.

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